Study Abroad

Apply Now


Monya Lemery

Monya Lemery

Director of Study Abroad and International Student Services

Monya Lemery

Monya Lemery

Director of Study Abroad and International Student Services

IMPORTANT: Do not apply for a study abroad/away program without pre-approval by The Office of Study Abroad & International Student Services at Southwestern. Credit transfer and financial aid may be jeopardized if prior approval for a program is not granted.

  • The Office of the Registrar will not award academic credit for coursework taken on a program (including virtual programs) without pre-approval.
  • Students may not study abroad during a Leave of Absence.

General Eligibility Requirements for Study Abroad/Study Away:

  • Have established a GPA at Southwestern of 2.0 or higher - must be established before leaving to study abroad 
  • Be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university
  • Be enrolled full-time during the semester before study abroad
  • Have completed at least two semesters of college before study abroad
  • Clear any negative balances on student account before leaving to study abroad
  • Meet any program-specific requirements for the program to which you apply
  • Be at least 18 years of age by the start date of the program

Other Factors Affecting Eligibility

Representing Southwestern
Students who study abroad/away are considered representatives of Southwestern University, and as such, are held to high standards of behavior, professional attitude, and interpersonal preparedness and maturity. The University reserves the right to deny acceptance to any applicant for any reason the University determines to be material to the applicant’s participation in study abroad/away. The University further reserves the right to revoke a student’s acceptance at any time.
Worried you don’t meet the eligibility requirements for study abroad? Contact our office at

Prior to applying, all applicants must:

  • Attend at least one advising session with the Office of Study Abroad and International Student Services through:
    • Group Advising
    • One-on-One Advising
    • Faculty-led Information Session
    • Complete the Virtual Study Abroad 101 and Knowledge Checks
  • Meet with your academic advisor to discuss study abroad plans

Application Deadlines (Programs and Scholarships):

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all components of the application are complete and the application is submitted by 11:59pm on the deadline. This includes receipt of faculty and advisor recommendations.

  • September 1st - Spring ISEP Exchange
  • October 1st - Spring Program Providers, Spring NYAP, Spring CHIP
  • December 1st - SU Faculty-Led Summer Programs
  • February 1st - Summer Program Providers, Fall ISEP Exchange & Fall NYAP
  • March 1st - Fall Program Providers, SU London Semester, Fall CHIP

Search programs and apply in via

Applications are open in Via TRM for:

*advising is required prior to submitting an application

  • Study Abroad Scholarships
    • Same deadline as program application
    • Login to Via and search for “scholarships” under “explore programs”

Faculty-led Application essay:

250 word essay addressing:

  • Discuss your personal goals for studying abroad on this particular program and what challenges you anticipate.

apply for SU Scholarships in Via
Paideia scholarship:

Short responses (250 words each) addressing:

Please answer the following questions with a short response (approximately 250 words each). Refer to the rubric here. Please note that the quality of your responses will influence the amount awarded – if you need assistance with your responses, please consult with the Debby Ellis Writing Center:

1. Where do you hope to study abroad/away? Tell us about the program you are interested in.

2. Why do you want to study abroad/away in general and why as a part of this particular program? Think about your past lived experiences as well as your aspirations, including professional (future academic and/or career path) and personal (other learning experiences, relationships, skills, abilities).

3. This award is animated by the Paideia philosophy of making connections. What kinds of connections can you anticipate making between your experience abroad/away and your major, a class or class concept, a co-curricular activity, or another high-impact experience?

Optional: is there any additional information you would like to share with the Committee? For example, if you have any financial need that might not be on record with the university, please explain.

S-Stem Personal statement:

250 personal statement addressing:

  • Discuss your personal goals for studying abroad and how you anticipate this experience will connect with your studies at Southwestern and your future goals.