Finding Aids

Thompson, Col. Harry James Papers

Manuscript Collection Number:
Col. Harry J. Thompson
Col. Harry J. Thompson Papers
Data Span:
1 document case (.4 l. ft)

Processed by: K. Stallard
Date Processed: 2015

  • No information available other than that Thompson wrote his MA thesis at the University of Maryland and his papers ended up at University of San Antonio.  UTSA donated them to the Tower Library at Southwestern in 2012.

  • The collection contains materials Thompson gathered during research for his MA thesis: Senator John Goodwin Tower of Texas; an examination of events leading to his election in 1961 and his reelection in 1966. Thesis (M.A.) – University of Maryland, 1968. Southwestern University has a copy of the thesis. The papers include original and photocopies of materials Tower’s office and campaigns created, correspondence, interview notes, questionnaires, responses to questionnaires, and studies. Thompson had responses from important Republicans, including George H. W. Bush, Peter O’Donnell, Albert Fay, and others.

  • 1.1 - Campaign - miscellaneous, 1961-62, 1966- Campaign memorabilia. 3 calling cards “For a 2-Party Texas… Elect John Tower U.S. Senator Special Election - May 27” [1961]; Austin Report, 1962; “MAD Mexican American Democrat for Tower” bumper sticker; Ken Towery Memorandum with Sen. Tower’s views on issues; “John Tower a proven leader” campaign booklet; grafiks report - campaign proposal; “Have you met John Tower” campaign flyer; “Getting your GOPolitical feet wet” flyer directed towards women volunteers; “Americans for constitutional action” news release, Sept. 1, 1966; Tower vs Waggoner Carr fact sheet; Campaign tour schedule - incl. visit to Georgetown

    1.2 - Interview notes, 1966-68- Notes from interviews with major Texas Republicans, Tower staff, campaign workers: Peter O’Donnell, Albert Fay, Mrs. Tower, Ken Towery, George Hester, Carolyn Ely, Mrs. Hardway, Mrs. Arsht, Mr. John Woolford, Mrs Harold Weaver and others.

    1.3 - Correspondence, 1967- Citizens for Tower for President Committee letter; letter written by Tower to Mr. Chet Hagan, NBC to share views in preparation for NBC’s “The Loyal Opposition”; memorandums.

    1.4 - Questionnaires, 1968- Sampled research requests written by Harry J. Thompson regarding his Master’s Thesis on the political career of Senator John G. Tower.

    1.5 - Studies, n.d., 1966-67- Studies as follows: Re-Election Campaign 1966 “All The King’s Horses And All The King’s Men, Couldn’t Put Waggoner In Office Again”; A History of the Texas Republican Party 1866 – 1966; An Analysis of the 1966 Elections in Texas for the Republican Party of Texas; Minority Voting Patterns in the 1966 U.S. Senate Election November 8,1966; A Political Profile of the State of Texas; County by County Tabulation of the votes cast at the General Election, November 8, 1966.

    1.6 - Questionnaires, 1968- Sampled responses to research requests by Harry J. Thompson. Response by George [H. W.] Bush, Jan. 22,1968.