Finding Aids

Orgain, William E. Papers

Manuscript Collection Number:
William E. Orgain
W.E. Orgain Papers
Data Span:

Processed by: Harris, Justin
Date Processed: 04/2001

  • William E. Orgain, a judge who lived in Beaumont, Texas, was a Southwestern University Trustee for twenty-three years (1917-1940). Orgain attended Southwestern University from 1899 to 1903. After his death, family members established a scholarship fund in his memory for students at Southwestern.

  • Bulk of papers is correspondence, both personal and business-related. Most of his correspondence consists of business and financial dealings of the university, including several pieces of correspondence concerning land in Brazoria County that the Standard Oil Company purchased from the university. The collection also contains minutes from Board of Trustees meetings throughout Orgain’s years of service to the university.

  • Box.Folder
    1.1 Southwestern University Correspondence, 1950 - 1953
    Correspondence from: Pearl Neas, E. L. Kurth, William C. Finch, Robert W. Hall; Subjects: University Finances, Monroe Chapman Scholarship Fund, Pure Oil Company, Standard Oil Company of California; Typed Article by Frank Bailey “I’m Going to Keep on Giving to my College”

    1.2 Lease of Southwestern University Land to Standard Oil Co. Of Kansas, 1935 - 1940
    Correspondents: Jack H. Meeks, Harry C. Wiess, John W. Bergin, E. A. Berry, C. C. Cody, I. J. McCook J. R. Milam, John W. Blue, E. A. Berry, Frank K. Stevens, Oscar E. Nelson, John W. Blue, King Vivion, J. S. Fox, Gillette Hill; Subjects: Humble Oil & Refining Company, Standard Oil and Gas Company, University Finances, First National Bank of Beaumont, Lease of Land with Standard Oil Company of Kansas, Brazoria Abstract Company, William Henry Survey, Galveston County

    1.3 Southwestern University Correspondence, 1938
    Correspondents: C. C. Cody, Jr., Marsh F. Smith, M. L. Graves, Ruth Ferguson, John W. Bergin, Carlos Davis, I. J. McCook, Charles T. Thrift, D. W. Wilcox, Ben D. Jackson, Geo. B. Darden, Minnie S. Behrens, F. W. Woodson, W. B. Browder, Paul G. Grogan, Lester K. McGuire, Nat Patton, R. G. Mood, Pearl A. Neas, Ben H. Powell; Subjects: Executive Committee Minutes of Meeting, Report of Business Manager

    1.4 Southwestern University Correspondence, 1939
    Correspondents: Ben H. Powell, C. C. Cody, Jr., A. Frank Smith, J. W. Bergin, John E. Green, E. L. Crain, J. M. West, Ernest L. Kurth, Carroll Orgain, Beth Orgain, I. J. McCook, Margaret McKennon, J. P. Cruse, Ruth Ferguson, Rosemond Stanford, M. L. Williams, J. S. Gillett, D. W. Wilcox, Marvin Behrene, W. H. Atwell; Subjects: Minutes of Meeting of Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Budget Session 1938-1939, Southwestern University Budget, Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees, Report by Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools on Southwestern University about I. J. McCook, Financial Report for Seven Months Ending

    1.5 Southwestern University Correspondence, 1940 - 1941
    Correspondents: John W. Bergin, C. C. Cody, Jr., Ruth Ferguson, J. S. Fox, I. J. McCook, J. R. Milam, Tom L. McCullough, Maxine Harris, Pearl Neas, Earle B. Mayfield , Jr., J. T. Sneed, J. W. Mills, Rolland Storey, Clement A. Boaz; Subjects: Executive Committee, Williamson County Sun, Southwestern University Megaphone, Students of 1940-1941 who are not enrolled in 1941-1942, Reasons students did not return in 1941-1942, Trustees-at-Large, Balance Sheet as of May 31, 1941, declination of acceptance for Trustee-at-Large, Resignation from Board of Trustees, Expenses of W. E. Orgain’s attendance at a Board Meeting May 8, 1941, Student petition to employ a Director of Religious Activities, Southwestern Life, Winter Meeting of Board of Trustees, Unofficial Financial Report from the Office of the Dean in 1940

    1.6 Southwestern University Correspondence, 1942 - 1943
    Correspondents: J. N. R. Score, John (?) (President of the “S” Association in 1943), C. C. Cody, Jr., Harold C. Cooke, A. Frank Smith, Tom L. McCullough, I. J. McCook, J. D. Wilcox, C. E. Peeples, Tom Connally, J. A. Ulio, Hazel Boies, Consuela Potter, Martin Dies, Lee O’Daniel, Walter Dibrell, Phillip Dibrell, John W. Bergin, E. L. Kurth, Pearl A. Neas, F. B. Rodgers, Ernest Pearcy, O. A. Ulrich, A. C. Smith, Ralph K. Huitt, Tom Johnson, Sam V. Stone, S. H. Miley, Hardy Hollers, ; Subjects: The Ex-Students Association, The “S” Association, Roster of Committees to the Board of Trustees, Article 1414, Tower-Goodwin Award, Lon Morris College, R. O. T. C. at Southwestern University, Inauguration of John Nelson Russel Score

    1.7 Southwestern University Correspondence, 1944 � 1950
    Correspondents: Mary Elizabeth Fox, William C. Finch, Pearl A. Neas, I. J. McCook, I. F. Betts, LaValle Cooper, E. L. Kurth, Kyle White, Ed S. Graham, Elmer L. Sevringhaus, E. L. Crain, J. N. R. Score, Jack Gillum, Jr., Homer T. Fort, M. Howard Knox; Subjects: Southwestern Legal Foundation, Keyser Lectures, Pure Oil Company, University Endowment, Building and gift of the Fine Arts Building, Stockholdings by the University, National Cash Register Company, Southwestern University Living Endowment Fund, Board of Trustees annual meeting, Southwestern Lectures, Financial Prospects list, Ex-Students’ News Newsletter, Southwestern University new Financial Plan of 1946 

    1.8 Southwestern University the Orgain Memorial Scholarships, 1945 - 1954
    Correspondents: Joe Bryan Watterson, I. J. McCook, J. N. R. Score, A. Frank Smith, Tom L. McCullough, Pearl A. Neas, Paul L. Quilliam, Guy F. Jones, J. C. Orgain; Subjects: Scholarship Recipients, National Lead Company, Receipts of establishment of Orgain Memorial Fund, Stocks held by Orgain and Southwestern to establish Orgain Memorial Scholarships