Center for Career & Professional Development

Graduate School (Master’s/PhD)

The Center for Career & Professional Development provides grad school advising, special events, practice interviews, and application materials review.

Getting Started

Identifying Programs: To begin, you must identify your interest. Although you may know you want to continue your education, you may not be sure of exactly what area you want to pursue. The Center for Career & Professional Development team can help you assess your interests, values and other goals to identify your desired program of study. 

Next, you need to identify programs where you would like to apply. A searchable database website like   identifies programs by academic field and location. Then individual university websites offer details on program information, application materials, and information about financial aid and housing.

The GRE Search Service is a free service that matches prospective graduate students with participating graduate schools as well as with fellowship sponsors and non-profit organizations that promote graduate education. If you match the recruitment profile of a participating institution/organization, you will be sent information about graduate programs, admission requirements, financial aid opportunities, fellowships, and other educational opportunities. You can elect to be included in the Search Service when you register for a GRE Test. Anyone considering graduate study may also register for the FREE GRE Search Service without registering for the GRE. See  for more details.

Application Resources: The Center for Career & Professional Development offers programming, such as the Getting Into Graduate School faculty panel, test prep strategy sessions, and free practice entrance exams. Other CCPD support services include practice interviews, which can be tailored to graduate school admission, and review of application materials like CVs and personal statements.

It’s a good idea to consult with your advisor and/or professors in your area of interest. They may be able to provide suggestions about schools to consider as well as some important information about the reputation of the school or the quality of the faculty teaching there. Graduate students who are currently enrolled in programs are also a valuable source of information. Since they have recently gone through the process, they may be able to share their experiences with you.

What Graduate Schools Are Looking For

Typically, graduate schools will evaluate you in five different areas: grade point average, Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose and experience. Each institution’s departmental faculty decide upon admission requirements for its prospective students. Therefore, you may find other factors taken into consideration as well (e.g. personal interviews or writing samples).

Undergraduate Record/GPA: The GPA is a standard estimate of your aptitude to be academically successful in graduate school. GPAs are calculated in a number of ways: cumulative, by major or using the most recent units earned. You will need to check with individual institutions to see how they handle GPA calculation. Significant research experience, as well as conference presentations and/or publications, helps increase the competitiveness of your application.

GRE: The GRE General Test is required or recommended by many universities in the United States. It is used not only for purposes of admission but also sometimes used (in conjunction with other criteria) to award fellowships, teaching assistantships and research assistantships. The general exam tests three areas:  verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing.

For detailed information about test construction, test fees, test center locations, preparation materials, the search service, etc. see the comprehensive GRE website at .  Additional preparation help, including materials, free workshops and fee-based prep classes, is offered by vendors such as Kaplan and Princeton Review. 

Letters of Recommendation: Getting these letters, which are very important in the application process, requires planning and relationship-building. Typically, you will need to contact three writers. Depending upon the requirements of your program they may be from faculty, internship supervisors, employers or others who can confidently discuss your potential for graduate-level work. Be sure to give your references plenty of time to write the letters. For help figuring out how to approach potential references, contact the Center for Career & Professional Development.

Statement of Purpose: The statement of purpose (sometimes referred to as the “essay” or “personal statement”) is your opportunity to state who you are, where you are coming from and where you are going professionally. The statement is typically 2-3 pages (typed, double-spaced) and should be an essay of the highest quality. Graduate Admission Essays by Donald Asher is available in the Center for Career & Professional Development’s Career Cafe to assist you in getting started in writing your personal statement. Additionally, critiques of your essay may be arranged by appointment with a Center team member. Your advisor or a faculty member may also be able to assist you. For more information, please download “Write the Right Personal Statement.”

Experience: Admissions committees are interested in knowing how much and what types of experience you have had in your field. The place to discuss your experience is in the statement of purpose. You might include internships, independent study research experiences, capstones, applicable employment, laboratory assignments, etc. Such opportunities demonstrate that you have the experience and commitment necessary as you pursue your professional goals. You may also be able to include a resume or CV in your application materials.

Financial Aid

Institutional: Typically, these awards consist of research and teaching assistantships, tuition fee waivers and fellowships. Awards are usually based upon merit rather than financial need and are instrumental in recruiting candidates to their programs. The application process is usually included as part of the admissions application. The deadline to apply for these awards, however, is often much earlier than program deadlines (typically December-March).

Federal and State: Applying for this assistance is a separate process in addition to applying for admission. At some schools, applying for Federal aid and institutional support are combined. In all instances, you will be required to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. You will only need to complete one FAFSA as there is a section you can use to have the data sent to multiple institutions.

Some schools may require a supplemental application. This usually occurs when schools combine the awarding of Federal and institutional aid. This may not be a free service, so check with each school to make sure it is required. For comprehensive information online about financing graduate school, including downloading the FAFSA, see .

Private Sector: This body encompasses local, national and international organizations, foundations and corporations. Funds are available to support graduate education in a number of ways. Fellowships primarily provide for living expenses and, in some instances, payment of tuition and fees. Recipients benefit from these funds as they are usually free to utilize them at the college of their choice. Application deadlines vary, so start your investigation early. 

Timeline for Applications

The “ideal” timeline for applying to graduate school begins about a year and a half before you would like to begin graduate study. Assuming you want to begin in a fall semester, follow this timeline.

Spring: Begin the exploration process via the Center for Career & Professional Development, the internet and by talking to faculty at SU and on other campuses. Pave the way for asking for letters of recommendation.

Summer: Prepare seriously for entrance exams. Start a draft of your statement of purpose.

Fall: Take entrance exams. Complete your statement of purpose. Finish gathering letters of recommendation. By the end of the fall semester, turn in all applications to meet priority deadlines for funding and admission.

For more resources, please visit our collection of graduate school links to the left.