About the Alumni Association
There are many opportunities for Southwestern alumni to “give back” in meaningful ways. Depending on your availability, the volunteer roles listed below can range in time and level of commitment. The staff in the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations can assist you with identifying what opportunities are of interest to you. Click here to volunteer!
Becoming a Southwestern University Recruitment Volunteer (S.U.R.V.) can involve representing Southwestern at a local college fair, participating in Operation: Pen and Paper (a letter writing campaign to prospective students and their families), and/or serving as the S.U.R.V. Liaison within your local chapter. This level of commitment varies upon what interests you most.
Want to recommend a high school student to attend Southwestern? By completing our “Refer a Student” form, the prospective student whose information you submit will receive materials from Southwestern’s Office of Admission.
Career Services
The Office of Career Services is always searching for alumni who are willing to connect with students and, in some cases, other alumni about professional advice and opportunities (known as the Pirate to Pro program). We also encourage you to join The Association and Friends group on LinkedIn to make connections with other members of the Southwestern community (including other alumni, students, faculty, staff and parents). This level of commitment can range from a few hours to several opportunities to connect.
University Events
Southwestern has a variety of special events held throughout the year and sometimes our staff needs help behind the scenes. Volunteering to assist with special events (e.g., Homecoming and Reunion Weekend, Commencement, Shilling Lecture, etc.) can involve pre-event preparations and/or onsite assistance to staff. Whatever time you can give to volunteering in this capacity can be extremely helpful to the Southwestern staff.
It’s no secret that it costs money to ensure that Southwestern continues to maintain a strong academic and well-rounded experience for all members of the community. There are many ways alumni can help solicit gifts from classmates and friends for scholarships, building enhancements and other fundraising initiatives that may be important to you. This level of commitment can vary depending on what your interests are.
Southwestern University Alumni Association
Alumni Assembly Class Delegate: Class Delegates are responsible for keeping their classmates connected to each other, to the University and to The Association. Class Delegates are also voting members on the Alumni Assembly (limit one vote per class). Responsibilities can also include managing social media outlets and inviting classmates to submit Class Notes for the magazine.
Alumni Council: The Alumni Council is a fifteen (15) member elected body that coordinates activities of The Association and unites the alumni base. While each role has differing responsibilities, they come together to serve as the leadership and driving force for The Association. Alumni Council members serve a two year term, with the President-Elect and Lifelong Learning Chair-Elect holding a consecutive term as the President and Lifelong Learning Chair, respectively.
Class Reunions: Classes reunite at Homecoming and Reunion Weekend every five years. Serve on the reunion planning committee to assist with party details and outreach to classmates over the course of 10 to 12 months.
Local Chapter Officer: Local Chapter officers coordinate events and programs to encourage alumni engagement in their respective hometowns. Each city has their own personality so events vary based on locality. Serve on your Local Chapter officer board (2-year term) or simply offer to host an event in your area. If you are interested in starting a Local Chapter in your city, please email alumni@southwestern.edu.
Alumni Network Mentoring Program: Consider sharing your wisdom and expertise with Southwestern students. The connections will be based on professional interest, major, student organization involvement, and other areas of academic and co-curricular life. Click here for a full description of the program and your involvement as an alumnus/a.
Other: If you’re uncertain about how you would like to be involved with The Association, the staff in the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations can help.