We have all watched in horror and with deep sadness as Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, and countless others have been murdered at the hands of police or neighborhood vigilantes. Southwestern University acknowledges the fear, anger, sadness, and disgust we all feel over the lack of progress in protecting Black and Brown Americans from acts of violence, racism, and injustice. It is important for the entire SU community to understand the impacts that these murders—and the ongoing burden of fear—have on our Black and Brown students, faculty, and staff, as well as people of color everywhere. We stand in solidarity with all who affirm that Black Lives Matter.

The history of racial violence in this country has led to a legacy of horrific and relentless heartbreak, inequity, and devastation to Black families and their communities. This also affects deeply our own Southwestern University community and especially harms our Black students, faculty, staff, and alumni. As an intellectual community committed to learning and seeking truth and based on our mission and values, we must reflect on our own failures and address inequities, and we must do better.

As a University, we are committed to continuing our efforts to become a better institution. Your engagement is welcomed and necessary. 

In order to end discrimination and violence experienced by marginalized people on this campus and across the globe, we ask that you continue to hold the university accountable for our actions, words, and deeds. We understand accountability is a never-ending and fluid process. At Southwestern, accountability means we must examine our own institutional practices that lead to and maintain racial and other forms of inequity. We must also dismantle systems of oppression that deny people opportunities. Our university must also be thoughtful about our influence not only in our own community but the world at large. 

We invite everyone in our community to speak up, tell your story, add to the conversation, uplift others, examine your biases, and take action. In the coming days, we will create a conversation forum so everyone can participate in multiple discussions and share resources.

The core purpose of Southwestern University is to foster a liberal-arts community whose values and actions encourage contributions toward the well-being of humanity. This means the well-being of all of humanity. Therefore, as a community, we ask for your support of our Black students, staff, faculty, alumni, and people of color everywhere. Black Lives Matter!

Add your name in support.

Dale Knobel, Interim President
Alisa Gaunder, Dean of the Faculty
Tom Delahunt, Vice President for Strategic Recruitment and Enrollment
Craig Erwin, Vice President for Finance and Administration
Terri Johnson, Assistant Dean for Student Multicultural Affairs and Co-Chair, Diversity Enrichment Committee
Alicia Moore, Chair, Education Department and Chair, Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging & Equity Task Force
Scarlett J. Moss ’86, Vice President for Integrated Communications
Paul Secord, Vice President for University Relations
Jaime Woody, Vice President for Student Life

889 Signees

Adrianna Flores-Vivas
Georgina German Assistant Women’s Basketball coach
Lisa Hudson, ‘16
Michelle Wright ’94
Ella Stewart
Will Lord
Valerie Hester
Jorge Luis Castillo ‘24
Julia McDonald Bulhof ’18
Kimberly vlasin
Jean-Marc Pruit ‘13
Nickoloz Snovely
Emmett Tassin
John Jenkins KA member and ‘03 alum
Kim Sabin
Karen Sahl Dunphy ‘88
Leslie Williamson ‘88
Elisabeth Evans ‘88
Julie Brister ’88
Adrian Morales ‘22
Ryan Gallo
Sebastian Villamil ‘17
Steven Resnik
Taylor Martin ’14
Mitchell Markey
Rhoads MacGuire
Corbett Austin ‘13
Achilles Armendariz
Dax Collison ‘15
Jonathan Eguía
Jeremy Wilson
Carson Dorsey
J. Michael Party Jr 2010
John Santry
Allison Hewett
Laura Hinson
John Marrero
Julián Noyola
Carrie Hernandez
Athena Pinero ’20
Phoebe Whyte
Carol Cody Herder
Heidi Cephus ’03
Corinne Pukys
Lacee Mims
Caden Cox
Jonathan Kessler ‘07
Sarah Bowen
Sierra Scruggs ’24
Emily J Latour
Michael A Montgomery - Assistant Baseball Coach
Laura Yaple Bradham ‘86
Janey and Bill Rives ’74
Beth Herndon Coetzee 1975
Julie McCammon
Nettie Ruth Bratton
Rev John F Yeaman, LMSW
Merriman Morton ‘63
Lenore Jackson
Sylvia Hughes Ragsdale ’62
Stacy L Griffin ‘72
Jodie Magness Steger
Chris Cragg
Shana Winter
Jackson Winder
Krysta Rivero
Noah Dennis
Ella Ruehr
Michelle Nguyen
Owen Steinle
Dani Green
Lauren Muskara
Aminadab Corral Arras
Robert Berthold
Maxie Duran Hardin ’73
Julie Cowley
Sarah Norris ‘68
Susan Hilgeman Moreno
Kenneth Witherspoon
Lillian Boren Anfosso
Mary Aubra Tidwell, ’67
David Williamson
Ellie Evans
Annie Wang
Megan Pettit
Kay Walker
Suzanne Blake
Ed Bahr
Henry Joyner
Marjie LaRowe
Amy Reif Jones
Jeff Daniel Class of 89
Monica Zorrilla Kosterlitzky
Morgan Martin
Aaron Williams
Pam Bush
Jim Bankston
Ken Snodgrass
Blake Stanford
Stephen G. Tipps, board chair
Robin K. Weinburgh, JD
Amanda McMillian ‘95
Mary Bray
Kaitlyn DeHaven
Jennifer Frias, Assistant Director of Student Activities
Lupita Vazquez Reyes
Leslie M Ford
Nicole Hines
Jeanne Clifford Weiss ’83
Faustine Curry
Oliver Agger-Shelton, Assistant Director of Student Activities
Sally Louise Ray, JD, MA, LPC
Judge Paul Womack
Jacy Mackenroth
Katherine Kerr Kubatzky
Yolanda Cazares Rivera, RN ‘77
Dave Stones
Gianni Taisague
Thomas McClendon, Professor Emeritus of History
Rana Sanders
Toya McClurkan
Chareena Crawford ’20
Grace Biltz
Judi Frinstein
Sheila Henderson
Lavonne Heacock, 1978 BA Psychology
Otha Bell
Marie Camp
Diane Dancer
Dennis Simpson
CJ Jackson
Grace Bourgeois
M. Wilkov
Susan Jones
Melba and Walt Doering
R. Weimer HHG
Tom Sourbeer
Kathy Henderson
Nancy Krenek
Sean McClurkan, Past President, San Gabriel UU Fellowship
Barbara and George Brightwell
Stephen C Macy
Jim Deuser
Robert Roeder
Rev. Harriett Jones
Tori Klein
Norma Aguirre Gaines, ‘08
Meaghan Bellande, Assistant Director of Study Abroad and International Student Services
Robert Radford
Ruth Kathleen Todd
Fred Hilgeman
Bob Mathis
Eric Oden
Steve Davidson, Professor Emeritus of History
Rev. Lou Snead
Finn Bishop
Nicole McZeal Walters, Ed.D
Tiffany Chadwick
Gissell Perez
Emma Partain
Lashelle Williams ‘15
John Norcott
ELi Davila
Tanmai Korapala
Lauren Fulenwider
Jillian Reese
Caroline Gaspard ‘16
Laura Skandera-Trombley
Paige Evans
Nick Hurter ‘17
Linsey Jensen
Vickie Keith, Zumba®️ Instructor
Morgan Forteith ‘19
Briana Wills
James Wills
Bennie Peele
Rochelle Peele
Eileen Cleere, Professor of English
Emma Astad
Karen Tennis, Assistant Softball Coach
Mimi Tarantino (Tang) ’08
Akili Moore
Julie Klaus
Diana Truumees
Jazmin Reyes
Paige McShan
Alleen Koenig
Zoe Forde
Hannah Jury
Samantha Alvarado
Erma Lewis-Wills
Emma Frey
Nettie Ruth Bratton
Kelly Lessard, Administrative Assistant to Faculty
Sophia Karim
Brianna Whitfield-Pintarell ‘15
Stan. D. Urground
Katherine kemper 2012
Jo Liza Barrera ‘16
Ryan Galloway
Jordan VanNess ‘16
Suzanne Chamier
Sarah Johnson
Dr. Charlotte Parramore
Sherlyn Ong
Luz Valenzuela
Georgianne Hewett ’90
Jerry Brody
Megan Firestone
Brandon Berry ’20
Pat McNeil
Megan Crinklaw ‘23
Mary Del Rosario
Donte Houston
Maureen Rendon
Jennifer Mann ‘98
Melba and Walt Doering
Lindsay Holtz
Camden Scruggs
Marissa Morin ’19
Allison Everett ’13, Resident Director
Isaac Steffes
Kim Delahunt
John Osborn, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Anne Jordan
Katie Rydell ’21
Milton S. Jordan, Class of 1962
Caroline McCain
Kate Sarahan
Thomas Delahunt Sr.
Elizabeth Delahunt
Ryan Emily Delahunt
Jose Morales
Claire Smith
Jazmin Howard
Jenny Terry Roberts ’95, Center for Career & Professional Development
Zoe Wilson
Brigit Reese
Loretta Waclawczyk
Patrick Veerkamp
Leah Horick
Joshua Long, Chair, SU Environmental Studies Program
Liliana Rodriguez
Veroaylin Campos
Renee Burrell, Academic Success Coordinator
Joseph Nielsen
Lindsey McCasland
Dotty Culig
Natalie Gierat
Katie Ludtke Spillar ‘04
Aaron García ‘17
Jeanette Montalvo
Kim Ralph ’12
Audrey Colegrove
Scott Sandoval
Saroj Dhital
Carmen L. Velez
Liam Vela
Blake Stilwell
Katherine Freeman
Emmett Griffin-Baldwin
Matthew White
Jamar Keaton
Lillian Atkinson
Kindell Carter
Jasmyne Hernandez ‘24
Noël Pratts ‘21
Calvin Williams, ‘23 Southwestern MBB
Nikki Klinglesmith ’17
Kenny Klinglesmith ’15
Carol Fonken
Lynn Parr Mock ’83
Zinnia Blackett
Daniel Gonzalez
Azima Poonawala Sikora
Denise Sandoval- educator
Lisa Dela Cruz, Director of Mosaic
Julie Sievers
Lesli Mitchell
M. Irvin, ECSE Educator
Makaylee Frederick ‘17
Kristina Michelle King
Monique Smith
Victoria McKay
Calvin Smith
Lauren Light
Christina Hadly ’13
Lois Durant
Lauren Elliott ’14
Christian Sylling
Rhoda Hijazi
Sarah Munger ‘14
Whitney Moore ‘12
Marie Worsham, Psychologist, Counseling and Health Center
Rowan Prothro
Joshua Im
Lucero Piña ’15
Avery Doolittle
Emily Tesmer ‘20
Emily Wick Eng
John Curry
Angela Labenski - Campus Operator
Markell Henderson
Barrett Taylor ’98
Rev. Laura Arellano-Davis, ’03
Zeest Hamid Khan ’24
Cliff Miller
Kelsey Melton
Cindy Cruz
Debbie Shepherd
Tracy Smith
Cindy Cruz
Theresa Zelasko, Outreach & Information Literacy Librarian
Becky Rodriguez, Alumni and Parent Relations
Marie Nugpo, 18’
William Dunn
Jeanne Spencer
Amanda Griffin
Wren Bridgwater
Karen Fruge
Ellie Crowley ’19
Sharal A. Brown
Diana Perez
Willie M. Jones
Nicole Rajtak
Marco Carvalho, Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach
Kristi B Stanford
Katie Rydell ‘21
Ben Belz, Assistant Director of Integrative Learning
Stephen Marble
Dena Garcia
Laura Polanco
Angeles Rodriguez C.
April Hampton Perez ’89
Elizabeth (Liz Guillory) Medina ‘97 Alumni Council
Will Price ’19, Systems Developer
Elaine Riley
Eric Selbin #WeAreSU
Kat Garza
Latoya Jenkins, Executive Assistant, Finance & Administration
Cindy Weigand
Susie Bullock, Administrative Assistant to the faculty of the Olin building
Willis Weigand, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Curt Snyder
Danielle Ezzell
Tish Owen
Officer Donald Klepac, SUPD
Cayla Cano
Jean Whewell
Sally Volling
Bryce Debbs
Miles Elsey ‘08
David Arellano
Nila Dhinaker ‘23
Nila Dhinaker
Kylin Lee, Psychologist at the Counseling Center
Sandi Nenga
Julianne Snape, Interim Dir. of Spiritual and Religious Life/Chaplain
Natasha Williams
Melissa Williamson
Hal Hoeppner
Charli Grigas Ganski
Michael Cooper, Professor of Music
Kyle Koronka
Frances Hawkins
Taylor Adams, Assistant Director of Advancement Services
Elizabeth Yeager
Kayla Juarez ‘18
Purna Bajekal ’17
Lamiyah Bahrainwala
Michel Navarrette
Derek Timourian, Associate Dean for Student Life
Joshua Truitt
Julie Hudson
Kent Huntsman, Associate Vice President for Development
Shannon Irish Foster ‘95
Becca Horton Epperley ‘07
Lara Herreid ‘17
Emma Martinsen ‘14
Roxanne Barnes ’91
Scott McLean, Professor of Kinesiology
Sharon Smith ‘03
Meaghen Murphy ‘96
Matt Sanford
Arthur García III ‘17
Kyle Zuhlke ‘20
LeAnn Huynh
Sylvia Mayer, ’01
Carley Arnold ’14
Dr. Auzimuth Shane Jackson ’14
Travis Ulbrich
Abby McGee ‘23
Sarah Ally
Zoe Wilson
Keaton Patterson
Sara Cowan ‘18
Romania “24
Lena Wong, ‘14
Coryn Hauk ’21
Coryn Hauk ’21
Janet Del Real ‘10
Julie Swets ‘18
Paige Bonner ’92
Princess Robert
Jacob Lipp ’00
Kylee Nichols ‘23
Mackenzie Spence ‘21
Kaitlyn Campbell ‘17
Mackenzie Spence
Ed Hillis
David-Alvin Quinton ’19-Former EMPIRE member
Mary-Luisa Berges, ’07
Adrienne Vlasin Ruhnow, ’97
Audrey Payton
Quade White
Katie Rosenkrantz
Brianna Ricker ‘16
Jim Seals
Elena Clark ‘24
Bilal Kahn ‘23
Alexis Guajardo
Kelyn Rola Disbennett
Nathan Tuttle ’14
Maya Adighibe, M.B.A. ‘15
Jax De La Cruz-Luera ’20
Layla Sinno
Arbye Curtis, 06
Angela Cortinas Canales
Naomi Reed, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Andrea Hern
Lauren Wheat
Eric Coronado Jr
Conner Joyce
Lauren David, ‘12
Maranda Joyce
Kate Castles
Ella Stewart ‘24
Annie Peterson
Daniel Orozco, CCPD
Angelica Flores
Taylor Williams
Vanessa Saldivar ‘21
Summer Elliott
Kalyn Horst ‘08
Bri Urukalo
Morelia Hernandez
Matthew Barnes ’06
Elizabeth Barry ‘21
Katherine Maykopet
Beverlyn Osoro
Gabrielle Eggleston Mortensen, 2012
Alexandra Moore ‘20
Hannah Freeman
Craig McKinney, ‘91 Alumni Council
Marisa D’Errico
Carolyn Cravey ‘22
Grace Bonilla
Cate Madeley Stephens, ’09
Emily Gottsman
Darby Stowers
Kristina Michelle King
Angel Cantu ‘21
Megan Wagner ‘13
Amanda Elise Mohammed-Strait ‘08
Amanda Elise Mohammed-Strait
Reed Rallojay
Hector Ruiz ‘10
Susan Stubbs
Veronica Espinosa ’19
Lauren McPhail Robertson ‘08
Matt Harper ‘10
Demitra Tomasides
Hauw Lie ‘96
Sharon Commons Johnson, Retired Associate Professor of Education
Beka Perlstein
Lesley Schwind Bevil ‘08
Jacob Fly, student
Lizette Villarreal ‘13
Alexander Wilhelm ‘19
Lizette Goodloe ‘04
Victoria Dominguez-Edington ‘11
Allison Byrom ‘22
Lee Silva Ferguson ‘95
Ben Jermaine Woods
Kimberly Smith, Professor and Chair of Art History
Sara McManus
Teresa Cropper
Denise Barnes
Laura Lancaster Faulk ’78, parent ’14, Alumni Council
Alisa Norris
Meagan Bialostosky ’05
Melanie Lim
Katherine Altobello ‘99
Abby Brody
Gaby Flores, Assistant Professor of Business
Rachel Blakeslee ‘11
Anna Krolikowski
Yasmin Mansur
Hailey David ‘18
Randy Erben
Jacob Schrum ’06, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Noelia Cigarroa-Cooke
Katie Elder
Hannah Egbert
Samuel Cox ‘19
Preston Morgan ’09
LeeAnne Richardson Hill - ‘89
Veronica Jones
Ashley Cole ‘05
Keegan Taylor ’15
Amanda Parr, Senior Director of Development
Emma Lynch, ’15
Renee Walker ‘18
Pat Murray, Sergeant, University Police
Nekia Tharps Becerra ‘12
Kelly Anderson Goodson ‘10
Robert Goodson ‘09
Natasha Perez-Krause
Morgan Stinnett ‘19
Brock Boudoin ‘16
Denise Alexander
Hannah Kaplan ‘23
Xavier Jazz Vallejo 23’
Jacquie Muir-Broaddus
Jake Holmes ‘19
Mia Zozobrado ‘17
Katherine Grooms
Jennifer Fleming
Reginald Byron, Associate Professor of Sociology
Trayce Kaplan
Naomi Brown ’20
Emilie Fisher ’18
Danielle Stapleton ‘05
Andre D. Marks
Corban Ruiz
Danielle VanZandt, ’14
Kadidiatou Magassa ‘13
Melanie Theriault ‘17
Lou Leman
Miguel Zorrilla
John Curry
Laura Sewell ‘95, Director of the Sarofim School of Fine Arts Administration
Desiderio Royal, Professor of Theatre and Chair
Kevela Kirby
Hunter Bajoit
Alissa Muir
John Stinnett
Latoya Merida
Morgan Wiesner
Sydney Harkrider ‘19
Adrienne Inglis, flute instructor
Phillip Keys
Tangelia Pruitt
Pam Leatherwood
Amiel Padayhag
Shannon Bennett
Clayton Mann
Jacob C. Brown
Monica Maldonado Williams
Deborah Cowan Secord
Amanda Ramirez
Darien Kubik Wilson ’93
Michael Sullivan
Daryl Allen ‘93
Zarine Parakh
Alexis Dimanche 20’
Leo Toussaint
Sydney Seavey
Sam Dawson
John Ross, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Christian Erben ‘21
Madeline Carrola
Logan Holmes
Dyana Shearer ’19
Jasmine Herrera
Samuel LeCompte ’16
Sarah M. Salinas, M.A. Class of 2008
Kacie Stehling, ‘09
Grace Josey Pyka ‘05, Alumni and Parent Relations
Don Flora, Head Women’s Volleyball Coach
Everett Van Maren
Vanna Tran
Laura Sewell ‘95, Director of the Sarofim School of Fine Arts Administration
Don Flora, Head VB Coach
Henna Karedia ’19
Grace Sexton ’22
Sharon Mueller Rone
Amy Gu ‘17
Monya Lemery, Director of Study Abroad and International Student Services
Huong “Alex” Le 17’
Bruce A. Cain
Christine Gutierrez ‘20
Christina DIAZ, ‘93
Austin Painchaud ‘13
Cassandra McZeal
Brian Jackson ’95
Tracy Machu ’05
Aleena Khan
Rachel McNally, Psychologist in the Counseling and Health Center
Haley Renshaw
Shannon Mariotti
Maria Cuevas
Patrick Keenan ‘11
Erin Flessner
Greta Colombo
Jan Dawson
Jayden Hughes
Cameron Henkel ’20
Haylee Roldan
Karla Hill
Amy Tharp Nylund ’95
Rochelle Morga
Isabel Calleja
Daniel Millerhouse ‘04
Katie Howard, Visiting Asst Professor, Philosophy
Michael Cooper
Hannah Mincey ‘17
Randy Flowers
Vickie Bryant
Caitlin Babb
Julia Tape ‘19
Sarah Millerhouse ‘05
Dustin Norman, Head Men’s Soccer Coach
Michael Cooper
Noah Clark
Teagan Downey
Lauren Gonzales
Colin Daniels, M.A. ‘14
Anabell Chavez Alvarez ’97
Arleetha Wash
Jillian Klumbach
Alec Bergerson
Kara Koinis Bergerson ‘14
Dr. Kenneth Mello
Emily Sydnor, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Alyssa Lester ‘16
Alejandro Batt
Matt Madsen
Olivia Stankus
Sarah Brackmann, Sr. Director of Integrative and Community-Engaged Learning
Skye George
Margaret Boos ’08
James Jumonville
Camille Martin ‘19
Kendall Guidroz
Talitha E. Morton, DO
Regina A. Earls
Brooke Hughes ’20
Zoe Cordes Selbin, Class of 2015
Jennifer Marciniak, Director of the Debby Ellis Writing Center
Alicia Jumonville
Julia Strange ‘12
Ron Swain, retired Senior Advisor to the President
Carson Savrick ‘15
Sarah Sarahan ‘90
Sydnee Waldon
Valerie Acosta
Allison Miller, Associate Professor of Art History
Sarah Friday
Julia McDonald ‘18
Robert Robuck ‘21
Leslie Lube ‘10
Angela McCurry
Corinne Johnson
Stefanie Alvarez
Mariana Ormeño
Maize Hamilton
Meili Criezis ’17
Coty Maypole-Keenan
Donna Worley, ‘80
Katherine Samples
Matt Worley ‘80
Rebecca Rother
Matthew Christl
J. Austin Baker, II
Emily Niemeyer
Glenn Schwab
Kyra Leal ’15
Ashton Eggers
Kathleen Juhl
Carolyn Kucera ‘15
Kenneth Eboh, Head Track & Field - Assistant Football Coach
Shareen Addison
Brooke Guthrie
Katy Jones Savrick, ‘15
Xan Koonce ‘05, Associate Director of University Events
Maria Lowe, Professor of Sociology, DIBE Taskforce Member
Karen Marshall
Pauline Davis
Carla Thomas Josey
Lilly Percifield
Savannah Laporte
Arturo Jimenez ’23
Ryan Collins
Annabel Fidler
Dominic Gomez ‘21, Kappa Sigma, Iota Chapter President
Meilee D. Bridges
Jessica Jones
Nichole Aguirre
Megan Jimenez
Natalie Owen ‘21
Ernie Jimenez
Jason Hoogerhyde, Associate Professor of Music
Worth Payton ‘18
Veronica Johnson, Sustainability Coordinator
Sergio Costola, Director of Paideia and Ass. Prof. of Theatre
Jeanne Wehde Class of 2015
Julia Giroux
Olivia A. Brooks
Keamber McCracken
Katie Barker Freeman ‘11
Darian Dodson
Olivia A. Brooks
Darian Dodson
Jessica Guerrero ‘08
Brenda Sendejo, Associate Professor and Chair, Feminist Studies
Zoe Watts
Julianna Mouat ‘21
Blake Sondgeroth
Sean Calvert
Blake Sondgeroth
Melissa Johnson, Professor of Anthropology, Chair of Sociology and Anthropology, Chair of Race and Ethnicity Studies
Sherry Adrian
Melissa Johson
Nichole Fleming Cole, MD
Erica Pineda
Lane Duncan
Sydney Cole
Frédéric Dimanche
Lee Silverberg ‘95
Mary Smith
Kayla Good
Tina Molina
Jake Stagner, ’20
Karen Hanson-Flowers ‘75, Parent ‘13, Board of Visitors
Stan Kannegieter ’19
Lacy Rohre
Jasper Stone ‘19
Katy Moore
Allison Trammell
Sam Buehler
Ben Pierce, Professor of Biology
Catherine Cook
Paige Duggins-Clay
Katya piekarski
Lillian Dolapchiev
Daniel Winkler
Alison Marr, Professor of Mathematics
Kristen Paxson, Marketing Operations Manager
Nafisa Nazeer
Elijah Norris
Nadia Mahannah
Cassandra Keimig
Adam Winkler ’04
Ben Garcia
Laura Senio Blair, Professor of Spanish
Erika Berroth, Associate Professor of German
Christy Adkins
Ayala Porat
Dean Dulthummon
Chad Ellis
Alexis Bawcom 22
Jen Smull
Sonya Robinson, Sr. Director of Foundation Relations
Abi Peterson
Lovely Lopez
Barbara Anthony
Abi Peterson
Kiyoshi Tamagawa, Professor of Music
Robert Rios
Carlos de Oro, Associate Professor of Spanish and Co-Chair, Diversity Enrichment Committee
Francis Mathieu, Associate Professor of French
Renee Maule
D. Ming, Assistant Men’s Lacrosse Coach
Brenda Thompson
Elise Tisdel
Leah Cadwallader-Daniel
Abby Dings, associate professor and chair of Spanish
D. Ming
Lee Dsouza
Mary Visser, Professor of Art
Iris Ayala
Aaron Mink
Amy Anderson, Director of Library Resources
Dirk Early
Fumiko Futamura, Professor of Mathematics, DIBE Taskforce Member
Yusuf Buhari
Erin Toro
Michael Kamen
Moriah Richard
Erin Toro
Maria Kruger ’91
JaimeLynn Hotaling
Krista Kelly
John Ore
Madison Delmer
David Gaines
Emily Gilby
Najeia Besiso
Jason Bonick, Director of the Counseling and Health Center
Dinah Ritchie
Laura Hobgood, Paden Chair and Professor of Religion and Environmental Studies
Jaso Bonick, Director of the Counseling and Health Center
Jared McCormack
Valerie Renegar
Melanie Hoag, Instructional Technologist
Debika Sihi
Therese Shelton
Obehi Ozua
Zack Bencal ‘21
Carin Perilloux
Serena Bettis
Shelley Story, Dean of Students
Ella Massaquoi, student
Todd K. Watson, Associate Vice President for Information Technology
Jefferson Ellinger ’13, Technology Support Specialist
Annette Witherspoon
Paresa Mosavi
Bob Bednar, Chair of the Strategic Planning Commmittee
Shea Davisson, Associate Director of Athletics/Senior Woman Administrator
Traci Giuliano, Professor of Psychology
Rebecca Richardson
Nicholas Mask ‘15, Assistant Football Coach
Natalie Zequeira
Tyler Riordan
Nicholas Mask
Mary Fox Fields
Edward Merritt
Hannah Rutt
Kimberly McArthur, Assistant Professor of Biology
Anna Castillo, Associate Director Intramural & Recreational Activities
Danielle Oskam
David Asbury
Alexandra Anderson
Lauren Calzado
Zac Graham, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Justin McCormack
Maylin Sanchez
Aiden Steinle ‘20
John David Guerrero
Elaine Craddock, Professor and Chair of Religion, Affiliated Faculty in FST
Travis Taylor President of Phi Delta Theta TX Gamma
Henry McClure
Kendall Richards
Chase Hinojosa
Laura Docherty
Alek Argueta
Craig Gilden, CCPD
Michael Markland
Craig Gilden, CCPD
Alesha Lewis
Heath A. Roberie, Financial Planning and Analysis Manager
Kolbe King
Greta Grothe, Head Women’s Basketball Coach
James Seals
Josh Tenorio
Jennifer Leach, Director of Advising and Retention
Megan Frisque
Devin P DeWitt
Lois Ferrari
Melina Boutris
Max Schein ‘22 Kappa Sigma
Michael Gesinski
Abigail Luna ’20
Ethan Shilgalis
evelyn eason
Mason Biggers
Cami Eagle
Shelby Avants
Ashley Taylor, Assistant to the Office of Advising and Retention
Alec McClure
ThuyMi Phung
Trenton Garrett
Heather Elrod
Alaina Dixon
Riley Naugle
Esther Nyaberi
Valeria perez
William Hebl
Andrew Jezisek
Brooke Shattuck
Sara Massey, Asst Prof of Chemistry
Abigail Vernier
Caroline Warms
Carlos Esteban
Raven Garcia

The submission period for this form has now ended.