Sociology & Anthropology

After Southwestern

Sociology and Anthropology provide students with skills in critical thinking, in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis, in understanding human interactions, group behaviors, and social organization, and in understanding cultural similarities and differences.

These skills are useful in a variety of employment settings, including social work and criminal justice; management, administration, and personnel work; marketing research and public relations, retailing, and consulting.

Students should establish an ongoing relationship with the Office of Career Services to help articulate their skills, sharpen their career objectives, and search effectively for jobs in their chosen field. Career Services offers numerous print and on-line resources to help Sociology and Anthropology majors think about jobs in which their special skills may be used.

To explore more sociology related career opportunities, visit this American Sociological Association site titled “Careers in Sociology.” 

In addition, many of our alumni are involved in some amazing work and are willing to talk to current students about their careers after the sociology and anthropology degree. Their contact information can be found in the Alumni Directory.