Title IX

Complainant Information

The term Complainant refers to someone who has been harmed by another member of the University, whether or not they bring forward a formal complaint. The Title IX Office will treat all parties with respect and ensure an investigation is executed as thoroughly, fairly and as efficiently as possible.

Emotional responses will differ from person to person. It is important to remember that your responses to sexual misconduct are normal reactions to a difficult situation or experience. You may choose to express your emotions outwardly or keep them to yourself. Personal style and culture may affect your emotional responses and reactions. Common feelings are anger, fear, feeling alone, and these may impact your daily life.

Seek help:
  • Confide in a trusted person about your experience and seek support.
  • Seek medical attention and preserving evidence can be done through BRAVE Alliance at (512)-738-8817, or the closest emergency room to campus is David’s Georgetown. Physical evidence such as clothes and sheets, should be placed in a paper bag.
  • To speak confidentially with someone before deciding whether to initiate the reporting process, you may contact the Health and Counseling Center at 512-863-1252 or the University Chaplain at 512-863-1527. After hours, you may contact SUPD at 512-863-1944, say: this is a confidential emergency, may I speak with a counselor, a nurse, or the chaplain.?
  • For non-confidential options, report to Law Enforcement, 9-1-1, or SUPD at 512-863-1944. Be advised, that reports of violence or sexual assault may require Law Enforcement to pursue charges against the accused person. 
Your Rights:
  • to request and be assisted in making academic and/or living arrangement changes which the University can reasonably accommodate, as prompted by and related to the circumstances of the case;
  • to request interim measures such as a No Contact Order with the other party, or witnesses;
  • to be informed in writing of time and date of the formal hearing and the charges against the Respondent;
  • to know the name of Witnesses;
  • to have an advisor;
  • to supply the Title IX Coordinator with a written statement, witnesses and any evidence in support of the complaint;
  • to have the right not to appear at the hearing;
  • to attend the entire hearing exclusive of closed sessions;
  • to provide questions to be asked of other parties, that will be asked at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator and/or healing board;
  • to be informed of the determination by the Hearing Board, and any sanctions that are applicable.
  • to be informed of the names of the pool of potential Hearing Board members at least 48 hours prior to the hearing; and
  • to request dismissal, with cause, of any potential member of the Hearing Board up to 24 hours before the hearing;
  • to be informed of how to appeal the determination and any appeal request made by the other party, and of the results of any appeal.