Below you will find a list of our current or recent offerings. See the course catalog for descriptions and updated information.

  • 04-104 Introduction to Feminist Studies
    This course is designed to think critically about the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and political capacities of feminist thought. We will explore the diversity of feminisms that have emerged from historical movements alongside contemporary discourses. As a class, we will explore how feminist theory is a tool used to deconstruct injustice and articulate alternatives to oppression. There will be emphasis on the body and the ways intersectional approaches reckon with difference in regard to identity (gender, sexuality, race, citizenship, class, disability). Contributes to Race and Ethnicity Studies/Allied Course. (H) (ScS) (SJ)
  • 04-204 Feminist Theories and Methods
    This course traces the intellectual traditions of contemporary feminist theories and practices. Topics will include feminist methodologies and the formation of, and challenges to, the discipline of Feminist Studies. Prerequisite: Feminist Studies 04-104. (ScS) (WA)
  • 04-244 Black Women Writers At Work
    This course takes its title from scholar Claudia Tate's ground breaking 1984 study of the same name. Featuring conversations with literary giants such as Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Gwendolyn Brooks, Maya Angelou, and Audre Lorde, Black Women Writers at Work was the first of its kind to gather the words of black women discussing their creative process, goals, achievements, and dreams. This course draws on Tate's study to examine the basic questions of why, for whom, and in what conditions black women write. Readings will span diverse genres and time periods. Contributes to English, and Race and Ethnicity Studies. (H) (WA)
  • 04-254 Latinx Spiritualities
    This course examines the historical development and cultural production of U.S. Latina/o/x and Chicana/o/x spiritual and religious practices, beliefs, and identities. Drawing from Chicana/Latina Studies, Anthropology, and Religious Studies students will examine the social conditions and lived realities reflected in contemporary Latinx religious and spiritual practices, and their Mesoamerican and ancestral origins and influences. Topics include folk healing/curanderismo, indigenous and feminist spiritualities, social movements and religion, spiritual activism, environmental justice, embodied and spiritual knowledge, and their intersections with race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexuality. Contributes to Anthropology, Environmental Studies, International Studies, Latin American and Border Studies, and Race and Ethnicity Studies/Group-Theme Course. Prerequisite: Feminist Studies 04-104, Anthropology 35-104, or Sociology 34-264. (ScS) (SJ)
  • 04-284 Topics in Feminist Theory
    Using an interdisciplinary framework, this course traces key debates in contemporary feminist theory. Areas of concentration might include theories of the body, queer theory, migration and borders, critical race theory, or methodology. (ScS)
  • 04-304 Selected Topics
    May be repeated with change in topic. (ScS)
  • 04-364 Chicana Feminisms
    This course traces the historical development of Chicana feminism from the indigenous lineage of Mexican-origin women in Mesoamerica to the contemporary period, with a focus on the emergence of Chicana feminist thought and praxis during the U.S. Civil Rights Era. Students will explore scholarship, research methods, and ways of knowing within the interdisciplinary field of Chicana/Latina Studies in their examination of lived experiences that reside at the intersection of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and sexual orientation. Topics include the cultural arts, education, feminism and archives, historical representation, social and spiritual activism, embodied knowledge, and creative forms of resistance to patriarchy and oppression. Contributes to Anthropology, Latin American and Border Studies, and Race and Ethnicity Studies/Group-Theme Course. Prerequisite: Feminist Studies 04-104, Anthropology 35-104, or Sociology 34-264. (ScS)
  • 04-744 Texts/Contexts
    This course provides practice in close readings of texts as they relate to multiple fields of study. Topics may include Self and Other, Genius and Madness, the Figure of the Artist, Memory and Identity, Texts of Catastrophes, Transnational Writing in German or Texts of German Environmentalism. Students continue to enlarge their repertoire of strategies for processing meaning and practice increasingly sophisticated modes of expression. Intensive work develops advanced proficiency in academic writing for research purposes and oral expression. May be repeated with change in topic. Prerequisite: One course from German 12-314, 12-334, or 12-354. (H) (WA)
  • 04-934 Senior Seminar
    (Fall) (WA)