At the conclusion of two years of study, the Payne Fellow is expected to obtain a degree in international development or another area of relevance to the work of the USAID Foreign Service (does not include law degrees) at a U.S. graduate or professional school approved by the Payne Program. Fellows who successfully complete the Payne Program and USAID Foreign Service entry requirements will receive appointments as Foreign Service Officers with the U.S. Agency for International Development, to which they will commit a minimum of five years of service.

Fellowship website:

Level of study: Graduate

General location of study: Domestic

Specific location, if applicable (country and/or institution): Various

Requires campus endorsement/nomination?: No

Campus application deadline (if applicable): N/A

Final application deadline (check fellowship website for specific yearly date): Mid October

General fields of study/professional interests: Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages, Public Service

Other specific criteria: Must be a U.S. citizen with a 3.2+ GPA.