
College Year in Athens (CYA)

CYA (College Year in Athens) is a not-for-profit educational institution that has been acting as a cultural and educational bridge between the U.S. and Greece for over half a century. Their vision is to help students transform into global citizens who understand and appreciate other cultures.

Established in 1962, CYA was the first study-abroad program in Greece for English-speaking undergraduates. They offer semester, academic year, summer and winter study abroad programs that embrace the vibrant experience of day-to-day contact with the people, institutions, monuments and landscape of Greece and the Mediterranean. All their programs are delivered in English at the Athens-based International Center for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies (DIKEMES) located next to the Kallimarmaro (Marble) Stadium and the National Gardens in the heart of the city.

  • While the majority of U.S. universities accept credits issued directly by CYA for transfer credit, some students may be required to provide a U.S. university transcript for coursework completed abroad. Southwestern University and CYA have entered into an agreement that SU will function as CYA’s School of Record. In these cases, Southwestern will issue a transcript for the CYA courses completed.

  • If you are a non-SU College Year in Athens (CYA) participant, you may request a School of Record transcript using this link. All other transcript requests must be made using the Southwestern University Transcript Request link.

  • If you are a Southwestern student interested in studying abroad on a CYA program, please visit the CYA website for more information. Please note that all Southwestern students wishing to study abroad must make an appointment with the Office of Intercultural Learning. Make an appointment today by following this link!