Captain’s Academy

Captain’s Academy Support Staff

Our Captain’s Academy Support Staff works hard to ensure the success of all first-generation students on campus.


ACM Headshot

Anna Cortes-McCrary, M.Ed.


 Academic Success Coordinator


 Hometown: Fort Worth, TX

 Education: BA from Texas Christian University and M.Ed.     from the University of North Texas 

 About Me: I was the first person in my family to attend   college and graduate school. I remember how lost I felt   trying to navigate university life as a first-generation college   student, and I use that as motivation to assist other first-   generation students in their journeys. With experience   working in TRIO Student Support Services and Academic Advising, I am excited to provide help and hope to the first-generation students at SU! 



Office: Center for Academic Success, PRC 120



Eunice Mexicano

 Biology major


 Hi! I am Eunice Mexicano from San Antonio, TX. I am the new   student leader for Captain’s Academy and a first-generation   college student! At Southwestern, I enjoy studying in the FJS   building and walking around campus. I have many hobbies   which include, playing piano since I was 4, reading, and  cooking. 



Office: Center of Academic Success, PRC 120