Life at Southwestern

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students supports students’ individual and collective success, helping them navigate University resources and processes, and advocating for their interests and needs. The Dean’s Office fosters personal development and self-authorship in pursuit of a vibrant, healthy, and inclusive campus community grounded in mutual respect. 

Quick Links
How to Change Your Meal Plan

Prior to the start of each semester, students may make changes to their meal plans (increase or decrease the size of the plan in accordance with requirements connected to their campus housing). To change a meal plan, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Self Service portal
  2. Click on the Academic tab
  3. Click on The Housing Director (THD)
  4. Once you’re in THD, click on Dining / Dining Plan
  5. Make sure you are on the semester you want to edit (in the top middle of the page)
  6. Select the new plan you want
  7. Click Process Meal Plan
Administrative Hearings

Administrative hearings are the most common process by which violations of University policy are addressed, allowing for swifter resolution than is afforded by hearing boards. Administrative hearings are conducted by the Dean of Students (or designee).

Honor Code Council

One of the chief responsibilities of the Honor Code Council is to serve as a Hearing Board to guarantee the integrity of the Honor Code, by serving as the tribunal for hearing alleged cases of violation of that Code. The Board determines responsibility or non-responsibility and imposes appropriate sanctions. It follows procedures outlined in its constitution, which is included in the Student Handbook.

If a student commits a violation of the Honor Code, a non-judicial resolution to the matter is available under certain conditions. For a summary of how Southwestern handles Honor Code violations, see this document .


Southwestern University is committed to the safekeeping and accurate maintenance of student records. The University complies with all federal and state privacy laws, which impact the way the University communicates about students, with students, and with other interested parties. Detailed information can be found here .

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Southwestern University affirms the rights of its students to live, work, and learn in an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from the threat of sexual assault or any other form of sexual contact without mutual consent. Accordingly, any form of sexual misconduct will not be tolerated.  The University is committed both to a campus-wide program of education and prevention, and to a timely and appropriate response to any reports of such activity.

In compliance with Title IX, whenever a University official learns of any sexual misconduct, an investigation must be pursued, even if the victim does not want to file a complaint. The goal behind Title IX’s mandate is to maximize the safety of all students on campus.

Sexual Violence Prevention for Undergraduates

With data from the National Institute of Justice showing that one in five college women (and one in 16 men) will experience some form of non-consensual sexual activity by graduation, the widespread impact of sexual violence on students presents an urgent and pressing challenge for our nation’s campuses. Sexual Violence Prevention for Undergraduate Students is an interactive online program that addresses the critical issues of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking, which impact countless college students across the country. All Southwestern students are required to complete this course before or during their first semester at SU. Students will receive an email from SafeColleges with instructions for completing the course.

Student Concerns and Complaints

In compliance with the United States Department of Education’s (DOE) Program Integrity Regulations, Southwestern University offers students the right to have complaints and disputes resolved through the procedures described under section XIII of the Student Handbook, Academic Policies and Information, and through judicial processes including Administrative Hearings, the University Committee on Discipline, the Honor Code Council Hearing Board and the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board. 

Students may contact the Dean of Students directly, submit an electronic complaint to the Dean of Students via this online submission form , or report anonymously through the Confidential Hotline at 1-866-943-5787.

Students who have a concern about their own welfare, or that of another student, are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students  for assistance and support.

Title IX

In May 2020, the Department of Education issued over 2,000 pages of regulations governing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), and its application to incidents of sexual misconduct.

The regulations include:

  • “Sexual Harassment” is the umbrella term the DOE now uses to cover quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile environment sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking.
  • In order to be governed by Title IX, alleged Sexual Harassment must have taken place under very specific conditions (including location, identity of parties involved, nature of allegation, and more).
  • Behavior that does not take place under those conditions, or does not fall under the regulations’ definition of sexual harassment, must be dismissed under Title IX. It can still be adjudicated under our other policies (as outlined in the student, employee, and faculty handbooks).
  • Behavior that meets the Title IX conditions must be investigated and resolved according to a very specific and regimented process.
  • The Title IX regulations apply equally to students and employees.

The Title IX Office exists to serve the Southwestern community and is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for anyone seeking assistance and advice so that we may exist in an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy/pregnancy-related conditions.

University Committee on Discipline (UCD)

The University Committee on Discipline (UCD) is the judicial body that adjudicates all student violations of University policies that may result in suspension or expulsion, with the exceptions of violations of the Honor System, and sexual misconduct and sexual harassment policies, which are adjudicated by other bodies. UCD also hears all judicial cases against student organizations, with the exception of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment violations.