Student Research and Awards

Anthropology Conference Presentations

Every year, our anthropology majors present at regional conferences. This is an amazing professional opportunity that is typically supported through Fleming and department funds. These types of experiences set our majors apart from those at other universities and help them in the graduate/law school/job application process.

Anthropology Conference Presentations

2016 Southwestern Anthropological Association meetings, San Diego, CA

  • Emily Grover, “‘The Community is the Greatest Work of Art’: Texas Art, History, and Identity at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts”
  • Drew Kotlarczyk, ”‘Learn With It and Lean With It’: Disability, Accommodation, Power, and Identity in Higher Education”
  • Jen O’Neal, “‘Heart to Help’: Performing Whiteness in Development NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa”
  • Daniel Ross, “Black Country, White Wilderness: Conservation, Colonialism, and Conflict in Tasmania”

2015 Southwestern Anthropological Association meetings, Long Beach, CA

  • Julia Estrada, “You Ahead of the Game:  Exotic Dancers, Ambition, and Identities of Exploitation ”
  • Kaylynn Guerra, “The Importance of Well-Being:  Group Exercise Among Kunming’s Elderly Citizens”

  • Naima Kenny, “’Don’t Start Nothin’, Won’t Be Nothin”:  Navigating Intimate Spaces of Mixed Status”