Discovering a sense of belonging can be daunting for many college students; however, at Southwestern, fraternities and sororities provide unique and transformative opportunities for students seeking lifelong friendships, personal development, and unforgettable memories. One such organization, Kappa Delta Chi (KDChi), is a sisterhood that has become a second family for its members.

Founded in 1987 at Texas Tech University by four visionary women, KDChi emerged with a mission to foster unity, leadership, and friendship among Hispanic women on campus. Over the past 30 years, they have strengthened their sisterhood through service and a commitment to unity, honesty, integrity, and leadership. The Southwestern chapter of KDChi was established on SU’s campus on April 17th, 2010, as the first multicultural Greek-letter organization. Their goal is to empower its members from diverse backgrounds to pursue higher education, develop leadership skills, and build a global network of professionals, all while making meaningful contributions to their communities.

“Our core values are at the heart of our organization, and these principles encompass much of what defines us, especially given our smaller presence on campus,” chapter President Aspen Coriz-Romero ’24 explained. “Within our tight-knit community, every member can step into leadership roles and actively contribute to our chapter’s functioning, a unique aspect we cherish. This environment empowers us to find confidence in ourselves and fosters open communication as we all get to know each other intimately.”

While KDChi has a national philanthropy, the American Cancer Society, the Southwestern chapter predominantly focuses on locally based service projects. They have engaged in various community initiatives, such as assembling care packages for Helping Hands of Georgetown, preparing backpacks to support unhoused individuals, and organizing campus clean-up efforts. These endeavors allow them to make a tangible impact in their backyard.

What truly sets KDChi apart from other campus organizations is its sisterhood. Whether it is gathering weekly for chapter meetings, organizing recruitment events, or murder-mystery-themed holiday parties, the members all express adoration for one another and the unique bond they share. One member, Laurel Mulkey ’24, shared that the sisters supported her in one of the most challenging periods of her life when her father passed away last year. During this time, the other members prepared Mulkey’s favorite dish, penned a heartfelt letter, and delivered both to her home.

“It was an incredibly special moment. It reminded me that I have these wonderful people I can lean on and that I wasn’t facing everything alone. This feeling of support is something I hold dear and wish to extend to new members to show them that we genuinely stand by each other,” Mulkey said. “These moments, where we rally around one another, especially during challenging times, speak louder than words and truly embody the sense of community and care that I aim to keep alive in my life.”

Another cornerstone of KDChi is the recruitment process. It is an extensive eight-week journey of service hours, study commitments, and sisterly bonding activities. The chapter wants to ensure they are the right fit for potential new members before fully committing, foregoing the traditional bidding processes that Panhellenic sororities use. The service requirements also stand out, with new members mandated to complete 30 service hours, including five group service projects, while active members must fulfill 25 service hours per semester. Their dedication to service takes various forms, from group projects and on-campus activities to remote opportunities, like transcribing for Congress. Service is an integral part of KDChi’s identity, and the members carry its importance with great pride.

“Halfway through the eight-week process, we conduct a review, offering an opportunity for members to refine their professionalism and interview skills. We continue with additional meetings and incorporate fun activities, including a big-little event. At the end of the process, we conduct a final review to assess the growth and development of our new members,” New Member Educator Angel Ferrales ’24 said.

For current Southwestern students looking to get involved with KDChi, their chapter website and Instagram are excellent starting points with a wealth of information about the organization and its members. It is also a great way to stay updated on their upcoming events and activities.

“If you’d like to connect with us, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our members are incredibly friendly, approachable, and happy to answer any questions. Alternatively, if you prefer using email, you can contact us at,” Coriz-Romero said. “We genuinely want to make it easy for you to reach out and connect with us, so don’t be hesitant; we’re a welcoming and approachable group, and there’s no need to feel intimidated.”