
Marketing & Communications

Marketing & Communications

The downloadable elements will help you maintain the integrity of the Southwestern University brand. Anyone who generate materials and content on behalf of the University including administrators, faculty, employees, suppliers, and partners­, are responsible for complying with its standards. 

  • To be used when it is impossible to use formal letterhead.

    Download Digital Letterhead

  • It is important to have a consistent look across all external communications in order to create a stronger brand connection with current and potential students, parents, influencers, alumni, donors and friends. 

    The University email signatures should mimic the signature below.


    Need help changing your signature? Download the instructions below.

    Instructions for Adding Southwestern University’s Logo to Your Email Signature

    Just need the logo? Use this link:

  • Playfair Display Regular and Italic This type should be used for headlines and introductory copy. Italic should be used for emphasis.
    HK Grotesk Light, Regular, and Bold This type should be used for all body copy, including quotes and sub- or category-headlines.



  • Southwestern Icon
    To be used, when possible, to identify Southwestern in all communications. Click to download.






    Southwestern Crest  
    To be used in an academic setting and in more formal introductory recruitment communications. Click to download. 


  • What makes the Southwestern Experience so different? Why are these differences so important to the future of higher education and the success of our graduates? These are the overarching questions we answer in the key messaging portion of our brand positioning material. Here, you’ll find short descriptions of the major characteristics and programs that help set Southwestern University apart. 

    This downloadable PDF includes Southwestern’s key messaging, support points, and distinctive features that you can share with friends and utilize when talking about Southwestern. 

    Download Key Messaging

  • To be used, when possible, when presenting Southwestern University to internal and external audiences. 

    Download PowerPoint Template