Majoring & Minoring


The International Studies Program consists of a combination of a major and a concentration. For those interested in a global track, the requirements are:

A. A Major   (Minimum 9 courses)
This can be in Anthropology, Art History, History, or Political Science. These majors provide not only a strong disciplinary base from which to study global patterns and developments, but also provide multiple regional perspectives to deepen your understanding of global contexts. At least two courses you take in this major must be listed as contributing to International Studies. Of course, you may take more.

B. A Global Concentration:  (Minimum 5 courses)

1. Advanced Language: Three courses of a foreign language beyond the general education requirement of three semesters (or an equivalent placement in a language related to the student’s interests). Or you can fulfill this requirement by taking two courses beyond the general education requirement of three semesters, plus a course in a second foreign language, while studying abroad. The second language must be spoken in the study abroad location.

2. Study Abroad: Students must  study abroad for one or two semesters either in a location where the primary foreign language studied by the student is spoken or, with committee approval, in a different location where they will study a second language. If the student studies abroad in a place where their primary language of study is spoken, program instruction must take place in the language being studied.  The International Studies Program has a set of approved study abroad programs. Exceptions require International Studies Committee approval. In this case, you should discuss your plans with your advisor and receive the Committee’s approval for the exception a year in advance of the experience.

3. The Global Area of Emphasis: Three courses listed as contributing to International Studies from two different disciplines are required. These are in addition to the two courses taken in the disciplinary major. Global students may take any of the courses listed in the specific regions (East Asia, Europe, Latin America) or on the list of additional Global courses. 

In sum, the I.S. Program totals approximately 15 courses. At least 8 of those will be listed as contributing to International Studies or as foreign language courses. You will also be credited with a major on your transcript.

Note that in order to declare as International Studies, you must complete the “International Studies Plan of Study” form. See the Majoring page for further details.