

The catalog is updated biannually to reflect changes in the course offerings, curriculum changes, and other requirements.

The Catalog is an important document as it specifies the academic regulations and requirements that apply to the student. Your academic career is governed by the catalog in effect when you first matriculate at Southwestern. Degree requirements may change in later catalogs. The specified set of requirements in a catalog expire four and one-half years from the date of the catalog.

The online versions of the Catalog referenced below are intended to be identical to the printed catalog. Should there be discrepancies, the printed version of the Catalog takes precedence.

If you are a student, former student, academic institution, or member of the general public seeking catalog information prior to 2007-2008, please email  with your specific request.  The Office of the Registrar maintains printed copies of the Southwestern University Catalog dating to 1899.

Current Course Catalog
Southwestern University Course Catalog 2023-25

Catalog Addendum, 2021-2023 - updated 1/18/2023

Past Catalogs (Web)

Catalog Change Summaries

Curriculum Comparison Chart:  2021-2023 vs 2023-2025 catalogs


2019 and 2021 catalogs 2023 catalog
General Education
Requires a minimum of 30 credits as a graduation requirement. The 30-credit minimum rule was removed from the list of graduation requirements because the general education section was modified to ensure the completion of 30 credits.
The first three semesters of a foreign language may count in minors and majors. The first three semesters of a foreign language may only count in a minor, if the minor allows it.
The Social Justice course may be double counted with any other course requirement. The Social Justice course can no longer be double counted with any majors or any other general education requirement. The course may still be shared with minor requirements or certification courses.
2 Fitness/Recreational Activity courses required. 1 Fitness/Recreational Activity required.

Six Exploration and Breadth (E&B) courses required: 1 from each of the four areas (Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science and Fine Arts). 2 additional courses from different areas and from different departments and must be different from any department selected in the first four. Any course with a prefix from your primary major cannot be used to satisfy an E&B requirement.

 Example for an Art major:

Humanities = English course                          Natural Science = Mathematics course          Social Science = Psychology course                Fine Arts = Theatre course

Additional 2 courses:                                      Another Humanities course from any department but English.                                  Another Social Science course from any applicable department except Psychology.


Six Exploration and Breadth (E&B) courses required: Take 1 course from each of the four areas (Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science and Fine Arts). Take two additional courses. Those two courses must be from different areas and different departments but are no longer tied to the first four.  Any course with a prefix from any declared major(s) cannot be used to satisfy an E&B requirement.


Humanities = English course                          Natural Science = Mathematics course          Social Science = Psychology course                Fine Arts = Theatre course

Additional 2 courses*:                                    Another Humanities course including English.                                                          Another Social Science including Psychology. 

A combination of credits can be utilized to meet an E&B requirement for any of the 6 courses or to meet the 30 credit Gen Ed rule.

The Fine Arts requirement allows for 3 credits of combined coursework (ensembles, music lessons, etc). The Humanities, Natural Science and Social Science courses, as well as the additional two E&B courses, cannot use multiple courses to satisfy the requirement and must be worth a minimum of 3 credits each.


Students are required to complete/count a minimum of 30 credits in each major as a graduation requirement.

The 30-credit minimum rule was removed from the list of graduation requirements. All majors are still required to include enough coursework to equal or exceed 30 credits.

Students are required to select a primary and secondary major when declaring more than one.

Primary and secondary majors no longer exist. It no longer matters which major comes first if a student has declared more than one major (with the exception of rules pertaining to BS, BSed and BM degrees**).

Courses from a major may be double counted in another area as long as the major still contains a minimum of 30 credits (exception: primary major courses may not be used in E&B).

With single or multiple majors, no major courses may be counted elsewhere except in the following areas: minors, certification areas or required supporting courses.

Paired majors: students may choose to pair two majors together and share 2-3 courses (as listed in the catalog), but no courses from either major can count in E&B or choose to double major so the secondary courses may count in E&B.

Students will not be permitted to “double major” if a paired major exists. No courses from any major may count in E&B so the need to label them as primary or secondary is not needed.

60% of the major courses must be taken at SU.

60% of the major courses must be taken at SU.

GPA requirement of 2.000 is required.

GPA requirement of 2.000 is required.


Requires a minimum of 18 credits as a graduation requirement. Similar to the major, minors are still required to be built to total at least 18 credits, but the rule has been removed as a graduation requirement.
Students may declare as many minors as they wish.

Students are limited to declaring up to two minors only.

Courses can double count in a minor as long as the 18-credit requirement is still met.

Any course can be double counted from any area of your degree.

12 credits must be taken at SU.

12 credits must be taken at SU.

GPA requirement of 2.000 is required.

GPA requirement of 2.000 is required.


Students are limited to 56 credits from one subject area (five-digit department prefix).

The 56-credit limitation has been removed as a graduation requirement.

 *Both courses cannot come from Humanities in this example.

**In cases of BS, BSEd and BM degrees, the major associated with the degree must be the first major listed.