Residence Life

Campus Parking Information

This information is needed if you are planning on having a vehicle on campus this year.  

ALL registered students, whether residing on or off-campus, who will be parking a vehicle on campus at any time, MUST pay the required fee and register their vehicle with SUPD using the online vehicle registration form. PLEASE NOTE that students may register up to two different vehicles. Parking decals are non-transferable. 

Your completed vehicle registration form will be directly submitted to SUPD. All student parking decals will be assigned accordingly and distributed via SU student mailbox located in McCombs Campus Center within 3-5 business days.

Students may park in any parking space designated by a green line across the entrance to the space. Students are not permitted to park in parking spaces designated by a white line. White line spaces are designated for faculty, staff, and visitors. Handicapped parking spaces located throughout campus are not restricted by a green or white line and are available to any vehicle legally displaying a handicapped license plate or placard. Violation of the parking regulations may result in fines or the loss of parking privileges. For additional parking information please refer to the student handbook and the Southwestern University Parking Plan map.

Students, whether residing on or off campus, who will not be parking a vehicle on campus at any time, MUST complete the online parking waiver. The charge will be removed from your student account once the waiver is processed.

Students contesting Southwestern University citations MUST complete the online traffic violations appeals form within 4 business days. The Committee on Traffic Safety and Control is composed of faculty, staff, and students who meet once per month. All appeal outcomes are emailed directly to the student’s SU address. All decisions of the Committee on Traffic Safety and Control are final.

Note #1: Flashing hazard lights do not excuse illegal parking.
Note #2: The third and all subsequent citations within one academic year will double the scheduled fine shown above.

If you have questions concerning these forms, please contact us at 512-863-1944 for assistance.  

Forms & Other Resources