King Creativity
Coral Bioluminescence: An Affinity of Zooxanthellae and Aliivibrio Fischeri on the Macro Scale
Murphy Jacobie ’27
Advisor: Stacie Brown
Open gallery

With climate destabilization becoming an increased threat in the past years, Coral Reefs have an increased risk of bleaching due to factors such as rising ocean temperatures or ocean acidification. Due to the fragility of coral reef ecosystems, scientists have been discovering innovative ways to keep corals from bleaching. What we want to know is whether or not we can reverse coral bleaching. Foundational research has proved there is an attraction between Zooxanthellae, the symbiotic algae on corals; and Aliivibrio fischeri, a bioluminescent bacteria. This experiment will test whether there is still an attraction on the macroscopic scale. Involved in this experiment will be bleached coral from the Acropora genus, and we will be adding V. fischeri to a fish tank with the coral, testing whether or not there is an attraction on a larger scale. The research we are conducting will help us better understand the mechanisms for coral bleaching, and the relationship of Zooxanthellae, V. fischeri, and Acropora; and how we can save them in an increasingly hostile environment.