Library Information Desk

Faculty Reserve Request

Faculty may place articles, books, and other supplementary materials for classes on Reserve at the InfoDesk.

The Reserve collection is housed at the InfoDesk.

Please submit your Reserve Requests for the semester as far in advance as possible in order to ensure the material is ready when needed.

Requests will be processed in the order in which they are received and may take up to two full business days.

  • Items which can be placed on reserve: 

    • Library books from SLC
    • Books belonging to an instructor
    • DVDs
    • Compact discs
    • Other materials as determined on an individual basis by InfoDesk Staff.

    Please complete a Reserve Request form for each course in which you are placing items on Reserve.

    Place an online request here:

    Reserve Request Form

    Or download and print a copy of the form and submit it through campus mail.

    Email requests to Jean Whewell at
    Copies of the forms are also available at the InfoDesk or call x1563 to request that copies be sent through campus mail.
  • Photocopies of journal articles and chapters of books may be placed on reserve when determined to be in compliance with copyright law.

    Information about copyright compliance can be found on the library’s Brief Guide to Copyright & Fair Use. The guide includes links to tools designed to help you determine if use of an item is fair use.

    Items which cannot be placed on reserve:

    • Photocopies which do not meet copyright compliance
    • Materials borrowed from other libraries
    • Interlibrary loan materials
    • Rental materials