- neighbob@southwestern.edu
- 512.863.1495
- Olin 216
Notable Achievements
Every year, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry awards Sam Taylor Fellowships to full-time faculty members at United Methodist–affiliated colleges and universities in Texas. This year, eight Southwestern University faculty members won grants up to $2,000:
- Associate Professor of French Aaron Prevots, “Esther Tellermann: Enigma, Prayer, Identity”
- Associate Professor of Spanish María de los Ángeles Rodriguez Cadena, “Cultural Memory and Historical Fiction: Women of the Past on Television and Film by Four Contemporary Mexican Women Directors”
- Associate Professor of Computer Science Barbara Anthony, “The Social Welfare of Human Behavior in Doodle Polls”
- Associate Professor of Psychology Bryan Neighbors, “Central Texas Treatment Center Aftercare Assessment”
- Associate Professor of German Erika Berroth, “Minimalism and Restraint”
- Professor of Psychology Fay Guarraci, “Poverty: Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Poverty Using an Animal Model”
- Assistant Professor of History Joseph Hower, “The Life and Career of Author–Activist Ralph de Toledano”
- Associate Professor of Communication Studies Valerie Renegar, “Contemporary Modes of Parenting: Disrupting the Representation of Stepmothers in Popular Culture”
Learn more about this prestigious grant here.
Bryan D. Neighbors
Associate Professor of Psychology
Dr. Neighbors received his B.S. (1988) in psychology from the University of Houston-Clear Lake, and his M.S. (1992) and Ph.D. (1994) in clinical psychology from the University of Georgia. He graduated with an emphasis in the disorders of childhood and adolescence. His clinical internship was conducted at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Clinical rotations included adolescent inpatient, child inpatient, family therapy, anxiety disorders clinic, emergency psychiatry, state hospital, and long-term outpatient care. Following graduate school he was awarded a National Institute of Mental Health postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Neighbors was a member of the faculty at Oklahoma State University where he trained doctoral students in clinical psychology for four years before coming to Southwestern in the fall of 2000.
- Forensic Psychology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Personality Theory and Research
- Survey of Research Methods
- Fixing the Broken Mind (First Year Seminar)
Dr. Neighbors supervises a wide variety of academic internships predominately in mental health and forensic psychology. Examples include
- Austin State Hospital
- Georgetown Police Department
- State Attorney General Criminal Prosecution
- Williamson County Juvenile Services
Research Areas
- Substance Abuse
- Psychopathic Traits
- Personality Disorders
- Attachment Relationships
Beginning during his undergraduate studies, Dr. Neighbors has focused his study on the problems of adolescence and young adulthood. Currently, his research examines the manner in which attachment relationships are related to high risk behaviors which have the potential to develop into psychological disorders (e.g., drug and alcohol abuse, binge eating). Parental, peer, and intimate relationships are studied, and a variety of mechanisms are explored including stress management, emotion regulation, conflict resolution, and peer pressure.
Segura, Y.L., Page, M., Neighbors, B.D., Nichols-Anderson, C., & Gillaspy, S. (2004). The importance of peers in alcohol use among Latino adolescents: The role of alcohol expectancies and acculturation. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 2, 31-49.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., Donovan, J. E., & Brody, G. (2000). Difficult temperament, parental relationships, and adolescent alcohol use disorder symptoms. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 10, 69-86.
Pilkonis, P.A., Neighbors, B.D., & Corbitt, E.M. (1999). Personality disorders: Treatments and costs. In N. Miller & K. Magruder (Eds.), Cost-effectiveness of psychotherapy: A guide for practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers. New York: Oxford University Press.
Clark, D. B., Neighbors, B. D., Lesnick, L. A., Lynch, K. G., & Donovan, J. E. (1998). Family functioning and adolescent alcohol use disorders. Journal of Family Psychology, 12, 81-92.
Forehand, R., Armistead, L., Wierson, M., Brody, G. H., Neighbors, B. D., Hannan, J., & Hemophilia PAC Project. (1997). Hemophilia and AIDS in married men: Functioning of family members. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 67, 470-484.
Neighbors, B. D., Forehand, R., & Bau, J. J. (1997). Interparental conflict and relations with parents as predictors of young adult functioning. Development and Psychopathology, 9, 169-187.
Clark, D.B., & Neighbors, B.D. (1996). Adolescent substance abuse and internalizing disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 5, 45-58.
Thomas, A.M., Forehand, R., & Neighbors, B. (1995). Change in maternal depressive mood: Unique contributions in adolescent functioning over time. Adolescence, 30, 43-52.
Clark, D.B., Smith, M.G., Neighbors, B.D., Skerlac, L.M., & Randall, J. (1994). Anxiety disorders in adolescence: Assessment, prevalence, and characteristics. Clinical Psychology Review, 14, 113-137.
Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., Devine, D., & Armistead, L. (1994). Interparental conflict and parental divorce: The individual, relative, and interactive effects on adolescents across four years. Family Relations, 43, 387-393.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., & McVicar, D. (1993). Resilient adolescents and interparental conflict. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63, 462-471.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., & Armistead, L. (1992). Is parental divorce a critical stressor for young adolescents? GPA as a case-in-point. Adolescence, 27, 639-646.
Neighbors, B., Kempton, T., & Forehand, R. (1992). Co-occurrence of substance abuse with conduct, anxiety, and depression disorders in juvenile delinquents. Addictive Behaviors, 17, 379-386.
Tannenbaum, L., Neighbors, B., & Forehand, R. (1992). The unique contribution of four maternal stressors to adolescent functioning. Journal of Early Adolescence, 12, 314-325.
Thomas, A.M., Lencke, L., Kempton, T., Lynch, S., Forehand, R., Nousiainen, S., Neighbors, B., & Tannenbaum, L. (1992). Early retention: Are there long term beneficial effects? Psychology in the Schools, 29, 342-347.
Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., & Wierson, M. (1991). The transition to adolescence: The role of gender and stress in problem behavior and competence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 32, 929-937.
Forehand, R., Wierson, M., Thomas, A.M., Armistead, L., Kempton, T., & Neighbors, B. (1991). The role of family stressors and parent relationships in adolescent functioning. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 30, 316-322.
Allen, R.R., Gonzales, M.A., Evans, K.L., Bajecal, P., & Neighbors, B.D. Attachment insecurity and cognitive distortions among offenders in substance treatment. Southwestern Psychological Association, April 2018.
Allen, R.R., Pollock, M.A., Swets, J.A., Goodman, A., Gonzales, M.A., Cook, A.J., & Neighbors, B.D. Personality traits, coping, and romantic relationships. Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, April 2018.
Neighbors, B.D., & Turney, B. Triarchic psychopathy model disinhibition subscale correlates positively with deviant sexual fantasy frequency in a college sample. Association for Psychological Science, May 2018.
Day, L.P., Lane, N.N., Maknojia, S.S., Turney, B.M., Weaver, S.F., Wood, G.K., & Neighbors, B.D. The role of cognitive consistency and psychopathic traits in sexual fantasy. Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, 2016.
Evans, K.L., Ricker, P.D., Terry, R.E., & Neighbors, B.D., Psychopathic traits, attachment, and personality pathology: A meditational model. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2016.
Evans, K.L., Hughes, V.J., Paulson, S.M., Ricker, P.D., Stockton, O.R., Terry, R.E., & Neighbors, B.D. Is the relationship between attachment security and psychopathy mediated by personality pathology? Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, 2015.
Scott, E., Manning, K., Duna, M., & Neighbors, B.D. Sexual risk-taking and binge drinking in college: The role of attitudes and values. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2015.
Scott, E. C., Duna, M.E., Manning, K.F., Sada, S.R., Goodman, S.R., & Neighbors, B.D. Behaviors at the bar and in the bedroom: Values associated with college students’ sexual risk-taking and binge drinking. Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, 2014.
Durham, M.R., Hodgin, L.E., & Neighbors, B.D. Relationship quality as a mediator between emotional intelligence and emotional functioning. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2011.
Horick, K., & Neighbors, B.D. Peer attachment security and eating disorder problem dimensions in college women. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2010.
Lopez-Fuentes, A., & Neighbors, B.D. Gender differences for alcohol consequences in specific areas of functioning. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2010.
Davis, B., & Neighbors, B.D. The relationship between coping strategies and negative emotions: Exploring gender differences. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009.
Domino, J.L., & Neighbors, B.D. Dimensions of intimate relationships and emotional functioning among college students. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Humpert, H., & Neighbors, B.D. Gender differences on scales of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-Personality Disorder. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009.
Thornton, L.C., & Neighbors, B.D. Gender equality extends to the bedroom: College student sexual risk taking. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009.
Neighbors, B.D., De Luna, D., Vandivier, J. B., & Harper, J.L. College women’s first semester drinking, binge drinking, and intoxication rivals men’s. Association for Psychological Science, 2008.
Neighbors, B.D., Ledbetter, B., Pinnell, M.E., & Peterson, M.K. College sexual risk taking: Parental attachment and peer influence correlations by gender. Association for Psychological Science, 2007.
Vandivier, J. B., Harper, J.L., De Luna, D., & Neighbors, B.D. Group attachment and eating disorder problem dimensions among college females. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2007.
Neighbors, B.D., Cummings-Robeau, T., Hadsell, A., Hartley, M.A., Ledbetter, B., & Pruneau, G. Childhood parental rejection and overprotection associated with adult personality disturbance: Gender specificity. Association for Psychological Science, 2006.
DeFilippo, J., Lewis, E., & Neighbors, B.D. Relationship between parental and romantic attachment may be gender specific. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2006.
Lewis, E., Hartley, M.A., DeFilippo, J., & Neighbors, B.D. “Loves me not”: Current parental attachment and personality dysfunction. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2006.
Pinnell, M.E., Peterson, M.K., & Neighbors, B.D. Internal and external factors associated with risky sexual behavior among college students. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2006. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Browning, M.E., Ledbetter, B.N., Peterson, M.K., Pinnell, M.B.E., Trejo, T.E., Zarria, G.A., & Neighbors, B.D. Factors that influence sexually risky behavior among college students. Southwestern University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Symposium, 2005.
Cummings, T.L., Neighbors, B.D., Gass, E., & Casbeer, A. Interparental conflict associated with parent-young adult child attachment security. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004.
Erwin, M.A., Neighbors, B.D., Vera, E., & Tesch, H. Dimensions of romantic attachment and symptoms of psychopathology. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Hadsell, A., Neighbors, B.D., & Leverenz, E. Are parental attachment security and adult romantic attachment styles related? Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004.
Ledbetter, B.N., & Neighbors, B.D. Eating disorder traits and dimensions of romantic attachment. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Pruneau, G., Neighbors, B.D., & Vera, E. Attachment and psychopathology: Attachment security, axis I symptoms, and gender. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004.
Goetz, E., Thibodeau, M.L., Neighbors, B.D., Whitley, D., Skladal, S., & Seale, A. Eating disorder symptoms: Comparing women from large and small colleges. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2003.
Neighbors, B.D., Goetz, E., & Thibodeau, M.L. Eating disorder problem dimensions associated with maternal and paternal attachment security. American Psychological Society, 2003.
Tesch, H., Leverenz, E., Vera, E., Gass, E., Casbeer, A., & Neighbors, B.D. Parental divorce, attachment security, and symptoms of psychopathology among undergraduate college students. Southwestern University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Symposium, 2003.
Thibodeau, M.L., Goetz, E., Neighbors, B.D., Seale, A., Skladal, S., & Whitley, D. Are sorority members at greater risk for developing eating disorders? Southwestern Psychological Association, 2003. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Gillaspy, S.R., Hoff, A.L., Mullins, L.L., & Neighbors, B.D. Association of depressive and anxiety symptoms with risky sexual behavior: Gender differences in high-risk youth. Great Lakes Pediatric Psychology Conference, 2002.
Neighbors, B.D., Skladal, S., Thibodeau, M., Whitley, D., Goetz, B., & Seale, M. A correlational analysis of parent-adolescent relationship dimensions and peer deviance. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2002.
Gillaspy, S.R., Ray, J., Neighbors, B.D., & Mullins, L.L. The relationship of family factors to risky sexual behavior: High-risk youth. Florida Conference on Child Health Psychology, 2001.
Vázquez, A., Kirkendall, K., Hudson, S., Starzynski, L., & Neighbors, B.D. Adolescent risky sexual behavior and parental relationship quality. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2001.
Gillaspy, S. R., Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., & Nichols-Anderson, C. L. Alcohol abuse in college students: Relationship between attachment and coping motivations. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2000.
Gillaspy, S. R., Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Ray, J. Attachment relationships and alcohol misuse among college students. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 2000.
Nichols-Anderson, C., Neighbors, B. D, Page, M., & Bailey, S. The relationship between sexual risk-taking and mental illness within an adolescent clinical population. Research Round-up Conference of Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO, 2000.
Segura, Y. L., Page, M., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Gillaspy, S. R. Alcohol related expectancies as a mediator of the influence of peers on Latino adolescent alcohol use. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 2000.
Gillaspy, S. R., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Segura, Y. L. Predictors of drinking motivations among college students: Parent and peer attachment. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Mar, A., Neighbors, B. D., & Segura, Y. L. Dimensions of the parent-adolescent relationship as predictors of adolescent alcohol use. Oklahoma Psychological Association, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D. Experimenting with videotape augmentation to lecture in the instruction of personality theory: Development of the research design. Oklahoma State University Faculty Development Conference, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., , Segura, Y. L., & Gillaspy, S. R. The role of drinking motivations in college student alcohol consumption patterns. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., Clark, D. B., & Donovan, J. E. Aggressiveness and assertiveness in adolescent alcohol abuse. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Segura, Y. L., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Gillaspy, S. R. A Multi-dimensional analysis of abusive drinking behaviors among college students: Gender differences in binge drinking, intoxication and alcohol related problems. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Warren, W., Mallet, K., & Neighbors, B.D. Father’s parenting and adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Oklahoma Psychological Association, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., & Donovan, J. E. Predictors of alcohol use disorders among adolescents with a problem drinking parent. International Conference on the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, 1998.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., Donovan, J. E., & Brody, G. The role of difficult temperament and parenting in adolescent alcohol consumption and symptomatology. International Conference on the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, 1998.
Neighbors, B. D., Mar. A., & Clark, D. B. A mediational model of family and peer influences on adolescent alcohol use: Gender differences. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1998.
Nichols-Anderson, C. L., Neighbors, B. D., Bailey, S., Kung, R. W., & Segura, Y. L. Sexual risk-taking among adolescents and its relationship with resistance to alcohol consumption. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1998.
Segura, Y. L., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., Kung, R. W., & Clark, D. B. Adolescent assertiveness and frequency of intoxication: An examination using the Adolescent Assertion Expression Scale. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1998.
Nichols-Anderson, C. L., Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., & Bailey, S. Adolescent sexual risk-taking behavior: The role of gender and parenting. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1998.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., Donovan, J. E., & Brody, G. Temperament and adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence: The role of family variables. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1997.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., & Donovan, J. E. Self-efficacy to resist drinking among adolescents diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1997.
Neighbors, B. D., & Pilkonis, P.A. DSM Axis II assessment in the prediction of patient functioning. Society for Psychotherapy Research, 1995.
Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., & Devine, D. The consequences of interparental conflict and parental divorce for adolescents: A longitudinal and comparative analysis. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1994.
Clark, D.B., Davis, N., & Neighbors, B. Family functioning, divorce and alcoholism in adolescents. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1993.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., & McVicar, D. The identification of resiliency among adolescents facing interparental conflict: An analysis of cognitive competence and internalizing problems. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Neighbors, B., Kempton, T., & Forehand, R. The relationship of substance abuse to other psychiatric disorders among a juvenile delinquent sample. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Tannenbaum, L., Neighbors, B., & Forehand, R. The relationship of maternal stressors to adolescent functioning. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Thomas, A.M., Forehand, R., & Neighbors, B. Effects of the stability of marital conflict on adolescents. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Wierson, M., Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., Kempton, T., & Armistead, L. Predicting recidivism in incarcerated juvenile delinquents: The role of mental health diagnoses. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., Wierson, M., Kempton, T., & Armistead, L. Developmental changes in functioning from childhood to adolescence: The role of gender and parental marital status. Southeastern Psychological Association, 1990.
Wierson, M., Armistead, L., Kempton, T., Neighbors, B., Thomas, A.M., Forehand, R., & Fauber, R. Mediators in the relationship between family stressors and adolescent functioning. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1990.
Downs, A.C., & Neighbors, B.D. Adolescents’ attributions of “normal” and atypical peers. Southwestern Psychological Association, 1989.
Dr. Neighbors received his B.S. (1988) in psychology from the University of Houston-Clear Lake, and his M.S. (1992) and Ph.D. (1994) in clinical psychology from the University of Georgia. He graduated with an emphasis in the disorders of childhood and adolescence. His clinical internship was conducted at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Clinical rotations included adolescent inpatient, child inpatient, family therapy, anxiety disorders clinic, emergency psychiatry, state hospital, and long-term outpatient care. Following graduate school he was awarded a National Institute of Mental Health postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Neighbors was a member of the faculty at Oklahoma State University where he trained doctoral students in clinical psychology for four years before coming to Southwestern in the fall of 2000.
- Forensic Psychology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Personality Theory and Research
- Survey of Research Methods
- Fixing the Broken Mind (First Year Seminar)
Dr. Neighbors supervises a wide variety of academic internships predominately in mental health and forensic psychology. Examples include
- Austin State Hospital
- Georgetown Police Department
- State Attorney General Criminal Prosecution
- Williamson County Juvenile Services
Research Areas
- Substance Abuse
- Psychopathic Traits
- Personality Disorders
- Attachment Relationships
Beginning during his undergraduate studies, Dr. Neighbors has focused his study on the problems of adolescence and young adulthood. Currently, his research examines the manner in which attachment relationships are related to high risk behaviors which have the potential to develop into psychological disorders (e.g., drug and alcohol abuse, binge eating). Parental, peer, and intimate relationships are studied, and a variety of mechanisms are explored including stress management, emotion regulation, conflict resolution, and peer pressure.
Segura, Y.L., Page, M., Neighbors, B.D., Nichols-Anderson, C., & Gillaspy, S. (2004). The importance of peers in alcohol use among Latino adolescents: The role of alcohol expectancies and acculturation. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 2, 31-49.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., Donovan, J. E., & Brody, G. (2000). Difficult temperament, parental relationships, and adolescent alcohol use disorder symptoms. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 10, 69-86.
Pilkonis, P.A., Neighbors, B.D., & Corbitt, E.M. (1999). Personality disorders: Treatments and costs. In N. Miller & K. Magruder (Eds.), Cost-effectiveness of psychotherapy: A guide for practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers. New York: Oxford University Press.
Clark, D. B., Neighbors, B. D., Lesnick, L. A., Lynch, K. G., & Donovan, J. E. (1998). Family functioning and adolescent alcohol use disorders. Journal of Family Psychology, 12, 81-92.
Forehand, R., Armistead, L., Wierson, M., Brody, G. H., Neighbors, B. D., Hannan, J., & Hemophilia PAC Project. (1997). Hemophilia and AIDS in married men: Functioning of family members. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 67, 470-484.
Neighbors, B. D., Forehand, R., & Bau, J. J. (1997). Interparental conflict and relations with parents as predictors of young adult functioning. Development and Psychopathology, 9, 169-187.
Clark, D.B., & Neighbors, B.D. (1996). Adolescent substance abuse and internalizing disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 5, 45-58.
Thomas, A.M., Forehand, R., & Neighbors, B. (1995). Change in maternal depressive mood: Unique contributions in adolescent functioning over time. Adolescence, 30, 43-52.
Clark, D.B., Smith, M.G., Neighbors, B.D., Skerlac, L.M., & Randall, J. (1994). Anxiety disorders in adolescence: Assessment, prevalence, and characteristics. Clinical Psychology Review, 14, 113-137.
Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., Devine, D., & Armistead, L. (1994). Interparental conflict and parental divorce: The individual, relative, and interactive effects on adolescents across four years. Family Relations, 43, 387-393.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., & McVicar, D. (1993). Resilient adolescents and interparental conflict. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63, 462-471.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., & Armistead, L. (1992). Is parental divorce a critical stressor for young adolescents? GPA as a case-in-point. Adolescence, 27, 639-646.
Neighbors, B., Kempton, T., & Forehand, R. (1992). Co-occurrence of substance abuse with conduct, anxiety, and depression disorders in juvenile delinquents. Addictive Behaviors, 17, 379-386.
Tannenbaum, L., Neighbors, B., & Forehand, R. (1992). The unique contribution of four maternal stressors to adolescent functioning. Journal of Early Adolescence, 12, 314-325.
Thomas, A.M., Lencke, L., Kempton, T., Lynch, S., Forehand, R., Nousiainen, S., Neighbors, B., & Tannenbaum, L. (1992). Early retention: Are there long term beneficial effects? Psychology in the Schools, 29, 342-347.
Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., & Wierson, M. (1991). The transition to adolescence: The role of gender and stress in problem behavior and competence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 32, 929-937.
Forehand, R., Wierson, M., Thomas, A.M., Armistead, L., Kempton, T., & Neighbors, B. (1991). The role of family stressors and parent relationships in adolescent functioning. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 30, 316-322.
Allen, R.R., Gonzales, M.A., Evans, K.L., Bajecal, P., & Neighbors, B.D. Attachment insecurity and cognitive distortions among offenders in substance treatment. Southwestern Psychological Association, April 2018.
Allen, R.R., Pollock, M.A., Swets, J.A., Goodman, A., Gonzales, M.A., Cook, A.J., & Neighbors, B.D. Personality traits, coping, and romantic relationships. Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, April 2018.
Neighbors, B.D., & Turney, B. Triarchic psychopathy model disinhibition subscale correlates positively with deviant sexual fantasy frequency in a college sample. Association for Psychological Science, May 2018.
Day, L.P., Lane, N.N., Maknojia, S.S., Turney, B.M., Weaver, S.F., Wood, G.K., & Neighbors, B.D. The role of cognitive consistency and psychopathic traits in sexual fantasy. Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, 2016.
Evans, K.L., Ricker, P.D., Terry, R.E., & Neighbors, B.D., Psychopathic traits, attachment, and personality pathology: A meditational model. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2016.
Evans, K.L., Hughes, V.J., Paulson, S.M., Ricker, P.D., Stockton, O.R., Terry, R.E., & Neighbors, B.D. Is the relationship between attachment security and psychopathy mediated by personality pathology? Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, 2015.
Scott, E., Manning, K., Duna, M., & Neighbors, B.D. Sexual risk-taking and binge drinking in college: The role of attitudes and values. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2015.
Scott, E. C., Duna, M.E., Manning, K.F., Sada, S.R., Goodman, S.R., & Neighbors, B.D. Behaviors at the bar and in the bedroom: Values associated with college students’ sexual risk-taking and binge drinking. Southwestern University Student Works Symposium, 2014.
Durham, M.R., Hodgin, L.E., & Neighbors, B.D. Relationship quality as a mediator between emotional intelligence and emotional functioning. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2011.
Horick, K., & Neighbors, B.D. Peer attachment security and eating disorder problem dimensions in college women. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2010.
Lopez-Fuentes, A., & Neighbors, B.D. Gender differences for alcohol consequences in specific areas of functioning. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2010.
Davis, B., & Neighbors, B.D. The relationship between coping strategies and negative emotions: Exploring gender differences. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009.
Domino, J.L., & Neighbors, B.D. Dimensions of intimate relationships and emotional functioning among college students. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Humpert, H., & Neighbors, B.D. Gender differences on scales of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-Personality Disorder. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009.
Thornton, L.C., & Neighbors, B.D. Gender equality extends to the bedroom: College student sexual risk taking. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2009.
Neighbors, B.D., De Luna, D., Vandivier, J. B., & Harper, J.L. College women’s first semester drinking, binge drinking, and intoxication rivals men’s. Association for Psychological Science, 2008.
Neighbors, B.D., Ledbetter, B., Pinnell, M.E., & Peterson, M.K. College sexual risk taking: Parental attachment and peer influence correlations by gender. Association for Psychological Science, 2007.
Vandivier, J. B., Harper, J.L., De Luna, D., & Neighbors, B.D. Group attachment and eating disorder problem dimensions among college females. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2007.
Neighbors, B.D., Cummings-Robeau, T., Hadsell, A., Hartley, M.A., Ledbetter, B., & Pruneau, G. Childhood parental rejection and overprotection associated with adult personality disturbance: Gender specificity. Association for Psychological Science, 2006.
DeFilippo, J., Lewis, E., & Neighbors, B.D. Relationship between parental and romantic attachment may be gender specific. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2006.
Lewis, E., Hartley, M.A., DeFilippo, J., & Neighbors, B.D. “Loves me not”: Current parental attachment and personality dysfunction. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2006.
Pinnell, M.E., Peterson, M.K., & Neighbors, B.D. Internal and external factors associated with risky sexual behavior among college students. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2006. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Browning, M.E., Ledbetter, B.N., Peterson, M.K., Pinnell, M.B.E., Trejo, T.E., Zarria, G.A., & Neighbors, B.D. Factors that influence sexually risky behavior among college students. Southwestern University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Symposium, 2005.
Cummings, T.L., Neighbors, B.D., Gass, E., & Casbeer, A. Interparental conflict associated with parent-young adult child attachment security. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004.
Erwin, M.A., Neighbors, B.D., Vera, E., & Tesch, H. Dimensions of romantic attachment and symptoms of psychopathology. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Hadsell, A., Neighbors, B.D., & Leverenz, E. Are parental attachment security and adult romantic attachment styles related? Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004.
Ledbetter, B.N., & Neighbors, B.D. Eating disorder traits and dimensions of romantic attachment. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Pruneau, G., Neighbors, B.D., & Vera, E. Attachment and psychopathology: Attachment security, axis I symptoms, and gender. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2004.
Goetz, E., Thibodeau, M.L., Neighbors, B.D., Whitley, D., Skladal, S., & Seale, A. Eating disorder symptoms: Comparing women from large and small colleges. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2003.
Neighbors, B.D., Goetz, E., & Thibodeau, M.L. Eating disorder problem dimensions associated with maternal and paternal attachment security. American Psychological Society, 2003.
Tesch, H., Leverenz, E., Vera, E., Gass, E., Casbeer, A., & Neighbors, B.D. Parental divorce, attachment security, and symptoms of psychopathology among undergraduate college students. Southwestern University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Symposium, 2003.
Thibodeau, M.L., Goetz, E., Neighbors, B.D., Seale, A., Skladal, S., & Whitley, D. Are sorority members at greater risk for developing eating disorders? Southwestern Psychological Association, 2003. *Psi Chi Regional Research Award*
Gillaspy, S.R., Hoff, A.L., Mullins, L.L., & Neighbors, B.D. Association of depressive and anxiety symptoms with risky sexual behavior: Gender differences in high-risk youth. Great Lakes Pediatric Psychology Conference, 2002.
Neighbors, B.D., Skladal, S., Thibodeau, M., Whitley, D., Goetz, B., & Seale, M. A correlational analysis of parent-adolescent relationship dimensions and peer deviance. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2002.
Gillaspy, S.R., Ray, J., Neighbors, B.D., & Mullins, L.L. The relationship of family factors to risky sexual behavior: High-risk youth. Florida Conference on Child Health Psychology, 2001.
Vázquez, A., Kirkendall, K., Hudson, S., Starzynski, L., & Neighbors, B.D. Adolescent risky sexual behavior and parental relationship quality. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2001.
Gillaspy, S. R., Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., & Nichols-Anderson, C. L. Alcohol abuse in college students: Relationship between attachment and coping motivations. Southwestern Psychological Association, 2000.
Gillaspy, S. R., Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Ray, J. Attachment relationships and alcohol misuse among college students. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 2000.
Nichols-Anderson, C., Neighbors, B. D, Page, M., & Bailey, S. The relationship between sexual risk-taking and mental illness within an adolescent clinical population. Research Round-up Conference of Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO, 2000.
Segura, Y. L., Page, M., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Gillaspy, S. R. Alcohol related expectancies as a mediator of the influence of peers on Latino adolescent alcohol use. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 2000.
Gillaspy, S. R., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Segura, Y. L. Predictors of drinking motivations among college students: Parent and peer attachment. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Mar, A., Neighbors, B. D., & Segura, Y. L. Dimensions of the parent-adolescent relationship as predictors of adolescent alcohol use. Oklahoma Psychological Association, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D. Experimenting with videotape augmentation to lecture in the instruction of personality theory: Development of the research design. Oklahoma State University Faculty Development Conference, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., , Segura, Y. L., & Gillaspy, S. R. The role of drinking motivations in college student alcohol consumption patterns. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., Clark, D. B., & Donovan, J. E. Aggressiveness and assertiveness in adolescent alcohol abuse. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Segura, Y. L., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., & Gillaspy, S. R. A Multi-dimensional analysis of abusive drinking behaviors among college students: Gender differences in binge drinking, intoxication and alcohol related problems. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1999.
Warren, W., Mallet, K., & Neighbors, B.D. Father’s parenting and adolescent internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Oklahoma Psychological Association, 1999.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., & Donovan, J. E. Predictors of alcohol use disorders among adolescents with a problem drinking parent. International Conference on the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, 1998.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., Donovan, J. E., & Brody, G. The role of difficult temperament and parenting in adolescent alcohol consumption and symptomatology. International Conference on the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, 1998.
Neighbors, B. D., Mar. A., & Clark, D. B. A mediational model of family and peer influences on adolescent alcohol use: Gender differences. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1998.
Nichols-Anderson, C. L., Neighbors, B. D., Bailey, S., Kung, R. W., & Segura, Y. L. Sexual risk-taking among adolescents and its relationship with resistance to alcohol consumption. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1998.
Segura, Y. L., Neighbors, B. D., Nichols-Anderson, C. L., Kung, R. W., & Clark, D. B. Adolescent assertiveness and frequency of intoxication: An examination using the Adolescent Assertion Expression Scale. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1998.
Nichols-Anderson, C. L., Neighbors, B. D., Segura, Y. L., & Bailey, S. Adolescent sexual risk-taking behavior: The role of gender and parenting. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1998.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., Donovan, J. E., & Brody, G. Temperament and adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence: The role of family variables. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1997.
Neighbors, B. D., Clark, D. B., & Donovan, J. E. Self-efficacy to resist drinking among adolescents diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1997.
Neighbors, B. D., & Pilkonis, P.A. DSM Axis II assessment in the prediction of patient functioning. Society for Psychotherapy Research, 1995.
Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., & Devine, D. The consequences of interparental conflict and parental divorce for adolescents: A longitudinal and comparative analysis. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1994.
Clark, D.B., Davis, N., & Neighbors, B. Family functioning, divorce and alcoholism in adolescents. Research Society on Alcoholism, 1993.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., & McVicar, D. The identification of resiliency among adolescents facing interparental conflict: An analysis of cognitive competence and internalizing problems. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Neighbors, B., Kempton, T., & Forehand, R. The relationship of substance abuse to other psychiatric disorders among a juvenile delinquent sample. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Tannenbaum, L., Neighbors, B., & Forehand, R. The relationship of maternal stressors to adolescent functioning. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Thomas, A.M., Forehand, R., & Neighbors, B. Effects of the stability of marital conflict on adolescents. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Wierson, M., Forehand, R., Neighbors, B., Kempton, T., & Armistead, L. Predicting recidivism in incarcerated juvenile delinquents: The role of mental health diagnoses. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
Neighbors, B., Forehand, R., Wierson, M., Kempton, T., & Armistead, L. Developmental changes in functioning from childhood to adolescence: The role of gender and parental marital status. Southeastern Psychological Association, 1990.
Wierson, M., Armistead, L., Kempton, T., Neighbors, B., Thomas, A.M., Forehand, R., & Fauber, R. Mediators in the relationship between family stressors and adolescent functioning. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1990.
Downs, A.C., & Neighbors, B.D. Adolescents’ attributions of “normal” and atypical peers. Southwestern Psychological Association, 1989.
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