Feminist Studies

Majoring & Minoring

The Feminist Studies major and minor are for students whose academic passions and professional interests could benefit from an interdisciplinary approach.

Many FST students obtain double or paired majors in more traditional disciplines, such as English or Anthropology; FST minors may be combined with any major, and are an excellent choice for those students interested in incorporating feminist frameworks into their other academic ventures.

Students who want to bring feminist methodologies, theories, practices, and questions to one of the disciplines, but aren’t able to double-or paired major, may select Feminist Studies as a minor. Students can combine a Feminist Studies minor with any major.

Major in Feminist Studies

The Feminist Studies major is a flexible 9-course program:

  • FST04-104 Introduction to Feminist Studies
  • FST04-204 Feminist Theories and Methods
  • FST04-934 Senior Seminar (Capstone)
  • Six additional Feminist Studies courses, four of which must be upper level
Minor in Feminist Studies:
  • FST04-104 Introduction to Feminist Studies
  • FST04-204 Feminist Theories and Methods
  • Three additional courses in Feminist Studies, two of which must be upper level

Other courses will be considered for the Feminist Studies major or minor, subject to approval by the Feminist Studies Committee. Also available for the Feminist Studies major are Feminist Studies Academic Internship 04- 944, Feminist Studies Independent Study 04-954 and Honors in Feminist Studies 04-984.

Courses Contributing to Feminist Studies:


ANT35-244 Race, Class, and Gender in the Caribbean

ANT35-334 Global Environmental Justice

Art History

ARH71-264 Art in China Since 1911

ARH71-554 Feminism and Art History 100

Communication Studies

COM75-224 The Rhetoric of Sex and Sexuality

COM75-264 The Rhetoric of Women’s Rights

COM75-434 Communication, Culture, and Social Justice

COM75-564 Gender and Communication

COM75-614 Identity and Media

COM75-654 Muslims in the Media


ENG10-454 Feminist Film Theory

ENG10-664 Topics in Romanticism

ENG10-674 Topics in Victorian Literature and Culture

ENG10-854 Topics in Women’s Literature

ENG10-864 Topics in Contemporary Literature

ENG10-874 Topics in American Ethnic Literature

Environmental Studies

ENV49-484 Sustainable Food and Agriculture


GER12-454 Feminist Studies in German

GER12-714 Transnational Identity Narratives: Gender/Nature/Culture


HIS16-264 History of Modern Europe

HIS16-454 History of the Civil Rights Movement

HIS16-474 Sport and Society in Modern America

HIS16-534 The Tudors: Politics & Culture, 1485-1603

HIS16-544 History of Human Rights

HIS16-614 Witches, Nuns, Prostitutes, Wives, and Queens: Women & Gender


PHI18-124 Latina/o Identities

PHI18-184 Theories of Race

PHI18-194 Introduction to Feminist Philosophy

PHI18-324 The Embodied Self

PHI18-374 Feminist Ethics

Political Science

PSC32-174 Gender and Politics

PSC32-654 Women and Politics in Europe and Asia


REL 19-274 Hindu Traditions 

REL19-324 Women, Goddesses, and Religion

REL19-344 Animals and Religion

REL19-354 Gender and Sexuality in Native America

REL19-414 The Body in Religion


SOC34-234 The Sociology of Gender

SOC34-264 Race and Ethnicity

SOC34-274 Childhood and Youth

SOC34-324 Social Class in the U.S.


SPA15-454 Race and Immigration in Spanish Literature

SPA15-644 Gender, Race, and Nationalism: Spanish Cinema


THE72-614 Theatre for Social Change: Practice and Performance

Students planning to pursue graduate degrees in Feminist Studies should consider taking Mathematics 52-114 as their required mathematics course, and at least one of the following methods courses in addition to the nine courses of the major: Anthropology 35-214, Economics 31-314, History 16-854, Philosophy 18-402, Political Science 32-794, Psychology 33-204 and 33-214, Religion 19-314 and Sociology 34-203/201.

Paired Major in Feminist Studies

The Feminist Studies Program has a “paired” major option for interested students. Paired majoring allows students to count up to twelve hours of specified courses in both majors (i.e., two or three courses can double-count, depending on department or program), while double majoring means that courses cannot be applied to both majors (i.e., no courses can double-count).

The approved paired majors with Feminist Studies are as follows:

  • Feminist Studies / Anthropology
  • Feminist Studies / Communication Studies
  • Feminist Studies / English
  • Feminist Studies / Environmental Studies
  • Feminist Studies / History
  • Feminist Studies / Latin American and Border Studies
  • Feminist Studies / Philosophy
  • Feminist Studies/Political Science
  • Feminist Studies / Religion
  • Feminist Studies / Sociology
  • Feminist Studies / Theatre