

This page includes information on how to change the status of a section.  Changing a status includes adding or dropping a section, or changing to or from Pass/D/F.  This page also includes registration dates, in addition to helpful videos for the registration process.

  • Fall & Summer 2024 Registration Dates:

    • Academic Advising period begins: Mar. 18
    • Seniors (90+ earned* credits): Apr. 8-9
    • Junior Priority Registration: Apr. 9-10
    • Juniors (60+ earned* credits): Apr. 10-11
    • Sophomore Priority Registration: Apr. 11-12
    • Sophomores (30+ earned* credits): Apr. 12-15
    • First-Year Priority Registration: Apr. 15-17
    • First-years and students with fewer than 30 credits: Apr. 17-18
    • Open Add/Drops begin: Apr. 19

    *“Earned” credits means completed credits already on your Southwestern record. Earned credits do NOT include credits in the current semester.

    Academic Internship Registration Deadlines

    • Fall 2023: Sept. 13, 2023
    • Spring 2024: Jan. 31, 2024
  • Students may add a course in Self-Service through the third class day.  Beginning the fourth class day, students must obtain instructor approval to add.  If approved, the instructor will submit approval to the Office of the Registrar.  The course will only be added after the approval has been obtained. 

    Any attempts to add beyond the deadline must be for a need (not want), and must be appealed to the Academic Standards Committee.  If you have questions about the appeal process, email the Director of Academic Success, Dave Seiler (


    Students may only enroll in 19 credits in a fall or spring semester.  Students who want to exceed 19 credits need to appeal for an overload.  20 credits may be taken if a grade point average of 3.5 or better is achieved on a minimum of 16 credits taken the preceding semester. An overload carries a cost of $350 per credit for each credit over 19.  Interested students should email the Registrar, Sean Smith, for an overload appeal. 


    To initiate a drop, students must complete the following steps:

    1. Communicate with your academic advisor to discuss the drop.  What are the ramifications of the drop?  This is required before taking any additional steps.
    2. Reach out to the Financial Aid Office ( if there are any questions or concerns about scholarship requirements or dropping below full-time status.
    3. From your SU email account, email your instructor to request the drop.  Copy your academic advisor on the email.  Once received, your instructor will initiate a petition to drop the section.  The instructor will not initiate the drop unless the email was sent from your SU email and copies your academic advisor.
    4. Allow up to one week for processing.
  • Rules associated with Pass/D/F:

    • Students may take up to 16 total credits of elective credit in the junior and senior years on a “Pass/D/F” basis.  First-year and sophomore students are not eligible to change a grade to Pass/D/F
    • Courses taken as Pass/D/F will not apply toward major, minor, or general education requirements, and will only apply as elective credits.
    • When taking a course on a Pass/D/F basis, a “Pass” indicates a level of C- or better, and does not factor into the SU GPA.  Grades of D or F will factor into the SU GPA.

     To change a course to Pass/D/F, students must complete the following steps:

    1. Communicate with your academic advisor to discuss the change.  What are the ramifications for your degree plan?  This is required before taking any additional steps.
    2. From your SU email account, email your instructor to request the change to Pass/D/F.  Copy your academic advisor on the email.  Once received, your instructor will initiate a petition to change the grade type to Pass/D/F.  The instructor will not initiate the change unless the email was sent from your SU email and copies your academic advisor.
    3. Allow up to one week for processing.
  • A withdrawal is a separation from the University.  To initiate a withdrawal, students will email the Director of Academic Success, Dave Seiler (  As part of this process, it will be necessary to learn about the repercussions of the withdrawal, including - but not limited to - financial aid, athletic eligibility, refund (if applicable), academic status, and the readmission process.

    There are two drop deadlines each semester.  The Fall 2023 deadlines are listed below:

    • October 4 at 5:00pm - Withdrawal without record.  This means courses withdrawn by this deadline will not be listed on your transcript.
    • November 6 at 5:00pm - Withdrawal with record.  All withdrawals between October 4 and November 6 will be “with record” drops, which means a grade of “W” will be listed on your transcript for each class.
    • It is only possible to withdraw after the November 6 deadline - and before the last day of classes, December 8 - with documented medical circumstances.  If you have questions, please reach out to Dave Seiler (  It is not possible to withdraw - even with medical documentation - following December 8.

Registration “How To” Videos 

The Office of Advising and Retention created a series of videos for registration-related topics.  Select the topics below for step-by-step instructions on how to: