

Spring Faculty Workshop 2019: Capstones & Signature Work

The January 2019 faculty workshop is an interactive workshop led by Dr. Nancy Budwig, Professor of Psychology, Clark University and Senior Fellow, AAC&U.

Friday, January 11, 12-5 pm - Howry Center and McCombs Ballrooms

  • Developing Capstones that Support Integrative Learning – Nancy Budwig
  • Capstone Workshops –Nancy Budwig

Fall Faculty Conference 2019

Monday, August 19 in F. W. Olin Building

  • Undergraduate Research in the Arts and Humanities – Chad Spigel, Trinity University
  • Thriving in Stressful Times – Roxanne Donovan, Kennesaw State University
  • Interdisciplinary Team Teaching – Sarah Bunnell, Amherst College
  • Information Literacy: Preparing Students to Be Effective Consumers and Creators of Information – Theresa Zelasko, Megan Firestone, and Katherine Hooker, Southwestern University
  • Grant Writing in the Sciences and Empirical Social Sciences – Niki Bertrand, Southwestern University