Southwestern University

Center for Teaching, Learning, & Scholarship

Faculty Teaching


The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CTLS) supports faculty as continuously developing teacher-scholars. The center’s work with faculty is formative, confidential, and voluntary. It seeks to:

  • promote intentional, evidence-based, and inclusive teaching and learning practices
  • support faculty as they develop their scholarly and creative work and professional activity;
  • explore the integration of scholarship and teaching that will enrich the education of
    Southwestern students;
  • support the professional formation and success of faculty across their career stages at Southwestern; and
  • assist Southwestern faculty and staff in developing courses and curricula, scholarly projects, institutional initiatives, and collaborations across disciplines.

To do so, the CTLS collaborates closely with other offices and leaders that support scholarly and pedagogical work, including the A. Frank Smith Jr. Library Center’s Research and Instruction Services, the Center for Integrative Learning, the office of Community-Engaged Learning, the Office of Advising and Retention, the First-Year Seminar program, the Paideia program, the Debby Ellis Writing Center, and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Upcoming Events

Visit our events page for more details about upcoming faculty program opportunities.