Notable Achievements

Noor Nazeer ’24 and Nicole Hislop ’26 presented their work with Assistant Professor of Physics Cody Crosby October 20-21 at the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (GCURS), hosted on Rice University’s campus. Both platform presentations, entitled “Synthesizing Biomaterial Inks to Determine Significant Printing Parameters,” earned complimentary reviews from the graduate student judging panel.



biofabrication, biomaterials, hydrogels, material characterization, stem cells, engineering education

Dr. Cody Crosby received his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2020, his M.S.E from UT in 2017, and his B.S. in engineering from Harvey Mudd College in 2015. 

He specializes in cell-material interactions and is currently working to develop novel open-source bioprinters and improved biomaterial inks in his biofabrication laboratory on-campus. Through outside collaborations he also aims to build an improved in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier. Dr. Crosby teaches lower-level physics courses and upper-level engineering courses at SU. He currently advises undergraduates as part of the Pre-Med Advisory Committee. 

Cody is affiliated with the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Society for Biomaterials (SFB), American Heart Association (AHA), and the International Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMIS). 

  • Dr. Cody Crosby received his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2020, his M.S.E from UT in 2017, and his B.S. in engineering from Harvey Mudd College in 2015. 

    He specializes in cell-material interactions and is currently working to develop novel open-source bioprinters and improved biomaterial inks in his biofabrication laboratory on-campus. Through outside collaborations he also aims to build an improved in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier. Dr. Crosby teaches lower-level physics courses and upper-level engineering courses at SU. He currently advises undergraduates as part of the Pre-Med Advisory Committee. 

    Cody is affiliated with the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Society for Biomaterials (SFB), American Heart Association (AHA), and the International Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMIS). 

  • (11) Crosby C.*, Hillsley, A.*, Kumar, S.B., Parekh, S.H., Rosales, A.M., Zoldan, J.Z. (2020). “Quantification of iPSC-derived vascular networks in novel phototunable angiogenic hydrogels.Acta Biomaterialia, 122, 133-144    

    (10) Barnhouse, V., Petrikas, N., Crosby, C., Zoldan, J., & Harley, B. (2020). “Perivascular secretome influences hematopoietic stem cell maintenance in a gelatin hydrogel.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 49(2), 780-792

    (9) Crosby, C., Stern, B., Kalkunte, N., Pedahzur, S., Ramesh, S., & Zoldan, J. (2020). “Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels as bioactive scaffolds for tissue engineering.” (In Press, Reviews in Chemical Engineering)

    (8) Momtahan, N., Crosby, C., Tu, C., & Zoldan, J. (2019). “The role of reactive oxygen species in in-vitro cardiac maturation.Trends in Molecular Medicine, 25(6), 482-493

    (7) Crosby, C. & Zoldan, J. (2019). “Evaluating the vasculogenic potential of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial progenitors in 3D collagen microenvironments.Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). 147 (2019): e59342

    (6) Crosby, C. & Zoldan, J. (2019). “Mimicking the physical cues of the ECM in angiogenic biomaterials.Regenerative Biomaterials, 6(2), 61-73

    (5) Allen, A., Barone, E., Momtahan, N., Crosby, C., Tu, C., Deng, W., Polanksy, K., Zoldan, J (2019). “Differentiating cardiomyocyte responses to varying degrees of substrate anisotropy.Tissue Engineering Part A, 25(19-20), 1426-1437

    (4) Crosby, C., Valliappan, D., Shu, D., Kumar, S., Tu, C., Deng, W., Parekh, S.H., & Zoldan, J. (2019). “Quantifying the vasculogenic potential of iPSC-derived endothelial progenitors in collagen hydrogels.Tissue Engineering Part A, 25(9-10), 746-758

    (3) Allen, A., Barone, E., Crosby, C., Suggs, L. J., & Zoldan, J. (2017). “Electrospun poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide)/poly (caprolactone) fibers for the generation of anisotropic cell sheets.” Biomaterials Science, 5(8), 1661-1669

    (2) Katta, N., Rector, J. Gardner, M., McElroy, A., Choy, K., Crosby, C., Zoldan, J., & Milner, T. (2017). “Image-guided smart laser system for precision implantation of cells in cartilage.” SPIE Medical Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics

    (1) Laws, K. J., Crosby, C., Sridhar, A., Conway, P., Koloadin, L.S., Zhao, M., Aron-Dine, S., & Bassman, L.C. (2015). “High entropy brasses and bronzes- microstructure, phase evolution, and properties.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 650, 949-961

  • Smart, J., Crosby C. “A quantitative evaluation of the printability of biomaterial inks.” 2022 Heart of Texas (HoT) Undergraduate Research Conference, Remote (pandemic), April 2022.

    Crosby, C., Hillsley, A., Kumar, S.B., Stern, B., Parekh, S.H., Rosales, A.M, Zoldan, J. ” Phototunable Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels Stimulate iPSC-EP Vasculogenesis.” North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) Focus Session (Emerging Technologies), Remote (pandemic), May 2021

    Crosby, C., Hillsley, A., Kumar, S.B., Stern, B., Parekh, S.H., Rosales, A.M, Zoldan, J. ” Phototunable Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels Stimulate iPSC-EP Vasculogenesis.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials (SFB), Remote (pandemic), April 2021

    Vergote, A.*, Crosby C. “Novel Bioinks: The Gateway to Bioprinting Complex Biological Tissues.” 2021 BBB South Central Virtual Regional Convention, Remote (pandemic), April 2021. Awarded 1st prize in Boudetase group.

    Crosby, C., Hillsley, A., Kumar, S.B., Stern, B., Parekh, S.H., Rosales, A.M, Zoldan, J. “Quantification of iPSC-derived vascular networks in novel interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels.” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (BMES) Annual Meeting, Remote (pandemic), October 2020

    Crosby C. “Toward a More Robust Microvascular Platform.” 2nd Annual Biophysics and Quantitative Biology Conference, Remote (pandemic), February 2021

    Crosby, C., Hillsley, A., Kumar, S.B., Stern, B., Parekh, S.H., Rosales, A.M, Zoldan, J. “Quantification of iPSC-derived vascular networks in novel interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels.” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (BMES) Annual Meeting, Remote (pandemic), October 2020

    Crosby, C., Hillsley, A., Kumar, S.B., Stern, B., Parekh, S.H., Rosales, A.M, Zoldan, J. “Towards a more robust vascular platform: Quantifying the vasculogenic potential of iPSC-derived endothelial progenitors in angiogenic hydrogels.” Trainee Symposium for Organoids & Organs-on-Chip, Remote (pandemic), August 2020

    Crosby, C., Zoldan, J. “Quantifying the vasculogenic potential of iPSC-derived endothelial progenitors in collagen hydrogels.” North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, October 2019

    Crosby, C., Zoldan, J. “Quantifying the vasculogenic potential of iPSC-derived endothelial progenitors in collagen hydrogels.” SFB Biomaterials Day, Rice University, Houston, TX, May 2019

    Crosby, C., Valliappan, D., Shu, D., Kumar, S., Tu, C., Deng, W., Parekh, S.H., & Zoldan, J. “Quantifying the vasculogenic potential of iPSC-derived endothelial progenitors in collagen hydrogels.” 2nd Rock Stars of Regenerative Engineering, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, January 2019

In the News

  • Assistant Professor of Physics Cody Crosby featured on KXAN

    Undergraduates in Assistant Professor of Physics Cody Crosby’s labs are learning how to “print” viable human tissues and organs.