Notable Achievements

Associate Professor of Education Alicia Moore has been invited to serve on the College of Education Advisory Council based on her expertise and commitment to positively impact their education program. Dr. Moore has humbly accepted.



Multiculturalism/Culturally Responsive Teaching; Differentiated Instruction for diverse populations; Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and  Equity Advocate, Early Childhood Best Practices

Dr. Alicia Moore has 33 years of higher education experience. She currently teaches undergraduate courses in early childhood, special education, general education, and Diversity in Schools and Society. She also supervises field-based and student teachers in Georgetown and surrounding areas, develops course content, researches and writes for scholarly publication, and supervises student research, as well as co-research with students. As well,

Moore received her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 1997, her MEd from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990, and her BSEd from Huston-Tillotson University in 1988.

Teaching Philosophy

I believe that students flourish when their needs are met and I use my instructional strategies to meet those needs. In order to model best practice strategies in for my students, I use these strategies when I teach. I believe that these strategies promote student participation, a learning community, and focus on various learning styles of the students. Strategies I utilize are: group discussions, cooperative learning, interactive lectures, multimedia materials, instructional technology, Think-Pair-Share, small group activities, assigned and selected group configurations, mini lessons, brainstorming, and kinesthetic, visual, aural, and tactile activities. I model these strategies and ask students to develop lesson plans and other activities that are specific strategy based. In addition, I also use a variety of learning techniques to reinforce concepts taught. Students are given assignments that focus on creativity, critical thinking, and their cognitive, behavioral and affective development. I use this combination of techniques because I believe that you should educate the whole student. This holistic approach features elements that stimulate the mind, heart, and psyche. Another component related to my instructional strategies, is the element of constructivism. Constructivism focuses on the student being able to make meaning for the environment, in this case, the materials that I present in class for assignments. Students are expected to use some discovery and/or inquiry techniques to find the pieces to a concept puzzle. This strategy is used in all of my classes and allows students to be autonomous in their personal learning sequence. Course requirements are also varied. I use a variety of activities to inspire and foster learning. Some activities I utilize are lectures, multimedia presentations, group presentations, field-based learning experiences, and storytelling, to name a few.

Honors & Awards

  • 2020-2021 Teaching Award, Tenured Faculty
  • Cargill Endowed Professorship
  • Exemplary Teaching Award from the Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church
  • Junior Sabbatical
  • Cullen Faculty Development Grant
  • Academic Advising Award
  • Recipient of the Unity in Action Diversity Award
  • Nominated for the Excellence in Academic Advising Award

Professional Associations/Affiliations

  • Federal Appointment to the Army Command and General Staff College
  • Co-Editor for the Black History Bulletin; Published by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History
  • Member, National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators
    Life Comprehensive Member, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • 2005-Present Member, Association for the Study of African American Life and History
  • 2003-2017 Member-at large, Board of Directors, Texas Chapter, National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)
  • 1993-1994 Area Director, Kindergarten Teachers of Texas (KTOT)
  • Dr. Alicia Moore has 33 years of higher education experience. She currently teaches undergraduate courses in early childhood, special education, general education, and Diversity in Schools and Society. She also supervises field-based and student teachers in Georgetown and surrounding areas, develops course content, researches and writes for scholarly publication, and supervises student research, as well as co-research with students. As well,

    Moore received her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 1997, her MEd from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990, and her BSEd from Huston-Tillotson University in 1988.

    Teaching Philosophy

    I believe that students flourish when their needs are met and I use my instructional strategies to meet those needs. In order to model best practice strategies in for my students, I use these strategies when I teach. I believe that these strategies promote student participation, a learning community, and focus on various learning styles of the students. Strategies I utilize are: group discussions, cooperative learning, interactive lectures, multimedia materials, instructional technology, Think-Pair-Share, small group activities, assigned and selected group configurations, mini lessons, brainstorming, and kinesthetic, visual, aural, and tactile activities. I model these strategies and ask students to develop lesson plans and other activities that are specific strategy based. In addition, I also use a variety of learning techniques to reinforce concepts taught. Students are given assignments that focus on creativity, critical thinking, and their cognitive, behavioral and affective development. I use this combination of techniques because I believe that you should educate the whole student. This holistic approach features elements that stimulate the mind, heart, and psyche. Another component related to my instructional strategies, is the element of constructivism. Constructivism focuses on the student being able to make meaning for the environment, in this case, the materials that I present in class for assignments. Students are expected to use some discovery and/or inquiry techniques to find the pieces to a concept puzzle. This strategy is used in all of my classes and allows students to be autonomous in their personal learning sequence. Course requirements are also varied. I use a variety of activities to inspire and foster learning. Some activities I utilize are lectures, multimedia presentations, group presentations, field-based learning experiences, and storytelling, to name a few.

    Honors & Awards

    • 2020-2021 Teaching Award, Tenured Faculty
    • Cargill Endowed Professorship
    • Exemplary Teaching Award from the Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church
    • Junior Sabbatical
    • Cullen Faculty Development Grant
    • Academic Advising Award
    • Recipient of the Unity in Action Diversity Award
    • Nominated for the Excellence in Academic Advising Award

    Professional Associations/Affiliations

    • Federal Appointment to the Army Command and General Staff College
    • Co-Editor for the Black History Bulletin; Published by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History
    • Member, National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators
      Life Comprehensive Member, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
    • 2005-Present Member, Association for the Study of African American Life and History
    • 2003-2017 Member-at large, Board of Directors, Texas Chapter, National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)
    • 1993-1994 Area Director, Kindergarten Teachers of Texas (KTOT)
    • Experiences of Faculty of Color in Predominantly White Spaces
    • The Sustainability of Culturally Responsive Teaching in White Teacher Praxis
    • Perceptions of Preservice Teachers Regarding Culturally Responsive Teaching
    • African American Students in Predominantly White Institutions (PWI)
    • Race Matters: The Real World
  • Audiovisual and Electronic Media

    • Wise-Whitehead, K,, Moore, A.L., Lewis, R. Trump Syllabus K12: Lesson Plans for Teaching During this New Age of Resistance (#TrumpSyllabusK12).
    • Pearson, K., Interview of Moore, A.L. (2013). How Parents and Teachers Should Teach Children About Slavery. BlogHer Original Post.

    Books, Book Chapters & Book Forewords

    • Moore, A. L. (2023). Legacy of Action: How Geneva Gay Transformed Teaching. In L. Neal, S. Militz-Frelink, Colompos-Tohtsonie, et al. (Eds.), Culturally Responsive Mentorship, Faculty of Color, and the Importance of Community (pp. 125-1390. Apprentice House Press.
    • Moore, A. L. (2023) We Did It! Black Women in Texas History - An Anthology: Wilhelmina Delco. C. Venable & J. Brannon-Wranosky (Eds.). (accepted for publication).
    • 50 Events That Shaped African American History: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic (2019), ABC-CLIO - Hard Copy and eCopy
    • Neal, L. I., Moore, A.L., and Militz-Frielink, S. (2016). Bras, Borders and Battlegrounds. Apprentice House.
    • Moore, A.L. and Neal, L.I., (2014), Keep on pushing: There will always be a next time, pp.5-8 in Sparking the Genius, Whitehead, K.W.,Apprentice House, Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, MD.
    • Moore, A. L., and Neal, L. I. (2013). Foreword: Keep Pushing: There Will Always Be a Next Time. Carter G. Woodson Lecture 2013: Sparking the Genius, (pp. 1-5), Baltimore, MD: Apprentice House.
    • Moore, A.L., Armentrout, J. & Neal, L.I. (2007), Methods for Behavior, Classroom and School-wide Management, In Baca, L., Hoover, J. J., Klingner, J. & Patton, J. M. (Eds.), Methods for Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners, Merrill Publishing, Upper Saddle River , NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall. Bui, Y.,
    • Moore, A.L., & Neal, L. I. (2006), Cultural, Linguistic, & Instructional Diversity, In E. Meyen & Y. Bui (Eds.), Exceptional Children in Today’s Schools: What Teachers Need to Know, Denver, CO: Love Publishing. Audiovisual and Electronic Media.

    Journal Articles & Education Bulletins

    • Moore, A. L., Giles, R. M. (2023). Culturally Responsive Field Experiences: Expanded Best Practices for Preservice Teachers. The Field Experience Journal, 29, 1-19.
    • Shepherd, D., Moore, A. L., Giles, R. M. (2021) They Look Like Me! Discovering Cultural “Mirrors” in Children’s Literature. Indiana Literacy Journal, 50(2), 23-30.
    • Moore, A. L., Giles, R. M. (2020). Teaching and Learning through Culturally Responsive Play. Early Years, 40(3), 21-23.
    • Moore A.L. (2019) Culturally Responsive Play in Innovative Early Childhood Classrooms. In: Peters M., Heraud R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore.
    • Moore, A. L., Neal, L. I., (2016). The Crisis in Black Education. Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) Black History Bulletin. Volume 79, No. 1.
    • Moore, A. L., Neal, L. I., (2015). Hallowed Grounds: Sites of African American Memories. Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) Black History Bulletin. Volume 78, No. 2.
    • Moore, A. L., Neal, L. I., (2015). Social Justice: Evolution or Revolution. Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) Black History Bulletin. Volume 78, No. 1.
    • Moore, A. L. Neal, L. I., (2005), Voices from the Past: Oral History Projects As a Teaching Tool. Journal of the New England League of Middle Schools.
    • Neal, L. I., Moore, A. L. (2004), Their Cries Went Up Together: The Board of Education Then and Now. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 20, (1), 5-13.
    • Neal, L. I., Moore, A. L. (2003), When Bad Things Happen to Good People: Human Rights at the Core of the Social Studies Curriculum. Social Studies and the Young Learner,V15, (3).
    • Moore, A. L. (2002), African American Teachers’ Decisions to Refer African American Students. The International Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, V15, (6). Book Chapters:
    • Neal, L. I., Moore, A. L. (2005). Digital storytelling presentation: The biography of Lucinda Todd, the first plaintiff in the Brown v. Board case.
    • Moore, A.L., & Neal, L. I. (2005). Multimedia narrative (interview): Brown v. Board: The challenges, experiences, thoughts, and emotions involved in the separate but equal struggle in Topeka, Kansas in the 1950s.
  • National & International Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

    • New Kids in the Blocks: Pedagogical Models of Play for Social Justice Kamen, M, (2023) NY, NY, TASP Conference on The Association for the Study of Play.
    • Moore, A., Zewail-Foote, M., Gaunder, A. (2023). Supporting Tenure Track Faculty of Color.: AAC&U’s 2023 Diversity, Equity and Student Success Conference: Can We Handle Truth?. Session: Cross-Institutional CONNECTions: Mentorship, Truth, Belonging and Retention. Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), Atlanta, Georgia.
    • 2022: New Kids in the Blocks: Pedagogical Models of Play for Social Justice Kamen, M., Moore. A.L (2022, October) This interactive session is based on a study conducted that explored free block play.
    • Neal, La Vonne I., Militz-F, S., Lewis, R., Wiggan, G., Flynn, J., Colompos, M. (2020, September). The Fierce Urgency of Now: Taking Back the African American Vote.

      La Vonne I. Neal, Northern Illinois University, Alicia L. Moore, Southwestern University, Conra Gist, University of Houston, Gregory K. Moss, Jr., The Southern Coalition for Social Justice, Gary Bledsoe, President of the Texas NAACP
    • Dugan, J., Davis, A., Moore, A.L., Inabinet, B., & Wilson, S. (2019, January). Countering Institutional Relationships with Oppression, Remaining FOCUSed. Session: Institutional Relationships with Oppression: Southern Colleges Collaborate to Confront the Past and Construct a More Equitable Future. Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), Atlanta, Georgia.
    • White Supremacy, White Fatigue and White Denial: Negotiating Race in the Age of Trump; Panelists: Militz-Frielink, S., Cross, K., Lewis, R., Moderator: Alicia Moore; 103rd Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference.
    • 2018 The New Jim Crow: The Ongoing Policing of Black Bodies in “White” Spaces, 103rd Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
    • Presenters: Wise Whitehead, K., Moore, A.L., Militz-Frielink, S.; Moderator: Lewis, R.
    • Rethinking Schools: Education and Protest in a Time of White Male Domestic Terrorism, Presenters: Moore, A.L., Gist, C., Wise Whitehead, K.; Moderator: Cross, K.; 103rd Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
    • 2017 Mothering in the Age of Activism -Workshop, 101st Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference,
    • Wise Whitehead, K., Militz-Frielink, S., Neal, L.I., Moore, A.L., & Lewis, R., (2016, October). Hallowed Grounds, 101st Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference, Richmond, VA
    • Wise Whitehead, K., Gist, C.D., Cross, K., Neal, L.I., Moore, A.L., & Lewis, R., (2016, October). Mothering in the Age of Activism, 101st Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference, Richmond, VA
    • Wise Whitehead, K., Gist, C.D., Gilbert, C., Neal, L.I., Moore, A.L., & Militz-Frielink, S., (2015, September). Sparking the Genius in Action: Exploring Woodson’s legacy Through the Black History Bulletin, 100th Annual Association for the Study of African American Life and History Conference, Atlanta, GA.
    • Neal, L.I., Moore, A.L. Militz-Frielink, S., Lewis, C., Jackson, J. (2014, November). Panel Discussion #4: The Effects of Media on Scholar Identity Development. International Conference on Urban Education. Montego Bay, Jamaica - West Indies.

    Invited Keynote Speaker (Regional)

    • Moore-Hopkins, A. L. (2017, January), Education in Times of Crisis. Keynote address to be delivered at the New Hope Baptist Church - Annual Black History Month. Round Rock, Texas.
    • Moore, A. L. (2016, June), At the Crossroads of Equality: Paths to Liberation and Progress. Keynote address delivered at the Georgetown, Texas Community in celebration of Juneteenth. Georgetown, Texas.

In the News

  • The Professor Chronicles: Alicia Moore

    The well-loved SU associate professor reflects on what she finds inspiring and rewarding as a career educator of educators.