Student Research and Awards

Sociology Capstone & Honors Projects

Each December our sociology seniors present their capstone projects to the university community. Presentations are formal events and are typically held in the Prothro Room in the library. Each presentation lasts approximately 15 minutes and is followed by a brief Question and Answer session.

Fall 2022 sociology capstone presentations

Kenzie White, “ʻQueer asses in privateʼ: Transgender Women and Access to
Public Facilities”

Angel Ferrales, “Make Love Not Porn; Attitudes Towards Banning Online
Subscription Sexual Content Websites”

Riley Naugle, “Performing Gender through Clothing: ‘A Burden Imposed on Us
to Beautify Our Dying Flesh’”

Camryn Clegg, “Old Habits Die Hard: The refusal to acknowledge systemic
racism in the criminal justice system”

ThuyMi Phung, “‘There are always going to be the bad people who access the
guns’: Predictors of Americansʼ Perspectives on Gun Violence”

Katherine Holcomb, “ʻWithout a job you’re NOTHING in the USAʼ Predictors of
Attitudes About Homelessness”

Kamrin Taylor, “ʻCondemning People with Vaginas to Motherhoodʼ: Attitudes
about the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision”

Annie Bass, “ʻOur education system is completely brokenʼ: Americansʼ
Attitudes about Reforming the U.S. Public School System”

Noah Foster, “ʻSomeone flipping burgers should just make 25% less? Doesnʼt
Seem Right to me…ʼ Attitudes about Meritocracy and Minimum
Wage in the U.S.”