Safety Office

Health, Safety & Risk Management Programs & Policies

This page contains files about safety programs Southwestern offers, as well as general information about safety topics.

Safety Programs

Art Safety
Accident Prevention
  • For employee accidents/injuries report to Human Resources, complete employee accident report and copy Safety and Risk Management Office. 
  • Download Injury and Illness Prevention Program (I2P2) - Student-Visitor Accident Report Form
    • Description of process to report and investigate accidents as well as correct unsafe conditions. Includes accident report and process for non-employee accidents (students/visitors).
Asbestos Program
  • Download Asbestos Management Plan (pdf)
    • The asbestos management plan has been developed to maintain a safe and healthy work environment by ensuring that asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) will not be unintentionally disturbed by routine in-house maintenance or large scale renovation projects.
Back Safety
  • Download Back Safety - Risk Management Guide (pdf)
    • Review the top 10 lifting risks and how you can prevent injuries for your staff/department.
  • Download Back Safety Audit (pdf)
    • A form to assess an employee’s training in back safety and to record observations on lifting and bending.
  • Download Back Safety Policy (pdf)
    • Department Heads and Supervisors are responsible to provide a safe working environment by promoting safe lifting techniques, providing proper material handling equipment for their employees, and correcting unsafe lifting/material handling habits.
  • Download Material Handling Guide
    • A guide to help handle and move materials in a safe manner.
  • Browse Back Stretches - Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (url)
    • Regular exercises to restore the strength of your back and a gradual return to everyday activities are important for your full recovery. Your orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist may recommend that you exercise 10 to 30 minutes a day 1 to 3 times a day during your early recovery. They may suggest some of the following exercises. This guide can help you better understand your exercise and activity program, which should be supervised by your therapist and orthopedic surgeon.
Behavior Based Safety
  • Download Behavior Based Safety Program (pdf)
    • Our goals are to encourage active employee participation in our safety program, and to encourage safe behaviors and discourage unsafe behaviors on an individual employee basis as well as work units/departments.
Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Download Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Incident Report (pdf)
    • Complete this report only for actual exposure “contact” with blood/fluid to skin or mucous membranes.
  • Download Bloodborne Pathogens Plan (pdf)
    • The purpose of this program is to protect employees from the risk of exposure to infectious diseases.
  • Download Record of Hepatitis B Vaccine (pdf)
    • Safety office record on acceptance or declination of the Hepatitis B Vaccine, that may be given if – due to your potential for occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials – you may be at risk of acquiring an HBV.
  • Browse Occupational Safety & Health
    • Administration’s Bloodborne Pathogens topic page (url)
      Needlestick injuries and other sharps-related injuries which expose workers to bloodborne pathogens continues to be an important public health concern. Workers in many different occupations are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS. Bloodborne Pathogens is addressed in standards specifically for the general industry.
  • Browse CDC’s Protecting Healthcare Workers from Bloodborne Pathogens site (url)
    • Important factors that may determine the overall risk for occupational transmission of a bloodborne pathogen include the number of infected individuals in the patient population, the chance of becoming infected after a single blood contact from an infected patient, and the type and number of blood contacts.
Child Sitting Policy and Release Forms
  • Download Child Sitting Policy (pdf)
    • The Child Sitting Policy is designed to improve the safety and welfare of children while under the supervision of child sitters during sponsored University events. It also offers levels of protection for the child sitters and the institution.
Communicable Disease Protocols
Compressed Gas Safety
  • Browse OSHA’s Compressed Gas and Equipment (url)
    • Hazards associated with compressed gases include oxygen displacement, fires, explosions, and toxic gas exposures, as well as the physical hazards associated with high pressure systems. Special storage, use, and handling precautions are necessary in order to control these hazards.
Confined Space Entry
  • Download Confined Space Entry Policy
    • Procedures designed to make entry into various confined spaces across campus safe to perform necessary work tasks. Protects entrants from potential confined space hazards.
  • Download Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Permits
    • These permits support the safe entry into various permit-required confined spaces. The permit forms provide step by step instruction and safe work practices related to site specific hazards to promote a safe work environment.
  • Browse OSHA’s Confined Spaces topic page (url)
    Information relevant to confined spaces in the workplace.
Control of Hazardous Energy Policy
Drone Policy
  • Describes the safety protocols, rules of use and drone operator proficiency testing required for any operator of a drone used on campus or off campus. Download Drone Policy .
Emergency Eyewash Program
  • Download Emergency Eyewash Program (pdf)
    • Management and preventative maintenance of our emergency eyewash and shower stations in areas where corrosive materials are used. Inspection forms and protocols, departmental representatives have assigned duties to help ensure safe operation of our eyewash and shower stations.
Employee Safety Orientation Program
  • Download New Employee Safety Orientation Guide (pdf)
    • OSHA requires employers to provide a safe and healthy workplace. In order to manage this broad responsibility, Southwestern has developed a safety policy that places responsibility on department heads for providing a safe working environment.  Supervisors should review this guide with new employees and ensure they read/review applicable safety policies and programs related to their position.
Ergonomics - Material Handling
  • Download Material Handling Guide
  • Download  Ergonomics Program (pdf)
    • The purpose of this program is to address and correct ergonomic challenges in the university workplace. Ergonomics is the study of the relationship of human interaction (limitations) with equipment, tools or tasks in the workplace that could cause injury.
  • Browse Cornell University’s Ergonomics Web (url)
    • This web site focuses on ways to enhance usability by improving the ergonomic design of hardware, software, and workplaces, to enhance people’s comfort, performance and health.
  • OSHA’s Ergonomics web site (url)
    • OSHA has a four-pronged comprehensive approach to ergonomics designed to quickly and effectively address musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace.
  • Browse NIOSH’s Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders web site (url)
    • Safety and Health Topic page from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Division of Applied Research and Technology.
Fall Protection
Fire Safety
  • Download Fire Safety - Heater Policy
    • Provides information about our fire safety efforts and portable space heater restrictions.
  • Download Fire Safety Policy
    • Reviews fire safety program components and efforts to prevent the risk of fires on campus as well as engineering controls to reduce the severity of a fire.
Heat Hazards
  • Download Safeguarding Against Heat Hazards
    • Heat stress is preventable. Supervisors/Managers should use measures such as indoor or spot cooling, rest periods, periodic hydration, and protective clothing.
Hearing Conservation
  • Download Hearing Conservation Policy
    • Designed to prevent employee noise induced hearing loss as well as preventing distraction to tasks and a safe working environment for all campus members.
  • Download Noise and Noise Induced Hearing Loss
    • The information in this document will give the reader a general description of ways to effectively recognize, evaluate, and control excessive noise in the workplace.
Ladder Safety
  • Download Ladder Safety Inspection Form (pdf)
    • Form to assess safety of ladders in your department or group.
  • Download Ladder Safety Policy (pdf)
    • Ladders present opportunities for fall hazards if they are used improperly or under unsafe conditions. Department Heads are responsible to ensure that employees/students who use ladders are trained in this policy, the OSHA Ladder Guide and ensure safe work practices.
  • Download OSHA Ladder Safety Training Guide
    • All ladder users should review this OSHA guide. In addition, all ladder users must read/review Southwestern’s ladder safety policy and sign training log.  
Lead Management Plan
  • Download Lead Management Plan
    •  Southwestern University employees should follow safe work practices with tasks involving lead-based paint or lead containing materials.  This policy/plan includes instructions on how to safely handle and dispose of lead containing materials.
Machine Guarding Program
Mold Management Plan
  • Download Mold Management Plan & Policy
    • Southwestern’s mold policy and detailed protocols how we inspect, report and remediate mold in campus buildings.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Download Job Hazard Assessment (pdf)
    • Southwestern University’s Personal Protective Equipment Program is designed to provide protection to our employees from the risk of injury by creating a barrier against workplace hazards.
  • Browse Glove Compatibility Charts for Specific Companies (url)
    • No glove may be used as protection from all chemicals. A glove may protect against a specific chemical, but it may not protect the wearer from another. If a glove protects the wearer, it will not protect the wearer forever, as the glove material will deteriorate.
Respiratory Protection Program
Safety Audit Plan
  • Download Safety Audit Plan
    • A description of the process to help reduce the risk of illness, accidents/injuries and improve participation in safety programs. This process is also used to improve regulatory compliance.
Silica Dust Exposure Control Policy
Slip Trip and Fall
  • Download Slip Trip Fall Program (pdf)
    • Our goal is to proactively prevent or reduce slips, trips, and falls at Southwestern by providing employee training and education on the identification and control of workplace slip, trip and fall hazards.
  • Browse Slip Resistance Article (url)
    • Slippery surfaces, improper footwear, inadequate hazard identification, insufficient training, inattentiveness, construction deficiencies, claimant physiology and fraud are among the many underlying reasons for slip and fall claims against home and industrial property owners.
Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure
  • Browse Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure Plan
    Southwestern’s site specific plan that outlines steps we have taken to prevent the discharge of oil to surface water in order to protect the aquatic environment. Oil inventory locations, inspection logs, emergency procedures, notification forms.
  • Browse SPCC Inspection Logs
    Monthly inspection logs for oil bulk storage containers and oil filled operational equipment (elevator oil reservoirs).
  • Browse SPCC - Contact List and Notification Form - for Oil Spills
    Use this contact list and notification form if there is an oil spill that reaches surface water (storm or sanitary drain line).
Smoking / Vaping Policy
  • Southwestern University supports the concept of a healthy working and learning atmosphere throughout the entire campus. In that regard, the University has established guidelines governing the use of tobacco on campus. This applies to all employees and students. Download Smoking-Vaping Policy.
Tractor Safety Program
Vehicle Safety Program
  • Download Utility Cart Safety Policy
    • Procedures so that University owned, personally owned or contractor-owned golf/utility cart vehicles are operated in a safe manner to prevent injuries to personnel and property.  All utility/golf cart drivers should review and adhere to this policy.
  • Download Motor Vehicle Record Guidelines
    • Southwestern University Fleet Safety Guidelines (gleaned from EIIA guideline)
  • Download Vehicle Safety Policy
    • A proactive vehicle safety program focused on driver safety, training and safe driving rules to help reduce the risk of operating vehicles.  All employees or students driving for University sponsored business/purposes should adhere to the components in this policy.
  • Download Vehicle Damage Report Form
    • Complete this pdf damage report when involved in a business related vehicle accident or when physical damage has occurred to a Southwestern fleet vehicle or rental vehicle used on University business.
  • Download Vehicle Safety Program: Q+A
    • Questions & answers about our vehicle safety program
Wood Chipper Safety Policy
Youth Interaction Safety Policy
  • Download Bi-Annual Background Check Form (pdf)
    • This disclosure serves as a request that any present or former employer, police department, educational or financial institution or other person having personal knowledge about you to furnish any and all information in their possession regarding you.
  • Download Child Sitting Policy (pdf)
    • The Child Sitting Policy is designed to improve the safety and welfare of children while under the supervision of child sitters during sponsored University events. It also offers levels of protection for the child sitters and the institution.
  • Download Initial Background Check (pdf)
    • Form for Initial Background Check
  • Download Youth Interaction - Background Check - “Your Rights”
    • Provides a summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
  • Download Youth Interaction Policy
    • Our Youth Interaction Policy provides a safer environment for youths involved in camps or programs. Includes proactive safe interaction guidelines, criminal background checks, compliance with Senate Bill 1414 (Campus Program For Minors Training and Awareness).