History and Architecture

Author’s Note

I would like to express my appreciation for the assistance and encouragement given to me by the Board of Directors of Mood-Heritage Museum; Dr. Judson S. Custer, director and curator of the museum; and the administration of Southwestern University.

In addition, thanks to Tom Jones, director of Southwestern’s physical plant operations, and the employees of the physical plant who made it possible for the chapel windows to be photographed.



Dr. Bob M. Brown

Mrs. Dorothy T. brown

Dr. Edmund H. Steelman

Mrs. Pearl B. Steelman

Dr. Judson S. Custer

Mrs. Louise E. Custer

Mood-Heritage Museum

Southwestern University Sesquicentennial Fund


Beaver, R. Pierce. The House of God. St. Louis and Chicago: Eden Publishing House. 1935.

Griffith, Helen Stuart. The Sign Language of Our Faith.New York: Morehouse-gorham co., 1949.

Inman, Thomas. Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism. New York: Peter Eckler Publishing Co., 1922.

Kretzmann, Adalbert R. Symbols—A Practical Handbook.Chicago: Walter League, 1944.

Kunkle, Howard R. Symbols and Terms of the Church.Philadelphia: Board of Publication, United Lutheran Church.

Stafford, Thomas. Christian Symbolism in the Evangelical Churches. Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1942.