As with many new ventures, the concept for digital media startup Latinx Spaces developed from an unfulfilled need in the marketplace.

Aaron Jimenez, SU ’13, first got the idea for a digital publication in early 2015, after realizing there was a lack of Latinx media communities. Sure, there were plenty of Latinx publications, but they didn’t cover the theoretical topics and ideas that are important to Latinx millennials today. He realized there was an opportunity to create something unique and influential targeted to this demographic.  

Aaron envisioned a space dedicated to sophisticated content that “gets into the meat of things.” A place where people can come together to engage the  thoughts and ideas  that make up diverse Latin American historical lineages.

In the spring of 2015, he began researching and developing his idea into a viable concept. He realized that the most effective way to reach and promote compelling Latinx topics is through a digital publication.

He continued to pursue the project over the next several months, building strategic relationships with key influencers. He recruited top talent that shares his vision, and together the small but dedicated group began developing a sustainable business model that includes multiple voices and celebrates  Latinx cultures.

Redefining Latinx Media

Latinx Spaces, a digital publication that “redefines the way we think and do Latinx media,” officially launched in February 2017.

Targeted toward Latinx millennials in the U.S., it wasn’t long before the online community took off. With its cross pollination of different aspects and theoretical sophistication, the site encouraged discussion and engagement among thought leaders in the field.

Latinx Spaces covers six different categories: Art, Literature, Politics, Music, Film, and Voices. There is a dedicated editor for each section, with contributors from diverse backgrounds. The content is smart, sophisticated, thought-provoking and engaging.

As Latinx Spaces approaches it’s one-year anniversary, Aaron admits that the team is still in the early stages of a long-term project. The main focus now is to develop their brand and editorial voice while continuing to build relationships with their readers and contributors. For now, none of the staff are paid. Everyone is working pro bono because they believe in and have a passion for the project. But the ultimate goal is for that to change as the site grows.

Currently, there are nine members on the editorial advisory board, including three Southwestern professors: Omar Rivera (Associate Professor of Philosophy) Patrick Hajovsky (Associate Professor of Art History) and Brenda Sendejo (Associate Professor of Anthropology and chair of the Latin American and Border Studies program).

There are also several Southwestern alumni as editors and contributors. Aaron credits his alma mater with helping him develop the skills needed to run a successful startup.

Aaron majored in Philosophy and minored in Latin American Studies while at SU and says, “Southwestern was critical to my development. The professors were instrumental to my thinking, writing, and academic process. It helped me build confidence and taught me to view ideas from diverse perspectives.”

He looks forward to seeing where Latinx Spaces goes in the months and years ahead. “We’ve created a space where we can have a substantive engagement with scholars and activists in the field outside of mainstream media, and my hope is that more academics contribute to our site.”

For more information on Latinx Spaces visit their website