Program Details

“EQUIP has allowed me to realize that science and math are fields that are ever-changing and important to the future of our society. EQUIP has made me even more excited to be part of the scientific community here at Southwestern.”

EQUIP is offered free of charge to invited students. There are a limited number of spots for each year’s cohort, and spots are offered on a first-come first-served basis. Students are accepted for the program until we have reached capacity. 
EQUIP consists of two components:
  1. On-campus component. Students stay on Southwestern’s campus June 10th-15th in conjunction with Sprog (June 16th-17th) orientation activities. Students participate in daily math classes that provide them with an active and immersive learning experience, and they also attend social events on campus and around Georgetown with their EQUIP peers. There are numerous opportunities for EQUIP students to meet with Southwestern students and faculty so they can gain further insight into SU’s science and math programs.

  2. Online component. The on-campus portion is followed by a four-week self-directed, online math component in July where students continue practicing mathematics at home and meet with peer mentors online to help guide them through the material.
  3. Academic-year component. Students will enroll in the same section of Modern Calculus I for the Fall semester (unless they already have college credit). EQUIP students are also enrolled with one another in the same First-Year Seminar (FYS) course.

In addition, all EQUIP students will be given Chromebooks to ensure complete access to the program during online components in July. Upon the successful completion of the summer EQUIP program, students will keep their Chromebooks.

Questions regarding the EQUIP Program can be directed to the following mathematics faculty:

Dr. John Ross
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Dr. Noelle Sawyer
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Ms. Emily Ely
Program Coordinator for Student Success and Retention