Howdy there! I am from the small town of Centerville, Texas currently majoring in Political Science and Communications Studies with a minor in Business. You can find me volunteering or working in several different places on campus. I am an Office of Admission Ambassador, Membership Chair of the Student Philanthropy Council, Vice-President of the Student Government Association, Business Club member, Student Foundation member, Honor Code Council member, member of the Iota chapter of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, and part of the Pirate Hosts. I also serve on the Staff Steering Committee, and the Committee on Advising, Retention, and Enrollment. One of the biggest reasons for me joining the Southwestern community was because I wanted to go to a school where I could be someone rather than someone of thousands of other students. At Southwestern I found just what I was looking for. SU has given me so many opportunities to get involved in various clubs and organizations that coincide with my many interests. The best thing about being involved on campus is that I have the opportunity to be a part of so many wonderful organizations instead of just focusing on one thing and one thing only. Not only have my experiences of being a part of student organizations on campus helped me grow as a person and gain crucial skills in leadership and responsibility, but I have also gained many close friendships through my involvement on campus. I am grateful for the many opportunities Southwestern affords me to become a better version of myself.