
Academic Declarations

All students are required to make their academic selections when they reach 60 earned credits.  Those who earned 60 or more credits through dual credit or who earned an Associate’s degree while still in high school may wait up two semesters prior to declaring.

Initial Declarations OR Re-declaring after Readmittance

Initial/Readmission Academic Declaration form                                                                      Form

All students are enrolled in the undecided program called BA.A&S.  Select the link above and complete the form if you are declaring your major for the first time. Students who have completed the readmission process are also required to complete the above link to re-declare a major.

Important information to consider before declaring:

  1. If you are a student receiving Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, please contact Nadia Mahannah, Associate Registrar, to make any declaration changes. Your changes can only be processed at the beginning or end of a semester.
  2. What catalog year do I choose? Southwestern University releases a new catalog every two years.  You may select the catalog that was active at the time you began your first semester at SU or any catalogs that have been released since, as long as the catalog is still active (catalogs remain active for 5 years). For example, if your first semester was Fall 2022, you may select the 2021-2023 or the 2023-2025 catalog.  Academic requirements are driven by the catalog you choose.  If you are unsure, ask your advisor or contact Jennifer Kisel, Associate Registrar, for more information. 
  3. Once your declarations have been processed, you will see the changes reflected in Self Service.  All degree requirements are listed on the Progress tab.

Making Changes to Existing Declarations

Academic Changes form                                                                                                 Form

All students who wish to make changes to their degree type (ex: change from a Bachelor of Science to a Bachelor of Arts), majors, minors, catalog year or graduation date should fill out this form.  

How do I know if I have already declared?  Check in Self Service.  To the right of your name, check to see what program is listed. If BA.A&S is listed, you have not declared your major yet and should use the Initial Academic Declaration form above.  If you see your current major, then click on the link for the Academic Changes form.

Important information to consider:

  1. Am I adding a major or minor that SU just added with its newest catalog?  Be aware that you must change catalog years in order to declare that new major or minor. Be sure to make changes to both the catalog year and the applicable major/minor.  Any existing declarations you made in the past will also change to the new catalog so make sure you’ve discussed this with your advisor so you aren’t surprised when requirements change.
  2.  If you are changing from a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education or Bachelor of Music to a Bachelor of Art degree type, select Changing Degree Type only.  There is no need to add and drop your major if it will remain the same. For example, if you are currently in the Bachelor of Science in Biology but wish to change to the Bachelor of Arts in Biology, you only need to update your degree type.  The major will remain the same.
  3. When upgrading your minor to a major, please remember to add the major and drop the minor.