Notable Achievements

Assistant Professor of Biology Jennie DeMarco attended and presented her research on using compost and native seeding to restore ski slopes and sequester soil carbon at the 2023 Ski Conservation Summit held at Copper Mountain Ski Resort in Frisco, Colorado. Also in attendance were Southwestern University students Logan Antone ’24, Cooper Phillips ’24, Blaine Ten Wolde ’25, Hailey Vickich ’25, and Olivia Johnson ’26. The summit and our research were covered in several media outlets: 5280 Denver’s Mile High Magazine, CBS Colorado, Summit Daily, and SAM Magazine.



Ecosystem Ecology, Plants, Soils, Carbon Sequestration, Arctic Ecosystems, Climate Change

I am a self-identified nerdy scientist who loves geeking out on asking questions about how the natural world works and how to design experiments to answer those questions. I am often heard saying, “We can test that!” when those around me postulate a question about any topic. This passion for knowledge is what drives my teaching and research. As a scientist and teacher, I want to challenge students to think critically about the natural world around them so that they can begin to understand the complex interactions that influence the natural world. I encourage students to apply their understanding to create solutions and make decisions to promote sustainability. 

  • I am a self-identified nerdy scientist who loves geeking out on asking questions about how the natural world works and how to design experiments to answer those questions. I am often heard saying, “We can test that!” when those around me postulate a question about any topic. This passion for knowledge is what drives my teaching and research. As a scientist and teacher, I want to challenge students to think critically about the natural world around them so that they can begin to understand the complex interactions that influence the natural world. I encourage students to apply their understanding to create solutions and make decisions to promote sustainability. 

  • As an ecosystem ecologist, I incorporate concepts in both plant ecology and soil biogeochemistry to understand how climate change, land use change, and invasive species impact how carbon and nutrients are cycled in terrestrial ecosystems. In addition, I research how ecosystems are responding to climate change and how we can manage ecosystems to both mitigate climate change and make them more resilient. I use a combination of experimental and observational studies that span a diversity of terrestrial ecosystems from the desert to the arctic.

    My most recent research has taken me to the far northeast of the Siberian arctic through the brush, burned trees, and mosquitos in search for answers to a changing arctic. Like most scientists, I am passionate about finding the answers to my questions, so much so that I will endure hiking through the brush, trying not to trip over downed burned trees, all while being attacked by thousands of mosquitos to get the data to answer those questions. In addition to my research, I also work on sharing my passion for science to the general public through storytelling, education, and outreach.

    Check out my website for more information about my ongoing research projects:

  • Please contact me at for copies of any of these publications.

    Cooper, A. and J. DeMarco. 2023. Composted biosolids amendments for enhanced soil organic carbon and water storage in perennial pastures in Colorado. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 347:108401.

    Woolman, A. M., J. D. Coop, J. D. Shaw, and J. DeMarco. 2022. Extent of recent fire-induced losses of ponderosa pine forests of Arizona and New Mexico, USA. Forestry Ecology and Management 520:120381

    Talucci, A. C., E. Forbath, H. Kropp, H. D. Alexander, J. DeMarco, A. K. Paulson, N. S. Zimov, and M. L. Loranty. 2020. Evaluating post-fire vegetation recovery in Cajander larch forests in Northeastern Siberia using UAV derived vegetation indices. Remote Sensing 12:2970.

    Christianson, C. T., M. C. Mack, J. DeMarco and P. J. Grogan. 2018. Decomposition of senesced leaf litter is faster in tall compared to low birch shrub tundra. Ecosystems 21:1564-1579.

    DeMarco, J., T. Filley, and H.T . Throop. 2016. Patterns of woody plant-derived soil carbon losses and persistence after brush management in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil  406:277-293.

    DeMarco, J., M. C. Mack, M. S. Bret-Harte, M. Burton and G. R. Shaver. 2014. Long-term warming and nutrient additions increase productivity in tall deciduous shrub tundra. Ecosphere 5(6).

    DeMarco, J., M. C. Mack and M. S. Bret-Harte. 2014. Effects of arctic shrub expansion on biophysical vs. biogeochemical drivers of litter decomposition. Ecology 95(7):1861-1875.

    DeMarco, J., M. C. Mack and M. S. Bret-Harte.. 2011. The effects of snow, soil microenvironment, and soil organic matter quality on N availability in three Alaskan Arctic plant communities. Ecosystems 14:804-817.

    Cardelus, C. L., M. C. Mack, C. Woods, J. DeMarco, and K. K. Treseder. 2008. The influence of tree species on canopy soil nutrient status in a tropical lowland wet forest in Costa Rica. Plant Soil 318:47-61.

    Bret-Harte, M. S., M. C.  Mack, G. R.  Goldsmith, D. B.  Sloan, J. DeMarco, G. R.  Shaver, P. M. Ray, Z. Biesinger, and F. S. Chapin III. 2008. Plant functional types do not predict biomass responses to removal and fertilization in Alaskan tussock tundra.  Journal of Ecology 96: 713-726. 

    Classen, A. T., J. DeMarco, S. C. Hart, T. G. Whitham, N. S. Cobb, and GW Koch.  2006. Impacts of herbivorous insects on decomposer communities during the early stages of primary succession in a semi-arid woodland.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38: 972-982.

In the News

  • Video: Student Research in Gunnison, Colorado

    Learn more about Cooper Philips’ research on insect biodiversity.

  • Video: SCOPE Students Evaluate Climate Change Mitigation Efforts in South Texas

    Assistant Professor of Biology Jennie DeMarco and students measure the effectiveness of a nature-based method of addressing climate change in the Tamaulipan thornscrub ecosystem of southern Texas.

    Watch Now