For Current Students

Clubs and Honor Societies

Math Club / PME Chapter

The SU Math Club is a student chapter of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). It seeks to create a supportive community for anyone with a passion for mathematics, including professors, majors and non-majors. In the informal setting of the Chapman-Whitmore student lounge, students gain support, advice and friendship from their peers and their professors. Math Club members discuss which math classes to take, encourage and help each other to give talks at conferences, and learn how to put together an excellent application for grad school. They host informal seminars on everything from the mathematics of game shows to mathematical careers, play math Pictionary and go on math scavenger hunts, organize events like Pi Day, and through it all, gain a strong appreciation for the beauty and power of mathematics.

Pi Mu Epsilon (PME) is a national mathematics honor society established in 1914. In order to be inducted, undergraduate students must have had at least two years of college mathematics including calculus, completed their mathematical work with honor (at least B average), and are in the top one-third of their class in their general college work. Through membership, students have access to travel grants to attend national and regional conferences. Each year, the SU Texas Pi Chapter of PME invites a distinguished speaker to Southwestern and hosts an induction ceremony for new members.

To get updates on math club meetings, please join the su-maa Google Group through your SU email account.