Undergraduate Research

Other On-Campus Research Opportunities

Collaborating with SU faculty on independent research broadens students’ learning beyond the classroom, sharpens their analytical thinking, and prepares them for graduate-level study.

In addition to those who participate in our successful SCOPE program, Southwestern undergraduates regularly engage in faculty-mentored research opportunities on campus through Faculty–Student Projects (FSPs) and the Research Assistantship Program. 

FSPs empower students to collaborate one-on-one with faculty on laboratory research, archival research, research in preparation for honors theses or other significant student projects, and projects in the studio arts, music, and theatre. By providing funding for up to eight weeks in the summer for student stipends, housing, travel, and other project-related expenses, students will deepen their understanding of their research field while contributing to the creation of new scholarship.

In our Research Assistantship Program, faculty may hire student research assistants to

  • help develop literature reviews
  • provide laboratory assistance
  • conduct local or digital archival research
  • participate in fieldwork
  • collect qualitative data (e.g., through interviewing or survey programming)
  • prepare and analyze data (e.g., transcription or coding)
  • collaborate on preparing a manuscript for publication (e.g., copyediting and indexing)
  • assist with securing image permissions

Southwestern students who participate in faculty-mentored research broaden their understanding of specific disciplines beyond the classroom, explore and clarify their career paths, and develop transferable skills that are valued by graduate programs and employers alike.

Learn More

  • Undergraduate Research

    Every student at Southwestern University engages in research and creative projects, whether it’s writing a literature review for a final sociology essay or designing a theatrical performance for a capstone course. But undergraduate research goes well beyond the classroom…

  • Off-Campus Research Opportunities

    SU students network with scholars and undergraduates from across the nation to gain research experience in the archives, at the bench, and in the field.


    Through SU’s Summer Collaborative Opportunities and Experiences, or SCOPE, students partner with faculty and fellow undergraduates from across the disciplines—including the natural and social sciences, the humanities, and the arts—to engage in scholarly and creative inquiry.



    Student Stories

    Associate Professor of Theatre Sergio Costola, Kayla Ingram ’20, and Associate Professor of English Michael Saenger

    Shakespeare across Time, Languages, and Disciplines

    Associate Professor of Theatre Sergio Costola and Associate Professor of English Michael Saenger coordinated a seminar on translating Shakespeare at an international conference in Rome.

    Shi Solis ’20, one of Todd’s current research assistants, can attest that her mentor has been a delight to work with.

    Researching the Future of Cancer Treatment

    Professor of Biology Maria Todd mentors undergraduates while examining the mechanics of how cancer spreads.

    Katiebeth Brandt ’19

    Of Notes and Notations

    Southwestern music literature major Katiebeth Brandt ’19 helps resurrect the long-archived manuscripts of composer Florence B. Price.