Poor Grandpa Kitty! One look at him and you say “Oh, poor, poor kitty, who cares for you?” He appears to have every kind of irritation…ear mites, fleas, allergies, and healing wounds from cat fights. He is needy, and wanty, and hovers around the food bowl with an intense desire to be first to eat every time a human brings food.

Where did he come from? What are we to do with this poor boy?

The year 2022 brought Grandpa Kitty to the Southwestern University campus from origins unknown. He found his way to Mabee Residence Hall, where a Cat Partners feeding station provides food for two other campus cats, and the occasional opossum.

Grandpa Kitty is hard to dislike. The opossum likes him. Except for the fact that he insists on eating FIRST, the other cats, Princess and Pumpkin, like him. The human feeders really like him. His best friend is SU Police Officer Joe Ribar, who checks on him during nightly security rounds. Indeed, Grandpa Kitty spreads his affection widely among staff, students, and other visitors. And his care and future is the top priority of the Cat Partners student organization. A plan is in place and action items are being checked off daily:

  • Done: Veterinary Clinic visit
  • Done: Revolution Plus flea and tick topical treatment
  • In Progress: Neuter, vaccination, and micro-chip
  • In Progress: Adoption

Don’t you worry about Grandpa Kitty. We have a plan for his future! It will take a little money, and a little time, but he is on a path to healthy living and adoption. In the meantime, stop by the Cat Partner’s feeding station outside Mabee Residence Hall and give him a pet on the head, a toy to play with, or a kitty treat. He will be your friend in no time!  Please do not let him inside the building, no matter how much he begs.

Donations to Cat Partners are always welcome, any day of the year!