Southwestern University Trustee
Jorge Diaz Cuervo ’90
Dr. Diaz Cuervo is a member of the board of Odontored S.A. de C.V. and president of that company’s audit committee. He also is a senior partner of Grupo Corporativo Consultiva S.A. de C.V. He is Vice President of Regional Development of the Mexican Association of Urban Planners and member of the Technical Directory of the Mexico City´s Panning Institute. His civic and community activities include membership in both Si x Mexico, Futuro XXI and Frente Cívico Nacional.
Jorge graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics from Southwestern in 1990, where he was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha. He went on to earn a master’s degree in international management from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico in 1995, a master’s degree in management of social security systems from the University of Alcala in Spain in 2005, and a PhD in law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2015. Prior to joining Southwestern’s board of trustees, Dr. Diaz Cuervo was a member of its board of visitors.
Location: Mexico City, Mexico