Notable Achievements

Professor of Music Kiyoshi Tamagawa performed as harpsichord soloist on October 23 with Jessica Mathaes, Austin Symphony Orchestra concertmaster and Adjunct Instructor of Music at SU, and Rachel Lopez, ASO flutist, in J.S. Bach’s Fifth Brandenburg Concerto with the Austin Youth Orchestra. The “Bachtoberfest” concert was part of the Youth Orchestra’s 30th anniversary season.



Piano, Music Theory, Chamber Music, Collaborative Performance

Kiyoshi Tamagawa, Professor of Music and Associate Dean for the Sarofim School of Fine Arts from 2014 to 2017, has performed as a soloist and collaborative pianist throughout North America, as well as Europe and Asia. His collaboration with the late violinist Eugene Fodor resulted in over thirty recitals and a CD of violin and piano music, “Witches’ Brew.” He has appeared with the Austin and Temple Symphony Orchestras as soloist, and performed with orchestras in New England, Colorado and Hawaii. He has presented sessions at national conferences of the American String Teachers’ Association, College Music Society, and the Music Teachers’ National Association, as well as state and regional conferences, including the Texas Music Educators’ Association, Texas Music Teachers’ Association, and the College Music Society, South Central Chapter. His writings on musical topics have been published in American Music Teacher, American String Teacher, American Suzuki Journal and Keyboard (now ClavierCompanion. He is the 2013 recipient of the Collegiate Teaching Award of the Texas Music Teachers’ Association, and the 2016 Third Prize Winner of the American Prize Lorin Hollander Piano Concerto Award competition. His book Echoes from the East: The Influence of the Javanese Gamelan on the Music of Claude Debussy was published by Lexington Books in 2019.

He holds the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from The University of Texas at Austin, the Master of Music from the Yale University School of Music, and the Bachelor of Music from the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music.

“A teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his [or her] own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.”
–Author unknown

“In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day’s work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.”
– Jacques Barzun

“To teach is to learn twice.”
–Joseph Joubert, Pensées, 1842


  • Kiyoshi Tamagawa, Professor of Music and Associate Dean for the Sarofim School of Fine Arts from 2014 to 2017, has performed as a soloist and collaborative pianist throughout North America, as well as Europe and Asia. His collaboration with the late violinist Eugene Fodor resulted in over thirty recitals and a CD of violin and piano music, “Witches’ Brew.” He has appeared with the Austin and Temple Symphony Orchestras as soloist, and performed with orchestras in New England, Colorado and Hawaii. He has presented sessions at national conferences of the American String Teachers’ Association, College Music Society, and the Music Teachers’ National Association, as well as state and regional conferences, including the Texas Music Educators’ Association, Texas Music Teachers’ Association, and the College Music Society, South Central Chapter. His writings on musical topics have been published in American Music Teacher, American String Teacher, American Suzuki Journal and Keyboard (now ClavierCompanion. He is the 2013 recipient of the Collegiate Teaching Award of the Texas Music Teachers’ Association, and the 2016 Third Prize Winner of the American Prize Lorin Hollander Piano Concerto Award competition. His book Echoes from the East: The Influence of the Javanese Gamelan on the Music of Claude Debussy was published by Lexington Books in 2019.

    He holds the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from The University of Texas at Austin, the Master of Music from the Yale University School of Music, and the Bachelor of Music from the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music.

    “A teacher’s purpose is not to create students in his [or her] own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.”
    –Author unknown

    “In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day’s work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.”
    – Jacques Barzun

    “To teach is to learn twice.”
    –Joseph Joubert, Pensées, 1842


  • Special performance interests include: the music of Bach and Beethoven; music for violin and piano; music for cello and piano; chamber music.

    Research interests include: Claude Debussy and the Javanese gamelan; musical exoticism and cultural appropriation; teaching contrapuntal playing at the keyboard; teaching chamber music to younger students.

  • Book:


    • Review of Gabriel Dupont: The Complete Piano Music. Bo Ties, piano. MSR Classics. In College Music Symposium, Vol. 60, no. 1, May 2020
    • “Chopsticks, Golliwogs and Wigwams: The Need for Cultural Awareness in Piano Teaching Materials and Repertoire,” American Music Teacher, October/November 2017
    • “From AMB to WTC: Teaching the Basics of Contrapuntal Playing at the Keyboard,” American Music Teacher, August/September 2011
    • “The Violin Sonatas of G.F. Handel: Clarifying the Confusion and Controversy,” American String Teacher, November 2001
    • “Practical Advice for the University Job Applicant in Applied Music,” American Music Teacher, March/April 1998
    • “Suzuki on the Internet,” American Suzuki Journal, Winter 1997
    • “How do you prepare a student to be a college music major?” Keyboard [now ClavierCompanion, Summer 1995
  • Recordings:

    • “Remembrance” with Hai Zheng, cellist, music of Lu Ki-Lung, Hindemith, and Franck: Amatius Classics, 2016
    • Violin Music of the 20th Century, with Dona Lee Croft, violinist: Schnittke Sonata No. 1, 2007
    • Southwestern University Chamber Soloists, music of Bartok, Brahms, Poulenc and Shen: producer, 1999. Available from the Southwestern University Dept. of Music
    • “Rhapsodie” with Hai Zheng, cellist, music of Beethoven, Kodaly, Schumann, Tcherepnin, Martinu, Shapleigh: Amatius Classics, 1998
    • “Witches’ Brew” with Eugene Fodor, violinist, music of Brahms, Kreisler, Massenet, Paganini, Ravel and Wieniawski: Clarity Records CCD-1017, 1997, reviewed in The Strad and Strings magazines
    • “Debussy, Ravel, Bax,” assisting artist with Meisenbach-Golden duo (flute and harp): Centaur Records CRC 2114, 1992
    • with Alejandro Mendoza, violinist, sonatas of Franck and Saint-Saens: Jericho Records 6319-0, 1990

    Musical publication:

    • Telemann, Georg Philipp: Concerto for Viola in G major, transcribed for trombone. Cimarron Music Press, 2020.
  • Some notable performances:

    • Georgetown Public Library, Live Music at the Library series, August 2022
    • Faculty recital, Southwestern University, February 2022
    • Soloist, Westwood High School Symphony Orchestra and Chorus,  Beethoven: Choral Fantasy, Op. 80, December 2021
    • Temple Symphony Orchestra piano trio, music of Mozart, Beethoven and Jennifer Higdon, November 2021
    • Featured artist and presenter, Oregon Music Teachers’ Association annual conference, Lincoln City, OR, July 2017
    • Soloist with Temple Symphony Orchestra in Mozart’s Piano Concerto in E-flat major, K. 482, April-May 2016 
    • Performances of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I: Georgetown Public Library, January 2016; Belmont University, Nashville, March 2016
    • Soloist with Oahu Civic Orchestra in Chopin’s Andante spianato and Grande Polonaise Brillante, Op. 22, Honolulu, HI, April 2015
    • Tour of Asia with Hai Zheng, cellist. Concerts in Bangkok and Hua Hin, Thailand; at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory, Singapore; and at Chinese Conservatory, Beijing, China, March 2015
    • Soloist with Austin Symphony in Mozart’s Piano Concerto in C major, K. 503, November 2014. Listen to a chamber music version here.
    • Concert with Hai Zheng, cellist, Wilmette Public Library, greater Chicago area, Illinois, March 2013
    • Soloist with Austin Symphony in Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 3, accompanying Ballet Austin in Balanchine’s “Allegro Brillante,” February 2013
    • Mary Rohe Classical Series, Cailloux Theater, Kerrville, TX, September 2012, with Southwestern music faculty.
    • Guest soloist, Temple (TX) Symphony Orchestra, Temple and Georgetown, TX, September 2011
    • Recital appearance with Hai Zheng, Cellofest, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, March 2011
    • Recital with Ayako Yonetani, violinist (faculty member, University of Central Florida), Tsuda College, Tokyo, Japan, November 2010
    • Concert tour of Asia: Xiamen, China and Taipei, Taiwan with Hai Zheng, Southwestern University faculty cellist, March 2009
    • Recitals with Richard Lohmann, violin and piano sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven (a three-concert series encompassing all ten sonatas), Santa Fe, NM, October 2008, March 2008, March 2009
    • Guest pianist, New York Philharmonic Ensembles series, Merkin Concert Hall, New York City, January 2009; performed Clarinet Trio, Op. 29 by Vincent d’Indy with Evangeline Benedetti, cellist and Stanley Drucker, clarinetist
    • Concert tour of Asia: Macau, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, with Hai Zheng, Southwestern University faculty cellist, March 2008
    • Recital with Evangeline Benedetti, cellist, Serena Benedetti, soprano, and Stanley Drucker, clarinetist, MidAmerica Productions Chamber Music Series, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, New York City, December 2007. Reviewed in the New York Sun
    • “Ragtime, Gamelan and the Music of Claude Debussy: Exoticism vs. Cultural Appropriation,” paper presentation, College Music Society national conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 10-13, 2018 
    • “The Sing-It-Yourself Messiah: A Particular Kind of Community Engagement,” paper presentation, College Music Society national conference, Cambridge, MA, October 31-November 2, 2013
    • “Playing Together: Chamber Music Repertoire for Beginning and Intermediate-level Pianists,” presentation, Music Teachers’ National Association convention, New York City, March 2012.
    • “Fabricating the Past: Baroque string arrangements and original string compositions in Baroque style of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,” presentation, College Music Society South Central Regional Chapter Conference, U. of Arkansas/Little Rock, March 2011
    • “From AMB to WTC: Basics of Contrapuntal Playing on the Keyboard,” presentation, Texas Music Teachers’ Association state convention, Houston, June 2008
    • “Formal Influences on the Composition of Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A minor,” presentation, College Music Society South Central Regional Conference, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR, March 2004
    • “The Violin and Keyboard Sonatas of G. F. Handel: A Modern Approach to Study and Performance,” presentation, Texas Music Educators’ Association Convention, San Antonio, February 2005; also presented at American String Teachers’ Association/National School Orchestra Association Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, March 2003