Assistant Professor of Education Raquel Sáenz Ortiz, along with Rebecca Ramirez ’24 and Aminadab Corral Arras ’24, presented a paper titled “Towards a LatCrit Youth Program Evaluation: Tensions and New Directions” at the annual Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA) conference in Chicago on October 26-27. This paper emerged from FSP research conducted in the summer of 2023 to evaluate an after-school music program in Santa Fe, NM.

—November 2023

Assistant Professor of Education Raquel Sáenz Ortiz attended and presented her research at the International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE) annual conference at the University of Warsaw in Poland. The conference took place from July 3-5 this year. Sáenz Ortiz presented a paper titled “Ethnic Studies and the fight for educational equity for immigrant-origin youth in an era of censorship in the United States,” focusing on the impact of censorship legislation in Texas, on a panel about institutions, educational opportunities and in/exclusion in an international context.

—August 2023

Assistant Professor of Education Raquel Sáenz Ortiz delivered a paper at the Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA) meeting in Chicago, April 13-16. Her paper, “‘Separate but equal?’: Interest convergence in an era of censorship in K-12 Ethnic Studies,” examines the impact of censorship legislation (Senate Bill 3) on high school Ethnic Studies (Mexican American Studies and African American Studies) in Texas.

—May 2023

Assistant Professor of Education Raquel Sáenz Ortiz and two current students (co-researchers from SCOPE)— Rebecca Ramirez ’24 and Laura Carrasco Torres ’24— presented “Curricular imperialism: The impact of ‘anti-CRT’ legislation on Ethnic Studies classrooms in Texas” at the Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA) Annual Meeting, held October 26-28 in Edwardsville, Illinois.

—November 2022

Assistant Professor of Education Raquel Sáenz Ortiz led a workshop titled “Forum Theatre as a Community Tool in Shaping Liberatory Educators” at the 2022 International Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference, held May 26–29 in Chicago.

—July 2022