Student Success

EQUIP builds a supportive community, challenges you academically, and prepares you for success.

“My favorite part of the EQUIP program was the one-week overnight camp. This allowed for a truly unique bonding experience that helped me realize that Southwestern is where I belong.”

“I was worried about not fitting in or finding the right people on campus. EQUIP helped me find my people.”

“I loved how the professors focused on the overall understanding of mathematics.”

“I feel ready for calculus.”

“What I love about EQUIP is that this program took every little concept and taught it at the next level.”

“I was unsure about how to create relationships outside of the classroom with my professors before doing EQUIP over the summer. It helped me become more comfortable with them as a student and with their teaching styles before going into Calc I. Personally, it helped me become closer to my peers with similar aspirations. It helped to meet them over the summer and then see them in my dorm hall where we were able to continue collaborating in math.”

“EQUIP has helped me form a group of friends with similar interests to my own before starting off my first year of college. I was also able to make valuable friendships with people who encouraged me to do my best academically.”