How to Apply


You understand the lengthy application process, and if you decide to reapply, we will be glad to work with you again. 

Before you decide to reapply

We encourage you to reflect on your previous application. 

  • Did it represent your strengths?
  • Was your motivation to pursue a career in medicine clearly stated?
  • What were the weaknesses of your first application (e.g., lack of clinical experience or research, low MCAT scores, a low GPA, poorly constructed essays or personal statement, or poor interview skills)? If you don’t know the weaknesses of your application, some medical schools offer to provide feedback on your application, so reach out and ask.
  • What have you done to strengthen your application and become a more competitive applicant?  Schools want to know what you have been up to. 
  • Do not plan to submit the exact same content. Consider reworking your experiences, personal statement, and secondary essays in your second application.
  • You might also want to reconsider who you have asked for a letter of recommendation.
  • You may decide to skip a cycle and spend a year enhancing your application before applying again by seeking clinical experience or by applying to postbaccalaureate programs.
  • You might reevaluate your school list so you can apply to schools that are a better match and/or schools that you did not apply to the first time.
  • If you need to retake the MCAT, be sure to prepare well. You want to improve. 
For alumni

Alumni seeking letters of evaluation for medical, dental, or veterinary school will be considered according to these guidelines:

  • You must contact the current chair of the Pre-Medical Advisory Committee, Dr. Maria Cuevas, of your intent to apply to medical, dental, or veterinary school by email Dr. Cuevas no later than December 1st.
  • If needed, you may be asked to interview (or re-interview if you had applied through the committee before) with members of the committee.
  • You need to submit a new application with any updated information. Contact Dr. Cuevas to received all the necessary forms.
  • You may request new letter of recommendation. If you have been working or are engaged in a post-baccalaureate program, it may be beneficial to ask your supervisor or a post-baccalaureate faculty member to write one for you.