History and Architecture

The Narthex Window

The large window about the south entrance of Lois Perkins Chapel represents Christ, the teacher and preacher or rabbi, ministering to the needs of man. Looking at the window from inside the chapel the figures at the top of the window represent the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12: (clockwise, from left): Poor in Spirit, They that Mourn, The Meek, They that Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness, The Merciful, The Pure in Heart, The Peacemakers, and The Persecuted.

The large central figure represents Christ blessing the multitudes through his ministry of teaching, preaching, and healing (Matthew 4:23). Immediately surrounding him are figures representing his 12 apostles. Beneath him are figures representing those to whom he ministered, including a scribe of Judaism carrying a scroll. Men, women, and children appear at the bottom of the window representing needy humanity receiving his ministry. This is the largest and most impressive window in Lois Perkins Chapel.