Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Center

Student Awards

Introductory paragraph.

Student Diversity Impact Award

2023: Kelly Henderson
Kellie’s award nominator had this to say about her: “Kellie’s involvement in DIBE efforts at Southwestern are diverse, yet all incredibly impactful. Working directly with institutional efforts, Kellie has served on the Tactical Plan task force, and the search committee for our current president. She also lends her voice to the Race & Ethnicity Studies Symposium as a speaker on the Navigating SU as a Person of Color panel. Working with her fellow students, she has served as the president for EBONY/now Black Student Union for the last two years, while being a member for all four years she has been here. In this role, she helped organize the first The More You Know About Racism panel, and was a central part of the organizational team for the recent anti-racist protest here at SU. Kellie consistently advocates for herself, her peers, and those whose voices are silenced through systemic oppression. Her work on this campus has been and continues to be critical to building a safer and more inclusive SU community.”

CDSJ Org of the Year

This award is coming soon during the Spring 2024 Student Life Awards Ceremony. The winner of this award will be chosen based on their active involvement on campus to further the CDSJ Mission:
The mission of the CDSJ is to foster an inclusive and supportive community of student organizations that promotes and celebrates diversity. The CDSJ is a united voice dedicated to empowering the SU community to challenge the oppression of any individual or group.
Our collective vision is to be an effective organized forum for students to discuss the issues surrounding justice and to act upon these issues in order to institute real change within our campus community.