- giuliant@southwestern.edu
- 512.863.1596
- Olin 212
Notable Achievements
Professor of Psychology Traci Giuliano published an article with several current SU undergraduates, including Georgia Micknal (first author) ’25, Samantha Gonzales ’26, Lauren Levee ’27, Gabrielle Fullard ’27, and Kalista Esquivel ’26. The article is titled “(Don’t) hit me up: The effects of initiator gender and setting on perceptions of date initiation” and will be published in the December issue of the North American Journal of Psychology.
Traci Giuliano
Professor of Psychology
Social Psychology, Human Sexuality, Gender
Dr. Giuliano holds a B.A. in psychology from The University of Texas and an M.A. and Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She has been a member of the Southwestern faculty since 1994, and still considers Southwestern her dream job. In 2009, she was named holder of the John H. Duncan Chair, one of six endowed positions funded by the Brown Foundation of Houston. She enjoyed hosting Southwestern’s annual Brown Symposium (“Sex Talk: A Symposium With Benefits”) in 2013.
Teaching Philosophy
As a teacher, I want to inspire others the way that I have been inspired. Throughout my life, my teachers have had a tremendous impact on me (academically, socially, and personally) by serving as role models and by sharing their passion. I want my students to feel the way I felt when I was in college–to be so passionate about learning that they never, ever want to miss a single college class (as I didn’t); to feel compelled to write a letter explaining a research finding to Ann Landers, as a “Psych Student from Georgetown, Texas” did after learning about that finding in my intro psych class; and to be so excited about social psychology that they cannot resist the urge to constantly describe its theories and experiments to their parents, friends, and romantic partners, even to the point of annoyance (as I did, and as my students do now). Toward this end, I rely heavily on active learning demonstrations to make the material engaging (e.g., social psychology students participate in a dating marketplace simulation in order to understand the matching hypothesis in attraction) as well as assignments that encourage students to apply course content to their lives (e.g., students post multimedia blogs about their experiences breaking a social norm or taking an online prejudice test). In addition, because I think it’s crucial for students to become more effective communicators, I devote immense amounts of time in all my courses to teaching students to write clearly, logically, and professionally. To help guide them, I share the “recipe” for good scientific writing, I provide numerous detailed handouts (on grammar, scientific content, and APA style) and examples of good papers from previous students, and I spend hours making copious comments on their papers. Finally, I connect with students and care deeply about their academic, professional, and personal development. Although I’m thrilled when an undergraduate gets word that the manuscript she labored over for a year has been accepted for publication, I’m every bit as tickled when a C student who has been struggling to “get” research methods surprises both of us with an A on the final paper or the final exam. The opportunity to establish meaningful relationships outside the classroom is also very fulfilling. I especially appreciate that my classes eagerly come to my house every semester to devour fajitas and corn casserole, to play dodge ball on my sport court, and to dance to hip hop with my 10-year old daughter; that my winter break each year is filled with visits by former students who regale me with tales of life in graduate school, the CIA, or a non-profit agency; and that these relationships allow me to watch students grow up, get married, start careers, and embark on a variety of adventures.
Honors & Awards
- Jesse E Purdy Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Works Award, 2018-2019
- Southwestern University Ms. Homecoming, 2016-17
- John H. Duncan Endowed Chair 2009-2014
- Southwestern Nominee for the State of Texas Piper Professor Award, 2013-2014
- Southwestern Nominee for the CASE U.S. Professor of the Year Award, 2012-2013
- Southwestern Nominee for the State of Texas Piper Professor Award, 2010-2011
- Southwestern Nominee for the CASE U.S. Professor of the Year Award, 2010-2011
- Southwestern University Outstanding Teaching Award, 2009-2010
- Southwestern University Outstanding Advising Award, 2009-2010
- Southwestern Nominee for the Minnie Piper Stevens Foundation Teaching Award, 2006-2007
- Methodist Board of Higher Education in Ministry’s Outstanding Teaching Award 2004-2005
- Southwestern University Outstanding Teaching Award, 1999-2000
- Shepherd Ivory Franz Outstanding Teaching Award, UCLA 1994
- Phi Beta Kappa, University of Texas 1989
Having grown up as a tomboy playing sports on all-boys’ teams, Giuliano is fascinated by the role that gender plays in influencing not only our own perceptions and behavior, but also others’ perceptions of and behavior toward us. Her research explores the effects of gender in a variety of applied contexts, including sports, health, communication, and sexuality. Giuliano has published 37 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 28 of which include 64 undergraduate student co-authors. Mentoring students through research is Giuliano’s passion, and she is proud that her students have served as first author on 23 articles and that 11 of her students have earned national paper competition awards.
Student Research Assistants: Honors and Awards
- Jenny Howell, National Science Foundation Fellowship (2011)
- Stacy Mathis, 1st place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2010)
- Kathryn Bollich, 2nd place, Psi Chi/ Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (2010)
- Patrick Egan, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship (2010)
- Patrick Egan, 2nd place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2009)
- Jenny Howell, 3rd place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2009)
- Abby Riggs, 1sts place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2004)
- Kelly Turner & Krista Wilke, King Creativity Fund Grant (2003)
- Allison Dickson, 3rd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (2001)
- Jennifer Knight, Best Student Research Paper, American Psychological Society meeting (2000)
- Cody Cox, 3rd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (2000)
- Jennifer Knight, Alfred Nolle Alpha Chi National Research Award (2000)
- Cari Cohorn, 1st place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (1999)
- Jennifer Knight, 3rd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (1999)
- Psi Chi National Research Grants (1999): Cari Cohorn, Sam Fiala
- Sam Fiala, 2nd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (1998)
- Psi Chi Research Awards for Outstanding Posters/Papers at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference:
- Sarah Matthews & Kayleigh Thomas (2016)
- Samantha Sada (2013)
- Kevin Hutzler (2012)
- Sarah Johnson (2012)
- Brooke Blomquist (2011)
- Stacy Mathis, Whitney Laas, Lauren Margulieux, & Kathryn Bollich (2010)
- Sarah Gomillion (2009)
- Emily Travis (2007)
- Sarah Gomillion & Kathryn Cubage (2006)
- Carlee McConnell & Elissa Lewis (2006)
- Abby Riggs & Erin Crockett (2004)
- Aubrey Buckert & Genevieve Pruneau (2004)
- Matt Hall & Jill Hogue (2003)
- Ashley Rittmayer (2001)
- Deann Dixon (2001)
- Allison Dickson (2001)
- Ashley Rittmayer (2000)
- Jennifer Knight (1999)
- Sam Fiala (1998)
*Denotes Southwestern Undergraduate Co-authors
- Giuliano, T., Skorinko, J. L. M., & Fallon, M. (2019). Editorial: Engaging undergraduates in publishable research: Best practices. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1878. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01878.
- *Rosa, M. N., Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Thomas, K. H., *Swift, B. A., & *Mills, M. M. (2019). Encouraging erotic variety: Identifying correlates of, and strategies for promoting, sexual novelty in romantic relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 146, 155-169. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.04.009
- Giuliano, T. A. (2019). Guiding undergraduates through the process of first authorship. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 857. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00857.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2019). The “Writing Spiral”: A practical tool for teaching undergraduates to write publication-quality manuscripts. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 915. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00915.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Johnson, S. M., *Herselman, J. R., & *Hutzler, K. T. (2019). Attitudes Toward Polyamory Scale. In R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. Yarber (Eds), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- *Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Rosa, M. N., *Thomas, K. H., & *Swift, B. A. (2019). Sexual Novelty Scale. In R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. Yarber (Eds), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- *Butterworth, S. E., Giuliano, T. A., *White, J. R., *Cantu, L., & *Fraser, K. C. (2019). Sender gender influences emoji interpretation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 784. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00784
- *Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Rosa, M. N., *Thomas, K. H., *Swift, B. A., *Ahearn, N. D., *Garcia, A. G., *Smith, S. R., *Niblett, C. M., & *Mills, M. M. (2018). The battle against bedroom boredom: Development and validation of a brief measure of sexual novelty in relationships. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27, 277-287.
- *Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Thomas, K. H., *Straup, M. L., & *Martinez, M. A. (2018). Not cool, dude: Perceptions of solicited vs. unsolicited sext messages from men and women. Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.06.14
- Swinkels, A. H., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). An effective project for teaching repeated-measures designs. Teaching of Psychology, 45(3), 251-255.
- *Hutzler, K. T., *Herzelman, J. R., *Johnson, S. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2015). Three’s a crowd: Public awareness and (mis)perceptions of polyamory. Psychology & Sexuality. doi: 10.1080/19419899.2015.1004102
- *Johnson, S. M., *Herzelman, J. R., *Hutzler, K. T., & Giuliano, T. A. (2015). Development of a brief measure of attitudes towards polyamory. Psychology & Sexuality. doi: 10.1080/19419899.2014.1001774
- Swinkels, C. G., & Giuliano, T. A. (2014). What’s in a name? Do labels influence people’s liking for cookies? Journal of Emerging Investigators, 11, 1-9.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2014). Strategies for teaching writing effectively in a first year seminar. In W. S. Altman & L. Stein (Eds.), Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching, 14, 6-9. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
- *Blomquist, B.A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). “Do you love me, too?” Perceptions of Responses to ‘I love you.” North American Journal of Psychology, 14, 407-418.
- *Gomillion, S. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The influence of media role models on gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity. Journal of Homosexuality, 58, 330-354.
- *Howell, J., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The effects of expletive use and team gender on perceptions of coaching effectiveness. Journal of Sport Behavior, 34, 69-81.
- *Howell, J., *Egan, P., *Ackley, B., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The reverse double standard in perceptions of student-teacher sexual relationships: The role of gender, initiation, and power. Journal of Social Psychology, 151(2), 180-200.
- *Egan, P., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Unaccommodating attitudes: Perceptions of students with learning disabilities as a function of accommodation use and test performance. North American Journal of Psychology, 11, 487-500.
- *Osborne, R. L, *Ackley B. D, & Giuliano, T. A., (2008). The “skinny” on coffee drinkers: Gender differences in healthy beverage choice. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 13(4), 159-163.
- *Riggs, A. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Running in the family or swimming in the gene pool: The role of family history and genetic risk in individuals’ illness perceptions. Journal of Health Psychology, 12, 883-894.
- *Stanzer, M., Guarraci, F., Giuliano, T. A., & Sims, A. (2007). Paramedic or EMT-basic partner? Study evaluates preferred partner types & the effect of partners on work-related stress levels. Journal of Emergency Medical Services 32: 72-74.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Turner, K. L., *Lundquist, J. C., & *Knight, J. L., (2007). Gender and the selection of public athletic role models. Journal of Sport Behavior, 30, 161-198.
- Hebl, M. R., Giuliano, T. A., King, E. B., *Knight, J. L., Shapiro, J. R., Skorinko, J. L., & Wig, A. (2004). Paying the way: The ticket to gender inequality in sports. Sex Roles, 51, 227-235.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). Blood, sweat, and jeers: The impact of the media’s heterosexist portrayals on perceptions of male and female athletes. Journal of Sport Behavior, 26, 272-284.
- *Wilke, K. M., *Turner, K. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). Smoke screens: Cross-cultural effectiveness of anti-smoking messages. North American Journal of Psychology, 5, 431-442.
- *Dodd E. H., Giuliano, T. A., *Boutell, J. M., & *Moran, B. E. (2001). Respected or rejected: Perceptions of women who confront sexist remarks. Sex Roles, 45, 567-577.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2001). She’s a “looker;” he’s a Laker: The consequences of gender-stereotypical portrayals of male and female athletes by the print media. Sex Roles, 45, 217-229.
- *Knight, J. L., Giuliano, T. A., & *Sanchez-Ross, M. G. (2001). Famous or infamous? The influence of celebrity status and race on perceptions of responsibility for rape. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 23, 183-190.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2001). Student presentations of the life and work of a well-known social psychologist. Teaching of Psychology, 28, 269-271. [Pedagogical]
- *Dickson, A., Giuliano, T. A., *Morris, J. C., & *Cass, K. L. (2001). Eminem versus Charley Pride: Race, stereotypes, and perceptions of rap and country music performers. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 6, 175-179.
- *Kirkendall, K. D., *Dixon, D. P., Giuliano, T. A., & *Raney, A. E. (2001). The bold and the beautiful: The effect of physical attractiveness and extraversion on desirability. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 6, 180-186.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Popp, K. E., & *Knight, J. L. (2000). Footballs vs. Barbies: Childhood play activities as predictors of sport participation by women. Sex Roles, 42, 159-181.
- *Cohorn, C. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). Predictors of adjustment and institutional attachment in first-year college students. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 4, 47-56.
- *Cox, C. B., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). Constructing obstacles vs. making excuses: Examining perceivers’ reactions to behavioral and self-reported self-handicapping. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,14, 419-432.
- *Fiala, S. E., Giuliano, T. A., *Remlinger, N. M., & *Braithwaite, L. C. (1999). Lending a helping hand: The effects of sex stereotypes and gender on likelihood of helping. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29, 2164-2176.
- Giuliano, T. A., & *Cohorn, C. A. (1997). Predictors of adjustment and institutional attachment in first-year college students. Higher Education Abstracts, 33, 27-28.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1995). The measurement and conceptualization of mood awareness: Monitoring and labeling one’s mood states. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21, 934-949.
- Graham, S., Weiner, B., Giuliano, T. A., & Williams, E. (1993). An attributional analysis of reactions to Magic Johnson. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 996-1010.
- Taylor, S. E., Aspinwall, L. G., & Giuliano, T. A. (1993). Emotions as psychological achievements. In S. H. M. Van Goozen, S. H. M. Van de Poll, & J. A. Sergeant (Eds.), Emotions: Essays on current issues in the field of emotion theory. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Taylor, S. E., Aspinwall, L. G., Giuliano, T. A., Dakof, G. A., & Reardon, K. K. (1993). Storytelling and coping with stressful events. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 703-733.
- Gilbert, D. T., McNulty, S. E., Giuliano, T. A., & Benson, J. E. (1992). Blurry words and fuzzy deeds: The attribution of obscure behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62, 18-25.
- *Olson, E. S., *Davis, L. K., Pinero, A. J., Im, J. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2019). The effects of accomplishments and TV preferences on perceptions of intelligence. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM. (April).
- *Doss, E. R., *Gainza-Perez, M. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2019). Do they give a [pile of poop emoji]? The effects of emojis on professor perception. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM. (April).
- *Butterworth, S., *Allen, R., *Cook, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Blogging your way out: A study of depression and Tumblr usage. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Butterworth, S., *White, J., *Fraser, K., *Cantu, L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Is he flirting with me? How sender gender influences emoji interpretation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Cook, A, *Allen, R., *Orces, D., *Cook, W., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Emoji manners: Perceptions of students’ and teachers’ emoji use in emails. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Davis, L., *Olson, E., *Neubek, D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Blogging your way out: A study of depression and Tumblr usage. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Zanetti, K., *Pinero, A., *Torres, T., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Now that’s aggressive: Examining the relationship between political orientation and political flaming. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Thomas, K. H., *Rosa, M. N., *Swift, B. A., *Mills, M. M., *Matthews, S. J., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). More than missionary: Predictors and correlates of sexual novelty in committed relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Atlanta, November.
- *Rosa, M. N., *Matthews, S. J., *Thomas, K. H., *Swift, B. A., *Mills, M. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Encouraging erotic variety: The effects of persuasion on attitudes toward sexual novelty. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Atlanta, November.
- *Matthews, S. J., *Thomas, K. H., *Rosa, M. N., *Swift, B. A., *Mills, M. M., Smith, S., Niblett, C. M., Ahearn, N. D., Garcia, A. G., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Development and validation of a brief measure of sexual novelty in relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston (May).
- *Matthews, S. J., *Thomas, K. H., *Straup, M. L., *Martinez, M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Not cool, dude: Perceptions of solicited vs. unsolicited sext messages from men and women. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio (April).
- *Rosa, M, *Swift, B, *Lorenz, H., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). LOL, ILY: The effects of textspeak and gender on dating profile perceptions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio (April).
- *Niblett, C. M., *Garcia, A., *Ahearn, N. D., *Smith, S. R., and Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Which strategies do people use to introduce sexual novelty into their relationships? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston (May).
- *Garcia, A., *Smith, S. R.,*Ahearn, N. D., *Niblett, C. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). The battle against bedroom boredom: Sexual novelty and sexual satisfaction in relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio (January).
- *Niblett, C. M., *Garcia, A., *Ahearn, N. D., & *Smith, S. R., and Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Tactics for initiating sexual novelty in relationships. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychology Science, Boston (May).
- *Garcia, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). Do as I do: Expressions and desires of the five love languages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Lorenz, H., *Straup, M., *Gonzales, M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). Be yourself (or your mom): Parents’ and offsprings’ love languages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Matthews, S., *Thomas, K., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). It’s all about me: Narcissism as a predictor of love languages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Rosa, M., *Dunn, D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). Frisky Business: The role of self-monitoring in public touch. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Hutzler, K. T., *Herselman, J. R., *Johnson, S. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2014). Three’s a crowd…or is it? Examining public perceptions of polyamorous relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2014). Strategies for teaching writing effectively in a first year seminar. Poster presented at the 36th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, Florida.
- *David, L. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). Gender differences in perceptions of loyalty transgressions: Who sticks to “the code”? Poster presented at the 121st annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
- *Polk, K. A., *Valle, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). The effects of target religion and action taken on perceived morality. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Sada, S. R., *Dorer, S. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). The effects of gender and sexual orientation on perceptions of gynecologists. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Sells, E. M., *Shapiro, K. R., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). Gays of our lives: Attitudes toward gay instructors in gender-stereotypical activities. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Hutzler, K. T., *Herzelman, J. R., *Johnson, S. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Three’s a crowd…or is it? Examining public perceptions of polyamorous relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tampa.
- *Johnson, S. M., *Herzelman, J. R., *Hutzler, K. T., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Development of a concise measure of attitudes toward polyamory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tampa.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). An effective project for teaching repeated-measures designs. Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science Teaching Institute, Chicago.
- *Blomquist, B. A, *Chatfield, S. E., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Exploring perceptions of saying “I love you” in romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Diego.
- *David, L., *Simon, M., *Romero, F., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). To wait or not to wait? Relationship recovery time and strategic rebounding. Poster presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Diego.
- *Hutzler, K., *Bobbitt, T., *Honeycutt, L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). “You’re hired”: How persuasion tactics and gender stereotypes affect hireability. Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City.
- *Johnson, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). The effects of gender and self-presentation on perceptions of student-professor interactions. Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City.
- *Johnson, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Parental openness as a predictor of attitude toward abortion and public sex. Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City.
- *Bollich, K. L., *Mathis, S. E., *Laas, W. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). From shy to “fly:” Strategies to improve first impressions of shy individuals. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio.
- *Eisenberg, R. F., *Simon, M. L., *Alonzo, J. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). “I kissed a girl”: Perceptions of blame and relationship stability following infidelity. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Blomquist, B. A., Willems, S. L., *Laurie, M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The effects of disclosure and controllability of stigmas on likability. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Chatfield, S., *Bogs, K., *Flynn, K. *Kurth, K., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). Are tattoos lose-lose? Perceptions of women’s tattoos as a function of their visibility and significance. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Bollich, K. L, *Mathis, S. E., *Laas, W. L, Giuliano, T. A., & *Margulieux, L. E. (2010). Perceived effectiveness of strategies for improving perceptions of shy individuals. Poster presented at the 22nd annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston.
- *Margulieux, L. E., Giuliano, T. A., *Bollich, K. A., *Mathis, S. E., & *Laas, W. L. (2010). Introverted but not shy: A new perspective on the measurement of introversion. Poster presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Mathis, S. E., *Laas, W. L., *Margulieux, L. E., *Bollich, K. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2010). Shy to “fly:” Testing the effectiveness of self-presentation strategies of shy individuals. Poster presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Egan, P., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Unaccommodating Attitudes: Perceptions of students with learning disabilities as a function of accommodation use and test performance. Poster presented at the 21st annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco.
- *Howell, J. L,, *Egan, P., *Ackley, B. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Scandal in the schoolhouse: Initiation, power, and perceptions of student-teacher relationships. Poster presented at the 21st annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco.
- *Bollich, K, *Laas, W., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). “Battle” of the sexes: Sex role and attitudes toward war. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Davenport, K., Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Putting the news to good use: The news media and volunteerism. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Egan, P., *Howell, J., *Ackley, B., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Moderating factors of the reverse sexual double standard in student-teacher relationships. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- Gomillion, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). The influence of media role models on gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity. Talk presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Howell, J., *Ormand, H., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Shoot the ball %$&%!: The impact of expletive use on coaching effectiveness. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Laas, W., *Bollich, K., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). The politics of Facebook: Gender and political orientation on a social-networking website. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Social psychology in the real world: The trade book application project. Poster presented at the 19th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
- *Ormand, H. M., *Egan, P. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). “Her-she” Snacks: The Relationship Between Gender and Chocolate Consumption. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Osborne, R. L., *Ackley, B. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). The “skinny” on coffee drinkers: Gender differences in healthy beverage choice. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Stanzer, M., Guarraci, F.A., Giuliano, T. A. & Sims, A. (2007). Working with a preferred partner reduces stress and increases perceived social support in paramedics. EMS Today Conference, Washington, DC.
- *Tang, S., *Yusran, A. E., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Beyond the picket lines: Self-monitoring and political activism in college students. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Travis, E. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Classroom crushes: An exploration of student-instructor attraction. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Gomillion, S. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2006). Comingout.com: The relationship between the media and gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York.
- *Gomillion, S. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2006). Explaining changes in voting preference over time in university students. Poster presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin.
- *McConnell, C. M., *Lewis, E. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2006). Prejudice and partisanship: The connection between racial and political attitudes. Poster presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin.
- *Riggs, A. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2005). Running in the family or swimming in the gene pool: The role of family history and genetic risk in individual’s illness perceptions. Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles.
- *Riggs, A. L., Giuliano, T. A., *Buckert, A. D., & *Crockett, E. E., (2004). “His and her” heart attacks: Women’s receptiveness to health-related information as a function of perceived gender relevance. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago.
- *Buckert, A. D., *Pruneau, G. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2004). Mr. and Mrs. Know-it-all: Perceptions of individuals demonstrating male answer syndrome. Poster presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Riggs, A. L., *Crockett, E. E., & Giuliano, T. A. (2004). Pink slips and black cats: The relationship between stress and superstition. Poster presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- Shapiro, J. R., Wig, A., Skorinko, J., *Knight, J. L., King, E. B., Giuliano, T. A., & Hebl, M. R. (2004). Paying the way: The ticket to gender equity in sports. Poster presented at the 5th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Turner, K. L., *Lundquist, J. C., & *Knight, J. L., (2003). Like Mike or Mia? The selection and influence of elite athletic role models. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Hogue, J. C., *Hall, M. R., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). Girls just wanna have…FARM (female athletic role models). Poster presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
- *Lundquist, J. L., Giuliano, T. A., & *Wilke, K. M. (2003). The emergence of professional female athletes as role models. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). The impact of heterosexist portrayals on perceptions of male and female athletes. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Turner, K. T., Giuliano, T. A., *Lundquist, J. L., & *Knight, J. L. (2003). Twice as nice: The double burden of contemporary female athletes. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Downing, A. J., Giuliano, T. A., & Smith, J. C. (2002). Are men’s perceptions of a desirable body image related to the actual preferences of women? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Colleges of Sports Medicine, Georgetown, Texas.
- *Dickson, A. J., Giuliano, T. A., & *Cass, K. L. (2001). Eminem vs. Charlie Pride: Race, stereotypes, and perceptions of performers. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Dixon, D. P., *Kirkendall, K. D., Giuliano, T. A., & *Raney, A. E. (2001). The bold and the beautiful: The effect of physical attractiveness and extraversion on desirability. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Dodd, E. H., Giuliano, T. A., *Boutell, J. M., & *Moran, B. E. (2001). Respected or rejected: Perceptions of women who ignore vs. confront sexist remarks. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- Giuliano, T. A., & *Knight, J. L. (2001). “They’ve got next”: The conception of female athletes as role models for young athletes. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Knight, J. L, & Giuliano, T. A. (2001). Sporting stereotypes: The influence of gender schemas on perceptions of athletes. Poster presented at the 13th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Toronto.
- *Rittmayer, A. D., *Honey, M. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2001). What’s taxing them? An assessment of occupational stress. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2000). They got “text:” Consequences of gender stereotypical portrayals of athletes by the media. Poster presented at the 12th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Miami.
- Mannix, L., Hebl, M., Wig, A., Giuliano, T. A., & Swinkels, A. (2000). Gender discrimination in collegiate sports: The score with respect to exposure levels and ticket pricing. Psychological and Organizational Perspectives on Discrimination in the Workplace: Research, Theory, and Practice. Conference held at Rice University, May 19-21.
- *Rittmayer, A. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2000). In the eye of the beholder: The effects of gender and sex stereotype of occupation on perceptions of attractiveness. Poster presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Cox, C. B., *Patrick, E. C., *Barrera, P. V., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). Nothing ventured, nothing lost: Perceptions of behavioral vs. self-reported self-handicapping. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque.
- Giuliano, T. A. (1999). A dynamic group project: Student presentations of the life and work of a well-known social psychologist. Poster presented at the 21st annual conference of the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.
- *Giuliano, T. A., *Popp, K. E., & Knight, J. L. (1999). Footballs vs. Barbies: Childhood play activities as predictors of sport participation by women. Poster presented at the 11th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Denver.
- *Knight, J. L., Giuliano, T. A., & *Sanchez-Ross, M. G. (1999). The effect of celebrity status and race on rape perceptions. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque.
- *Popp, K. E., *Felker, B. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). The effects of self-touching on observer’s perceptions of social skills. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque.
- *Fiala, S. E., *Remlinger, N. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (1998). The effects of sex stereotypes on the likelihood of helping. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Barnes, L. C., *Fiala, S. E., & *Davis, D. M. (1998). An empirical investigation of Male Answer Syndrome. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Fiala, S. E., *Davis, D. M., & *Patrick, E. C. (1998). The reluctance to admit,
I don’t know”: Exploring Male Answer Syndrome. Poster presented at the 10th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC. - *Cohorn, C. A., Giuliano A., & *Barnes, L. C. (1997). Predictors of adjustment in first-year college students. Poster presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Watts, A., *Heidmann, T., & Giuliano, T. A. (1997). Athletic role models as socialization agents for female athletes. Paper presented at the 2nd annual South-Central Regional Student Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, College Station, Texas.
- Swinkels, A., Giuliano, T. A., & Helweg-Larsen, M. (1996). Assessing mood awareness in diverse groups. Poster presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Giuliano, T. A. (1995). Mood awareness predicts mood regulation. Poster presented at the 103rd annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1993). Exploring the role of mood awareness in mood regulation. In D. Tice (Chair), The self-regulation of mood and emotion. Symposium conducted at the 101st annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
- Giuliano, T. A., & Swinkels, A. (1992). The development and validation of the Mood Awareness Scale. Poster presented at the 100th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1992). Mood awareness and self-regulation. Poster presented at the Fourth annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, San Diego.
- Giuliano, T. A., & Taylor, S. E. (1991). Reactions to storytelling: The effects of informativeness and comparison direction. Poster presented at the 99th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Dr. Giuliano holds a B.A. in psychology from The University of Texas and an M.A. and Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She has been a member of the Southwestern faculty since 1994, and still considers Southwestern her dream job. In 2009, she was named holder of the John H. Duncan Chair, one of six endowed positions funded by the Brown Foundation of Houston. She enjoyed hosting Southwestern’s annual Brown Symposium (“Sex Talk: A Symposium With Benefits”) in 2013.
Teaching Philosophy
As a teacher, I want to inspire others the way that I have been inspired. Throughout my life, my teachers have had a tremendous impact on me (academically, socially, and personally) by serving as role models and by sharing their passion. I want my students to feel the way I felt when I was in college–to be so passionate about learning that they never, ever want to miss a single college class (as I didn’t); to feel compelled to write a letter explaining a research finding to Ann Landers, as a “Psych Student from Georgetown, Texas” did after learning about that finding in my intro psych class; and to be so excited about social psychology that they cannot resist the urge to constantly describe its theories and experiments to their parents, friends, and romantic partners, even to the point of annoyance (as I did, and as my students do now). Toward this end, I rely heavily on active learning demonstrations to make the material engaging (e.g., social psychology students participate in a dating marketplace simulation in order to understand the matching hypothesis in attraction) as well as assignments that encourage students to apply course content to their lives (e.g., students post multimedia blogs about their experiences breaking a social norm or taking an online prejudice test). In addition, because I think it’s crucial for students to become more effective communicators, I devote immense amounts of time in all my courses to teaching students to write clearly, logically, and professionally. To help guide them, I share the “recipe” for good scientific writing, I provide numerous detailed handouts (on grammar, scientific content, and APA style) and examples of good papers from previous students, and I spend hours making copious comments on their papers. Finally, I connect with students and care deeply about their academic, professional, and personal development. Although I’m thrilled when an undergraduate gets word that the manuscript she labored over for a year has been accepted for publication, I’m every bit as tickled when a C student who has been struggling to “get” research methods surprises both of us with an A on the final paper or the final exam. The opportunity to establish meaningful relationships outside the classroom is also very fulfilling. I especially appreciate that my classes eagerly come to my house every semester to devour fajitas and corn casserole, to play dodge ball on my sport court, and to dance to hip hop with my 10-year old daughter; that my winter break each year is filled with visits by former students who regale me with tales of life in graduate school, the CIA, or a non-profit agency; and that these relationships allow me to watch students grow up, get married, start careers, and embark on a variety of adventures.
Honors & Awards
- Jesse E Purdy Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Works Award, 2018-2019
- Southwestern University Ms. Homecoming, 2016-17
- John H. Duncan Endowed Chair 2009-2014
- Southwestern Nominee for the State of Texas Piper Professor Award, 2013-2014
- Southwestern Nominee for the CASE U.S. Professor of the Year Award, 2012-2013
- Southwestern Nominee for the State of Texas Piper Professor Award, 2010-2011
- Southwestern Nominee for the CASE U.S. Professor of the Year Award, 2010-2011
- Southwestern University Outstanding Teaching Award, 2009-2010
- Southwestern University Outstanding Advising Award, 2009-2010
- Southwestern Nominee for the Minnie Piper Stevens Foundation Teaching Award, 2006-2007
- Methodist Board of Higher Education in Ministry’s Outstanding Teaching Award 2004-2005
- Southwestern University Outstanding Teaching Award, 1999-2000
- Shepherd Ivory Franz Outstanding Teaching Award, UCLA 1994
- Phi Beta Kappa, University of Texas 1989
Having grown up as a tomboy playing sports on all-boys’ teams, Giuliano is fascinated by the role that gender plays in influencing not only our own perceptions and behavior, but also others’ perceptions of and behavior toward us. Her research explores the effects of gender in a variety of applied contexts, including sports, health, communication, and sexuality. Giuliano has published 37 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 28 of which include 64 undergraduate student co-authors. Mentoring students through research is Giuliano’s passion, and she is proud that her students have served as first author on 23 articles and that 11 of her students have earned national paper competition awards.
Student Research Assistants: Honors and Awards
- Jenny Howell, National Science Foundation Fellowship (2011)
- Stacy Mathis, 1st place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2010)
- Kathryn Bollich, 2nd place, Psi Chi/ Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (2010)
- Patrick Egan, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship (2010)
- Patrick Egan, 2nd place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2009)
- Jenny Howell, 3rd place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2009)
- Abby Riggs, 1sts place, Psi Chi/J.P. Guilford National Paper Competition (2004)
- Kelly Turner & Krista Wilke, King Creativity Fund Grant (2003)
- Allison Dickson, 3rd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (2001)
- Jennifer Knight, Best Student Research Paper, American Psychological Society meeting (2000)
- Cody Cox, 3rd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (2000)
- Jennifer Knight, Alfred Nolle Alpha Chi National Research Award (2000)
- Cari Cohorn, 1st place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (1999)
- Jennifer Knight, 3rd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (1999)
- Psi Chi National Research Grants (1999): Cari Cohorn, Sam Fiala
- Sam Fiala, 2nd place, Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon National Paper Competition (1998)
- Psi Chi Research Awards for Outstanding Posters/Papers at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference:
- Sarah Matthews & Kayleigh Thomas (2016)
- Samantha Sada (2013)
- Kevin Hutzler (2012)
- Sarah Johnson (2012)
- Brooke Blomquist (2011)
- Stacy Mathis, Whitney Laas, Lauren Margulieux, & Kathryn Bollich (2010)
- Sarah Gomillion (2009)
- Emily Travis (2007)
- Sarah Gomillion & Kathryn Cubage (2006)
- Carlee McConnell & Elissa Lewis (2006)
- Abby Riggs & Erin Crockett (2004)
- Aubrey Buckert & Genevieve Pruneau (2004)
- Matt Hall & Jill Hogue (2003)
- Ashley Rittmayer (2001)
- Deann Dixon (2001)
- Allison Dickson (2001)
- Ashley Rittmayer (2000)
- Jennifer Knight (1999)
- Sam Fiala (1998)
*Denotes Southwestern Undergraduate Co-authors
- Giuliano, T., Skorinko, J. L. M., & Fallon, M. (2019). Editorial: Engaging undergraduates in publishable research: Best practices. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1878. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01878.
- *Rosa, M. N., Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Thomas, K. H., *Swift, B. A., & *Mills, M. M. (2019). Encouraging erotic variety: Identifying correlates of, and strategies for promoting, sexual novelty in romantic relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 146, 155-169. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.04.009
- Giuliano, T. A. (2019). Guiding undergraduates through the process of first authorship. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 857. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00857.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2019). The “Writing Spiral”: A practical tool for teaching undergraduates to write publication-quality manuscripts. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 915. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00915.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Johnson, S. M., *Herselman, J. R., & *Hutzler, K. T. (2019). Attitudes Toward Polyamory Scale. In R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. Yarber (Eds), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- *Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Rosa, M. N., *Thomas, K. H., & *Swift, B. A. (2019). Sexual Novelty Scale. In R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. Yarber (Eds), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- *Butterworth, S. E., Giuliano, T. A., *White, J. R., *Cantu, L., & *Fraser, K. C. (2019). Sender gender influences emoji interpretation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 784. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00784
- *Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Rosa, M. N., *Thomas, K. H., *Swift, B. A., *Ahearn, N. D., *Garcia, A. G., *Smith, S. R., *Niblett, C. M., & *Mills, M. M. (2018). The battle against bedroom boredom: Development and validation of a brief measure of sexual novelty in relationships. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27, 277-287.
- *Matthews, S. J., Giuliano, T. A., *Thomas, K. H., *Straup, M. L., & *Martinez, M. A. (2018). Not cool, dude: Perceptions of solicited vs. unsolicited sext messages from men and women. Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.06.14
- Swinkels, A. H., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). An effective project for teaching repeated-measures designs. Teaching of Psychology, 45(3), 251-255.
- *Hutzler, K. T., *Herzelman, J. R., *Johnson, S. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2015). Three’s a crowd: Public awareness and (mis)perceptions of polyamory. Psychology & Sexuality. doi: 10.1080/19419899.2015.1004102
- *Johnson, S. M., *Herzelman, J. R., *Hutzler, K. T., & Giuliano, T. A. (2015). Development of a brief measure of attitudes towards polyamory. Psychology & Sexuality. doi: 10.1080/19419899.2014.1001774
- Swinkels, C. G., & Giuliano, T. A. (2014). What’s in a name? Do labels influence people’s liking for cookies? Journal of Emerging Investigators, 11, 1-9.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2014). Strategies for teaching writing effectively in a first year seminar. In W. S. Altman & L. Stein (Eds.), Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching, 14, 6-9. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
- *Blomquist, B.A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). “Do you love me, too?” Perceptions of Responses to ‘I love you.” North American Journal of Psychology, 14, 407-418.
- *Gomillion, S. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The influence of media role models on gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity. Journal of Homosexuality, 58, 330-354.
- *Howell, J., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The effects of expletive use and team gender on perceptions of coaching effectiveness. Journal of Sport Behavior, 34, 69-81.
- *Howell, J., *Egan, P., *Ackley, B., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The reverse double standard in perceptions of student-teacher sexual relationships: The role of gender, initiation, and power. Journal of Social Psychology, 151(2), 180-200.
- *Egan, P., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Unaccommodating attitudes: Perceptions of students with learning disabilities as a function of accommodation use and test performance. North American Journal of Psychology, 11, 487-500.
- *Osborne, R. L, *Ackley B. D, & Giuliano, T. A., (2008). The “skinny” on coffee drinkers: Gender differences in healthy beverage choice. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 13(4), 159-163.
- *Riggs, A. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Running in the family or swimming in the gene pool: The role of family history and genetic risk in individuals’ illness perceptions. Journal of Health Psychology, 12, 883-894.
- *Stanzer, M., Guarraci, F., Giuliano, T. A., & Sims, A. (2007). Paramedic or EMT-basic partner? Study evaluates preferred partner types & the effect of partners on work-related stress levels. Journal of Emergency Medical Services 32: 72-74.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Turner, K. L., *Lundquist, J. C., & *Knight, J. L., (2007). Gender and the selection of public athletic role models. Journal of Sport Behavior, 30, 161-198.
- Hebl, M. R., Giuliano, T. A., King, E. B., *Knight, J. L., Shapiro, J. R., Skorinko, J. L., & Wig, A. (2004). Paying the way: The ticket to gender inequality in sports. Sex Roles, 51, 227-235.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). Blood, sweat, and jeers: The impact of the media’s heterosexist portrayals on perceptions of male and female athletes. Journal of Sport Behavior, 26, 272-284.
- *Wilke, K. M., *Turner, K. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). Smoke screens: Cross-cultural effectiveness of anti-smoking messages. North American Journal of Psychology, 5, 431-442.
- *Dodd E. H., Giuliano, T. A., *Boutell, J. M., & *Moran, B. E. (2001). Respected or rejected: Perceptions of women who confront sexist remarks. Sex Roles, 45, 567-577.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2001). She’s a “looker;” he’s a Laker: The consequences of gender-stereotypical portrayals of male and female athletes by the print media. Sex Roles, 45, 217-229.
- *Knight, J. L., Giuliano, T. A., & *Sanchez-Ross, M. G. (2001). Famous or infamous? The influence of celebrity status and race on perceptions of responsibility for rape. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 23, 183-190.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2001). Student presentations of the life and work of a well-known social psychologist. Teaching of Psychology, 28, 269-271. [Pedagogical]
- *Dickson, A., Giuliano, T. A., *Morris, J. C., & *Cass, K. L. (2001). Eminem versus Charley Pride: Race, stereotypes, and perceptions of rap and country music performers. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 6, 175-179.
- *Kirkendall, K. D., *Dixon, D. P., Giuliano, T. A., & *Raney, A. E. (2001). The bold and the beautiful: The effect of physical attractiveness and extraversion on desirability. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 6, 180-186.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Popp, K. E., & *Knight, J. L. (2000). Footballs vs. Barbies: Childhood play activities as predictors of sport participation by women. Sex Roles, 42, 159-181.
- *Cohorn, C. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). Predictors of adjustment and institutional attachment in first-year college students. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 4, 47-56.
- *Cox, C. B., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). Constructing obstacles vs. making excuses: Examining perceivers’ reactions to behavioral and self-reported self-handicapping. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,14, 419-432.
- *Fiala, S. E., Giuliano, T. A., *Remlinger, N. M., & *Braithwaite, L. C. (1999). Lending a helping hand: The effects of sex stereotypes and gender on likelihood of helping. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29, 2164-2176.
- Giuliano, T. A., & *Cohorn, C. A. (1997). Predictors of adjustment and institutional attachment in first-year college students. Higher Education Abstracts, 33, 27-28.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1995). The measurement and conceptualization of mood awareness: Monitoring and labeling one’s mood states. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21, 934-949.
- Graham, S., Weiner, B., Giuliano, T. A., & Williams, E. (1993). An attributional analysis of reactions to Magic Johnson. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 996-1010.
- Taylor, S. E., Aspinwall, L. G., & Giuliano, T. A. (1993). Emotions as psychological achievements. In S. H. M. Van Goozen, S. H. M. Van de Poll, & J. A. Sergeant (Eds.), Emotions: Essays on current issues in the field of emotion theory. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Taylor, S. E., Aspinwall, L. G., Giuliano, T. A., Dakof, G. A., & Reardon, K. K. (1993). Storytelling and coping with stressful events. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 703-733.
- Gilbert, D. T., McNulty, S. E., Giuliano, T. A., & Benson, J. E. (1992). Blurry words and fuzzy deeds: The attribution of obscure behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62, 18-25.
- *Olson, E. S., *Davis, L. K., Pinero, A. J., Im, J. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2019). The effects of accomplishments and TV preferences on perceptions of intelligence. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM. (April).
- *Doss, E. R., *Gainza-Perez, M. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2019). Do they give a [pile of poop emoji]? The effects of emojis on professor perception. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM. (April).
- *Butterworth, S., *Allen, R., *Cook, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Blogging your way out: A study of depression and Tumblr usage. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Butterworth, S., *White, J., *Fraser, K., *Cantu, L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Is he flirting with me? How sender gender influences emoji interpretation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Cook, A, *Allen, R., *Orces, D., *Cook, W., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Emoji manners: Perceptions of students’ and teachers’ emoji use in emails. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Davis, L., *Olson, E., *Neubek, D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Blogging your way out: A study of depression and Tumblr usage. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Zanetti, K., *Pinero, A., *Torres, T., & Giuliano, T. A. (2018). Now that’s aggressive: Examining the relationship between political orientation and political flaming. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston (April).
- *Thomas, K. H., *Rosa, M. N., *Swift, B. A., *Mills, M. M., *Matthews, S. J., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). More than missionary: Predictors and correlates of sexual novelty in committed relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Atlanta, November.
- *Rosa, M. N., *Matthews, S. J., *Thomas, K. H., *Swift, B. A., *Mills, M. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Encouraging erotic variety: The effects of persuasion on attitudes toward sexual novelty. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Atlanta, November.
- *Matthews, S. J., *Thomas, K. H., *Rosa, M. N., *Swift, B. A., *Mills, M. M., Smith, S., Niblett, C. M., Ahearn, N. D., Garcia, A. G., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Development and validation of a brief measure of sexual novelty in relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston (May).
- *Matthews, S. J., *Thomas, K. H., *Straup, M. L., *Martinez, M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Not cool, dude: Perceptions of solicited vs. unsolicited sext messages from men and women. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio (April).
- *Rosa, M, *Swift, B, *Lorenz, H., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). LOL, ILY: The effects of textspeak and gender on dating profile perceptions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio (April).
- *Niblett, C. M., *Garcia, A., *Ahearn, N. D., *Smith, S. R., and Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Which strategies do people use to introduce sexual novelty into their relationships? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston (May).
- *Garcia, A., *Smith, S. R.,*Ahearn, N. D., *Niblett, C. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2017). The battle against bedroom boredom: Sexual novelty and sexual satisfaction in relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio (January).
- *Niblett, C. M., *Garcia, A., *Ahearn, N. D., & *Smith, S. R., and Giuliano, T. A. (2017). Tactics for initiating sexual novelty in relationships. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychology Science, Boston (May).
- *Garcia, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). Do as I do: Expressions and desires of the five love languages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Lorenz, H., *Straup, M., *Gonzales, M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). Be yourself (or your mom): Parents’ and offsprings’ love languages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Matthews, S., *Thomas, K., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). It’s all about me: Narcissism as a predictor of love languages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Rosa, M., *Dunn, D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2016). Frisky Business: The role of self-monitoring in public touch. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Hutzler, K. T., *Herselman, J. R., *Johnson, S. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2014). Three’s a crowd…or is it? Examining public perceptions of polyamorous relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2014). Strategies for teaching writing effectively in a first year seminar. Poster presented at the 36th Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, Florida.
- *David, L. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). Gender differences in perceptions of loyalty transgressions: Who sticks to “the code”? Poster presented at the 121st annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
- *Polk, K. A., *Valle, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). The effects of target religion and action taken on perceived morality. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Sada, S. R., *Dorer, S. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). The effects of gender and sexual orientation on perceptions of gynecologists. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Sells, E. M., *Shapiro, K. R., & Giuliano, T. A. (2013). Gays of our lives: Attitudes toward gay instructors in gender-stereotypical activities. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Hutzler, K. T., *Herzelman, J. R., *Johnson, S. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Three’s a crowd…or is it? Examining public perceptions of polyamorous relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tampa.
- *Johnson, S. M., *Herzelman, J. R., *Hutzler, K. T., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Development of a concise measure of attitudes toward polyamory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tampa.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). An effective project for teaching repeated-measures designs. Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science Teaching Institute, Chicago.
- *Blomquist, B. A, *Chatfield, S. E., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Exploring perceptions of saying “I love you” in romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Diego.
- *David, L., *Simon, M., *Romero, F., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). To wait or not to wait? Relationship recovery time and strategic rebounding. Poster presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Diego.
- *Hutzler, K., *Bobbitt, T., *Honeycutt, L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). “You’re hired”: How persuasion tactics and gender stereotypes affect hireability. Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City.
- *Johnson, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). The effects of gender and self-presentation on perceptions of student-professor interactions. Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City.
- *Johnson, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2012). Parental openness as a predictor of attitude toward abortion and public sex. Poster presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Oklahoma City.
- *Bollich, K. L., *Mathis, S. E., *Laas, W. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). From shy to “fly:” Strategies to improve first impressions of shy individuals. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio.
- *Eisenberg, R. F., *Simon, M. L., *Alonzo, J. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). “I kissed a girl”: Perceptions of blame and relationship stability following infidelity. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Blomquist, B. A., Willems, S. L., *Laurie, M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). The effects of disclosure and controllability of stigmas on likability. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Chatfield, S., *Bogs, K., *Flynn, K. *Kurth, K., & Giuliano, T. A. (2011). Are tattoos lose-lose? Perceptions of women’s tattoos as a function of their visibility and significance. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Bollich, K. L, *Mathis, S. E., *Laas, W. L, Giuliano, T. A., & *Margulieux, L. E. (2010). Perceived effectiveness of strategies for improving perceptions of shy individuals. Poster presented at the 22nd annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston.
- *Margulieux, L. E., Giuliano, T. A., *Bollich, K. A., *Mathis, S. E., & *Laas, W. L. (2010). Introverted but not shy: A new perspective on the measurement of introversion. Poster presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Mathis, S. E., *Laas, W. L., *Margulieux, L. E., *Bollich, K. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2010). Shy to “fly:” Testing the effectiveness of self-presentation strategies of shy individuals. Poster presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Egan, P., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Unaccommodating Attitudes: Perceptions of students with learning disabilities as a function of accommodation use and test performance. Poster presented at the 21st annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco.
- *Howell, J. L,, *Egan, P., *Ackley, B. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Scandal in the schoolhouse: Initiation, power, and perceptions of student-teacher relationships. Poster presented at the 21st annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco.
- *Bollich, K, *Laas, W., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). “Battle” of the sexes: Sex role and attitudes toward war. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Davenport, K., Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Putting the news to good use: The news media and volunteerism. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Egan, P., *Howell, J., *Ackley, B., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Moderating factors of the reverse sexual double standard in student-teacher relationships. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- Gomillion, S., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). The influence of media role models on gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity. Talk presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Howell, J., *Ormand, H., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). Shoot the ball %$&%!: The impact of expletive use on coaching effectiveness. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Laas, W., *Bollich, K., & Giuliano, T. A. (2009). The politics of Facebook: Gender and political orientation on a social-networking website. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Social psychology in the real world: The trade book application project. Poster presented at the 19th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
- *Ormand, H. M., *Egan, P. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). “Her-she” Snacks: The Relationship Between Gender and Chocolate Consumption. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Osborne, R. L., *Ackley, B. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). The “skinny” on coffee drinkers: Gender differences in healthy beverage choice. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Stanzer, M., Guarraci, F.A., Giuliano, T. A. & Sims, A. (2007). Working with a preferred partner reduces stress and increases perceived social support in paramedics. EMS Today Conference, Washington, DC.
- *Tang, S., *Yusran, A. E., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Beyond the picket lines: Self-monitoring and political activism in college students. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Travis, E. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2007). Classroom crushes: An exploration of student-instructor attraction. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Gomillion, S. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2006). Comingout.com: The relationship between the media and gay, lesbian, and bisexual identity. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York.
- *Gomillion, S. C., & Giuliano, T. A. (2006). Explaining changes in voting preference over time in university students. Poster presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin.
- *McConnell, C. M., *Lewis, E. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2006). Prejudice and partisanship: The connection between racial and political attitudes. Poster presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin.
- *Riggs, A. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2005). Running in the family or swimming in the gene pool: The role of family history and genetic risk in individual’s illness perceptions. Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles.
- *Riggs, A. L., Giuliano, T. A., *Buckert, A. D., & *Crockett, E. E., (2004). “His and her” heart attacks: Women’s receptiveness to health-related information as a function of perceived gender relevance. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago.
- *Buckert, A. D., *Pruneau, G. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2004). Mr. and Mrs. Know-it-all: Perceptions of individuals demonstrating male answer syndrome. Poster presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- *Riggs, A. L., *Crockett, E. E., & Giuliano, T. A. (2004). Pink slips and black cats: The relationship between stress and superstition. Poster presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio.
- Shapiro, J. R., Wig, A., Skorinko, J., *Knight, J. L., King, E. B., Giuliano, T. A., & Hebl, M. R. (2004). Paying the way: The ticket to gender equity in sports. Poster presented at the 5th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Turner, K. L., *Lundquist, J. C., & *Knight, J. L., (2003). Like Mike or Mia? The selection and influence of elite athletic role models. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Hogue, J. C., *Hall, M. R., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). Girls just wanna have…FARM (female athletic role models). Poster presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
- *Lundquist, J. L., Giuliano, T. A., & *Wilke, K. M. (2003). The emergence of professional female athletes as role models. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2003). The impact of heterosexist portrayals on perceptions of male and female athletes. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Turner, K. T., Giuliano, T. A., *Lundquist, J. L., & *Knight, J. L. (2003). Twice as nice: The double burden of contemporary female athletes. Poster presented at the 15th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta.
- *Downing, A. J., Giuliano, T. A., & Smith, J. C. (2002). Are men’s perceptions of a desirable body image related to the actual preferences of women? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Colleges of Sports Medicine, Georgetown, Texas.
- *Dickson, A. J., Giuliano, T. A., & *Cass, K. L. (2001). Eminem vs. Charlie Pride: Race, stereotypes, and perceptions of performers. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Dixon, D. P., *Kirkendall, K. D., Giuliano, T. A., & *Raney, A. E. (2001). The bold and the beautiful: The effect of physical attractiveness and extraversion on desirability. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Dodd, E. H., Giuliano, T. A., *Boutell, J. M., & *Moran, B. E. (2001). Respected or rejected: Perceptions of women who ignore vs. confront sexist remarks. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- Giuliano, T. A., & *Knight, J. L. (2001). “They’ve got next”: The conception of female athletes as role models for young athletes. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Knight, J. L, & Giuliano, T. A. (2001). Sporting stereotypes: The influence of gender schemas on perceptions of athletes. Poster presented at the 13th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Toronto.
- *Rittmayer, A. D., *Honey, M. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (2001). What’s taxing them? An assessment of occupational stress. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston.
- *Knight, J. L., & Giuliano, T. A. (2000). They got “text:” Consequences of gender stereotypical portrayals of athletes by the media. Poster presented at the 12th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Miami.
- Mannix, L., Hebl, M., Wig, A., Giuliano, T. A., & Swinkels, A. (2000). Gender discrimination in collegiate sports: The score with respect to exposure levels and ticket pricing. Psychological and Organizational Perspectives on Discrimination in the Workplace: Research, Theory, and Practice. Conference held at Rice University, May 19-21.
- *Rittmayer, A. D., & Giuliano, T. A. (2000). In the eye of the beholder: The effects of gender and sex stereotype of occupation on perceptions of attractiveness. Poster presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas.
- *Cox, C. B., *Patrick, E. C., *Barrera, P. V., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). Nothing ventured, nothing lost: Perceptions of behavioral vs. self-reported self-handicapping. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque.
- Giuliano, T. A. (1999). A dynamic group project: Student presentations of the life and work of a well-known social psychologist. Poster presented at the 21st annual conference of the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.
- *Giuliano, T. A., *Popp, K. E., & Knight, J. L. (1999). Footballs vs. Barbies: Childhood play activities as predictors of sport participation by women. Poster presented at the 11th annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Denver.
- *Knight, J. L., Giuliano, T. A., & *Sanchez-Ross, M. G. (1999). The effect of celebrity status and race on rape perceptions. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque.
- *Popp, K. E., *Felker, B. A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1999). The effects of self-touching on observer’s perceptions of social skills. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Albuquerque.
- *Fiala, S. E., *Remlinger, N. M., & Giuliano, T. A. (1998). The effects of sex stereotypes on the likelihood of helping. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Barnes, L. C., *Fiala, S. E., & *Davis, D. M. (1998). An empirical investigation of Male Answer Syndrome. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
- Giuliano, T. A., *Fiala, S. E., *Davis, D. M., & *Patrick, E. C. (1998). The reluctance to admit,
I don’t know”: Exploring Male Answer Syndrome. Poster presented at the 10th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC. - *Cohorn, C. A., Giuliano A., & *Barnes, L. C. (1997). Predictors of adjustment in first-year college students. Poster presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth.
- *Watts, A., *Heidmann, T., & Giuliano, T. A. (1997). Athletic role models as socialization agents for female athletes. Paper presented at the 2nd annual South-Central Regional Student Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, College Station, Texas.
- Swinkels, A., Giuliano, T. A., & Helweg-Larsen, M. (1996). Assessing mood awareness in diverse groups. Poster presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Giuliano, T. A. (1995). Mood awareness predicts mood regulation. Poster presented at the 103rd annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1993). Exploring the role of mood awareness in mood regulation. In D. Tice (Chair), The self-regulation of mood and emotion. Symposium conducted at the 101st annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
- Giuliano, T. A., & Swinkels, A. (1992). The development and validation of the Mood Awareness Scale. Poster presented at the 100th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Swinkels, A., & Giuliano, T. A. (1992). Mood awareness and self-regulation. Poster presented at the Fourth annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, San Diego.
- Giuliano, T. A., & Taylor, S. E. (1991). Reactions to storytelling: The effects of informativeness and comparison direction. Poster presented at the 99th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
In the News
Psychology Professor and SU Alumni Research Perceptions of Sexting
Newsweek and Refinery29 write articles highlighting Dr. Traci Giuliano’s new research.
Dr. Traci Giuliano, Ms. Homecoming
For the past 23 years, Traci Giuliano has held the title of Professor of Psychology at Southwestern University. But in truth, she is so much more than a professor to her students. Mentor, supporter, confidant, counselor, friend—all of these words are used to describe her.