Human Resources

COVID-19 Guidance and Resources for Faculty and Staff

On this page:

CDC GUIDANCE (As of August 11, 2022)

You’ve tested positive for COVID-19?

Potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19?

Helpful Resources

You’ve tested positive for COVID-19? Here’s what to do:

1) Contact your healthcare provider, particularly if you (or someone in your household) have underlying health conditions or you are experiencing severe symptoms.

2) Immediately self-isolate in accordance with the then-published CDC guidance for self-isolation, which currently states: “5 days since symptoms first appeared and 24-hours without fever without fever-reducing medications and COVID-19 symptoms have improved.”

3) Inform your Department Chair/Dean of the Faculty (for faculty members) or Supervisor (for staff members) to alert them of your anticipated absence from work (it is not required to disclose the reason), and, if applicable, discuss whether they approve you to teach/work remotely during your absence.

4) Remain at home or go home.

5) Contact the Human Resources department to confidentially discuss your situation.

6) Keep in contact with the HR department during the isolation period.

7) The return-to-work protocol is as follows:

  1. If you don’t have symptoms or you have symptoms that are improving within the first 5 days of isolation, and you have been following the CDC guidance for isolation/ending isolation, then you should send an email (or written note upon your return) to Kirk Walker in the HR department indicating that you have met the criteria to return to work after the 5th day of isolation. When you return to work on campus, you must wear a well-fitting mask for an additional 5 days any time you are around others.  
  2. If your symptoms don’t improve within the first 5 days of isolation or you are having severe
    symptoms, you will need to continue to self-isolate in accordance with CDC guidance and
    provide a return to work release from your healthcare provider. Note: if you have a fever,
    continue to stay home until your fever resolves. You should be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medication before returning to work.

Regardless of your vaccination status, if you were exposed to someone with COVID-19 (or you’ve been identified as a “close contact”), and are not having symptoms:

1) You can report to work, but you must wear a well-fitting face covering for 10 days any time you are around others.

2) You should get a COVID-19 test on day 5.

If you develop symptoms, get a test and stay home until you receive your test result, then contact the HR office and follow the appropriate protocols.