The Williamson County ballot will include Proposition C, a bond proposal to enable an expansion of Georgetown’s animal sheltering capacity.

More Information:

The Georgetown community struggles with overcrowding at the shelters. Statistics, below, are quoted from Oct 11th Community Impact article:

  1. The Georgetown Animal Shelter is regularly taking in more animals than it was intended to hold, according to the city.   A 2016 assessment poointed out the shelter would be at or above capacity by 2020.
  2. The Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter (WCRAS) is experiencing similar capacity issues…with  its dog capacity reaching 165% earlier this year.
  3. A facility feasibility study found the WCRAS would need to increase capacity by 1206 kennels  - bringing it to 240 total - to sustain 2035 intake prouections for dogs.

Please vote.

See SU Votes for more information about voting.

There will be a polling place on campus Tuesday, Nov 7th in Howry Center.