Title IX

Online Reporting Form

Submit this form to make a report of sexual harassment, sex or gender discrimination, interpersonal violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature, or retaliation.

Report Here


While you may not have all the information, or you may choose to be anonymous, be prepared with the following information:

    • The names and contact information of individuals involved
    • The names and contact information for witnesses
    • Time, date, location of the incident(s)
    • A detailed description of the incident(s) exactly as you believe it occurred. To the extent possible, use specific factual information such as dates, times, locations, names, direct quotes, observed behavior or injuries.
    • List any evidence you believe may exist

What happens next?

    • The Title IX Coordinator will conduct a due diligence review of every report received.
    • If the harmed party (Complainant) is named, they will be provided with immediate support options, and information on grievance process options.
    • If the Complainant wants to proceed with a formal complaint, or an alternative resolution, the Title IX Coordinator will assist in this process.
    • There may be limited circumstances where the Title IX Coordinator will need to take formal action without the Complainants participation. If this happens, the Complainant will still have rights to be a witness and receive support measures.

What are resolution options?

    • Formal Complaint/Formal Grievance Process
      • Formal resolutions will require an investigation, witness meetings, and evidence review.
      • The matter will be resolved by convening a Hearing Board of decision-makers, which are often made up of three trained employees.
      • Employee-related formal matters may also be resolved by presenting the investigation evidence to a member of the President’s Staff as who will act as a decision-maker.
      • A formal complaint by the harmed party is required.
      • The only outcome is “responsible” or “not responsible”, based on the Preponderance of the Evidence Standard.
      • If a person is found “responsible”, a sanction will follow. Sanctions range in severity from a disciplinary probation, disciplinary probation with suspension of privileges, suspension, or expulsion.
      • Decisions may be appealed based only on these grounds: a procedural irregularity affected the outcome; new evidence that was not reasonably available at the time of the hearing; or, a conflict of interest or bias exists against the individual that affected the outcome.
    • Alternative Resolutions
      • Alternative remedies are optional for most complaints about sex-based harm,
      • These matters may be resolved in a manner that aids in restoring the situation and/or facilitates ongoing education for the person causing harm.
      • Generally, this involves structured intervention such as mediation, written impact letters, agreements about future interactions, or involvement in campus activities.
      • A written request made to the Title IX Coordinator is required, and then both parties must agree to the process.
      • If an agreement is reached by the parties, then the matter will close without the option for a formal resolution. If an agreement is not reached, then the matter will be resolved through formal resolution.